The Power of A Vow
The LORD has been speaking to me recently about negative vows and the binding effect they have on people.
I felt a strong stirring this morning to bring this before others as a reminder from The LORD that some of you have made vows that are “on record” in The Spirit and need to be broken.
Those old vows, which you may have forgotten about as they were words spoken in a moment of hurt or disappointment, are still being enforced in The Spirit Realm and are hindering your ability to receive a breakthrough.
Sometimes those vows sound like,
- “I will never let anyone hurt me like that again,” or
- “I will never trust anyone and allow myself to be vulnerable again. I will be in control of my own life.”
Or, maybe it sounds like,
- “I will never forgive you for how you disappointed me.”
Other examples might be something like,
- “I will never be like my mother/ father,” or
- “If this is what Church/ religion is like, I want nothing to do with God/ Christianity/ the Church/ my calling.”
There are many vows people can make in an attempt to shield themselves from hurt and disappointment, or a desire to not become like someone that offended them, but these sort of negative vows are all ungodly and actually bind us to the opposite.
This can lead to extreme behaviors in the opposite direction. Our attempt to guard our hearts in self preservation becomes a form of isolation and creates a deep sense of dissatisfaction and loneliness, because the individual cannot develop trust, intimacy and deeper connection with even the people closest to them such as spouses, children, family and friends.
The individual stays guarded and at an emotional distance. Ungodly vows can also prevent people from fulfilling their destiny/ calling.
When a person makes this sort of a vow, they actually give away their legal rights to the enemy, never stopping to consider how it would affect their future or future relationships.
It’s actually a form of idolatry to keep our hearts in our own hands rather than place our trust in The LORD to heal our hearts and give us back the ability to live free instead of in chains.
Those walls of self-preservation we set up to keep us safe actually serve to keep God out, too, because God works through others.
He longs to minister hope and healing, but fear of trusting Him and others is like a closed door to our hearts.
Fear blocks Jesus from being able to come in and uproot those lies in our belief system.
Fear allows pride to keep us stuck as we try to master our own lives without His help, and fear prevents The Holy Spirit from releasing the truth that will set us free, because fear is a closed door.
Fear makes slaves and keeps us in the pain of captivity.
Only we can decide when we want change and are ready to open the door to our heart from the inside.
Only we can invite The LORD into our heart once again and ask Him to uproot all the hurt and disappointment that we’ve incurred in our past seasons of life.
Ask Him to tear down the fortified walls around your heart. Choose to forgive whatever happened and let go. It is the only path to freedom and healing.
Only we can invite The Holy Spirit to fill every part of us and break the power of old vows that lock us out of fulfilling relationships, intimacy with God and others, and the ability to fulfill our calling.
God can only work through faith and obedience. He is a gentleman and will always allow us to choose what we want, but we cannot bypass the consequences of our own unbelief and disobedience.
Are you ready for the new that God has for you?
Pray to break any ungodly vows or agreements that may be hindering your ability to make progress.
I repent for any ungodly vows that have been binding upon me, whether I made them, or they were made by my ancestors, either knowingly or unknowingly. (Be specific where possible.)
Forgive me for careless words that gave the enemy legal rights to enforce a vow or agreement, and for not trusting You with my heart.
I put The Blood of Jesus over any ungodly vow, covenants or agreements the enemy is still enforcing and ask that you break every chain in my life.
Please help me experience all the good that You have for me and my family, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
~ Laura Gagnon
Laura Gagnon is a woman who has been blessed with the gift of understanding God’s restorative work through her own personal experience. Through her insights and revelation, God has led her to influence many individuals into a restored relationship with Jesus Christ. She is a woman who stands on the promises of God, encouraging others in an elevated expectation of the miraculous and declares the gift of His life. Laura is the author of Healing the Heart of a Woman and writes for her blog, Beyond the Barriers.
Amen. Thank you
Praise God! Amen! God bless you, sister Laura! I appreciate you sharing this truth about broken personal vows and promises, because I am certainly guilty of this, confessing with my beloved sister in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, that I’ve been guilty as charged and will follow this prayer, allowing the Holy Spirit to shape and mold me going forward, not the be so quick to make promises, but to walk with God each day, giving him heart each moment without making solemn promises to him, man or woman, but being completely honest, despite of how others judge or look at me, to let my yes be yes and my nay be nay, without making promises that will break or oaths of swearing, which God forbids according to his Word.
God bless you, Sister Laura! I appreciate you sharing what the Lord God has shared with you. I receive and embrace, allowing God to making in my life, with my words, intentions, promises or vows.I thank God for you, God bless you,extend the love, peace and blessings in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior!❤️
Hi Normn,
So glad it hit home and now you are more aware of a vow that needed to be broken! God delights in giving us the victory!