The Prophetic Significance of Nine — and How It Speaks to The Nations
The Powerful Prophetic Significance of Nine (9) and how it’s speaking to The Nations.
Birthing, Judgement, The rise of a New Kingdom Era and the works of sorcery being overthrown!
It was brought to my attention yesterday as King Charles III delivered his speech, that the video was exactly nine (9) minutes long.
Again, I believe, seeing these things through a prophetic lens, we see that once again, even the length of the video is highly significant, and speaks to what’s prophetically unfolding, and how God is Aligning Nations.
The Number Nine (9), is highly significant in the Word of God. The number is seen (49) times in Scripture.
This highly significant number nine (9) will often symbolise “divine completeness”… the meaning of Finality.
Nine (9) also speaks of Birthing, and or Judgment. Nine (9) is one of those numbers with a double meaning, it can also speak to even a simultaneous move of God.
Our Saviour died at the ninth hour of the day, or 3 p.m., to make the way of Salvation open to everyone.
The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is the only one of God’s annual Feast Days of Worship that requires believers to fast for one day.
This special day — considered by many Jews to be the holiest of the year — begins at sunset on day nine (9) of the seventh Hebrew month (Leviticus 23:32).
(We have just entered into the Seventh month.) Feast of Trumpets…
The number nine (9) represents the Nine (9) Fruits of God’s Holy Spirit, which are Faithfulness, Gentleness, Goodness, Joy, Kindness, Long suffering, Love, Peace and Self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
The Nine (9) Gifts of the Spirit — the Word of Knowledge, Increased Faith, the Gifts of Healing, the Gift of Miracles, Prophecy, the Discernment of Spirits, Diverse kinds of Tongues and Interpretation of Tongues.
What is very poignant and interesting, is that I have prophesied about, “A Stitch in Time Save Nine“, and, “A Prayer in Time Saves a Nation from Judgment.”
See Prophetic Word and Timeline given concerning the Nation; “A Stitch in Time Save Nine” and “UK: 2020 The Call: A Nation Saved!“
And lastly, the Number nine (9) can speak to Sorcery, and what’s interesting about this, is that I shared at the very beginning of 2022, that we would see the works of Sorcery moving powerfully, but it would be overthrown by the Jaws of Truth, Righteousness, Justice and Victory!
Word Given on December 4, 2021: “Let My People Go!” A Spiritual Showdown!“
“The LORD has given me powerful words for 2022. He gave me the first word at the beginning of December. I heard the Spirit say, “Sheep nations in [an] exodus shall be led by a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. For My glory shall overshadow them and My fire shall protect and preserve them. I shall lead them to the land I have promised them!”
The LORD then led to me the book of Exodus and took me to the portion where Aaron’s rod turned into a snake and swallowed up the other rods that had turned into snakes; the ones which belonged to the magicians and sorcerers of Pharaoh (see Exodus 7:8-12).
Consider also the budding of Aaron’s rod: Hebrews 9:4 tells us that Aaron’s rod remained in the Ark of the Covenant as a testimony of God’s choice of Aaron and Moses to lead His people. Aaron’s rod was also a reminder that God does not put up with rebellion against Himself or His chosen representatives on Earth (see 1 Corinthians 10:10).
Then I heard The LORD say this concerning 2022: “Listen for a cry of ‘Let My people go’ [that] will reverberate across the nations of the earth. For a great spiritual showdown has begun between the power and authority of the key of David vs. the power and authority of the counterfeit spirits of Leviathan. See! For it will be a showdown between Satan’s smoke and mirrors vs. beholding the power of God’s glory made manifest in the nations of the earth. For ruling counterfeit spirits of light will seek to mimic and masquerade as the real and the genuine in the midst of the undiscerning and those [who] have chosen religion over intimate relationship.
“Therefore, beloved, listen and take heed and fear not and think it not strange. For My ways are not your ways, and My thoughts are not your thoughts. For I will harden their hearts [so] that I may display the powers of My glory in the nations of the earth. Watch and pray! For have I not said, ‘Be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves’? Watch! For now is the time when My governmental hand of justice and judgment will move to strike down the counterfeit powers of the serpent spirit of Leviathan that rages over the birthrights and destinies of the nations of the earth.
“Watch, for I say to you: the authority of the key of 22:22 shall be in your mouth, and you shall bind and loose, and He shall open and none shall shut; and He shall shut and none shall open. For the powers of the serpent spirit of Leviathan shall be swallowed up by the jaws of My truth, My righteousness, My justice and My victory!”
As I heard the Spirit speak these things to me, He then quickened to me the book of Isaiah, the 11th chapter. As I went to read the 11th chapter, which speaks of the seven-fold Spirits of God, I heard these words: “Watch, for My 11th hour kings and high priests are rising in this hour. For a divine convergence of the power of My seven Spirits is now taking place. For I shall pour out a double portion of My anointing upon the heads of My servant kings and high priests in this new era.”
Then The LORD quickened to me the 22nd chapter of Isaiah (Isaiah 22:22) which says, “I will give him the key to the house of David—the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.“
Then He led me to Matthew 16:19: “I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you bind on Earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on Earth will be loosed in Heaven.”
Then the Spirit of Revelation took me back to Isaiah 22:22 and I heard these words: “For 2022 shall be a year of the key of David being laid upon the shoulders of My righteous remnant, and they shall rule and reign in the kingly anointing of David that shall break and shatter to pieces the heavy yoke of oppression and deception over the nations of the earth.”
The LORD showed me a powerful, prophetic parallel between the word for 2022 (the spiritual showdown between the power and authority of the key of David vs. the power and authority of the counterfeit spirits of Leviathan) and the vision of the fatted calf being prepared for sheep nations that will return in repentance.
I saw that as prodigal nations returned to the altar, they received the kingly robe, the key of David and a gold signet ring. This all symbolizes the governmental authority of the key of David. Sheep nations will begin to rule and reign in great power and victory over the antichrist spirit that will arise to govern over goat nations! We will see that the powers of the serpent spirit of Leviathan will be swallowed up by the jaws of truth, righteousness, justice and victory.”
Nine (9) continued:
In the Old Testament there are at least 9 groups, or individuals, who practiced Sorcery.
Although modern culture and entertainment tends to paint those who practice such ‘black arts’ in a benign or even positive light (e.g. stories and movies directed at children), the motives of Old Testament sorcerers was evil to the core.
These groups or individuals are the following:
- God promised to punish the Egyptians and to destroy the counsels of their charmers, conjurers, magicians and those who cast spells (Isaiah 19:3,11-12).
- Egypt’s Pharaoh called upon his sorcerers and magicians to confront the miracles God was doing through Moses and Aaron (Exodus 7:11, 22; 8:7,18).
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Many prophecies contained in these articles. I so appreciate all that is being said here. Thank you Veronika
Veronika, I have followed you several years now and sense you are trustworthy. I would like to know how the Lord has led you regarding Queen Elizabeth II. I have had people tell me that she was part of the NWO. I do not get that sense and believe she was a Believer. I’m looking for confirmation so I can reprove these these people of false accusations!
In Christ’s Love.
This word resonates with me. I feel there is deep significance in Queen Elizabeth’s decision to remain in Scotland until her passing. She was a praying woman, and this action makes a stitch of connection between England and Scotland at a time of great challenge. A stitch in time, perhaps?
The speech was given on 9th September (9/9/22).
Thank you for explaining the prophetic signifigance of the number 9.
And on “Let My people Go! A Spiritual Showdown,” was so precise. Very much Spiritual truths and accuracy.
I want to thank you for posting this Veronika.
Things will never be the same.
People are stuck in a system they don’t even know exists, I know this because so was I.
Unlike Egypt, this deliverance is spiritual, but the result will be Heaven not just touching earth, but consuming it!!
Oh my goodness, what a time to be alive!!
His Blessing upon you this Day beautiful lady!!