The Open Door to Somewhere
What are you hearing in this season of rearranging, restoring, revamping, and reconciliation?
Are you turning your ear to hear, morning by morning, as HE gives new understanding for your positioning?
As we come through the Days of Awe, we are experiencing a sobering time of repentance that will lead to much reconciliation and true revelation for the now time we live in.
Sometimes we must close one door behind us in order to go forth through the door of opportunity that is opening for us.
Much rearranging and revamping is taking place behind the scenes.
As I heard the word rearranging, I realized the real meaning of this is simply to put something into a new order or to plug something back in its original order — or perhaps change the position or time or order of something.
That is exactly what we are seeing take place in our country today.
Revamping was also something I had to stop and meditate on. The definition is
“an act or instance of restructuring, reordering, or revising something; overhaul: (like a revamp of the nation’s foreign policy)”
So I suggest to you more changes are on the horizon.
“As sure as the leaves begin to change color and fall to the ground, so shall you have before you an unexpected entry or new doorway before you,” says The LORD, “but it will not come in an expected WAY.
For it is not anything that you have not been looking for. Know that I AM always at work behind the scenes redeeming that which has been lost.”
It is simplicity in the simplest form… we must let go of what we are holding onto in order to take hold of what The LORD is handing us.
We leave and go..we believe and receive… we let go and grab hold.
Do you need to close a door today simply because it leads nowhere…. not because of anger, fear or failure, but simply because The LORD is leading you into new places to do new things with new people to produce new life?
So I suggest we close the door of NOWHERE and walk through the door of SOMEWHERE.
New relationships, reconciliation, restoration are all just around the corner through the door of SOMEWHERE.
Abraham went out… not knowing WHERE… but knowing WHO!
He took GOD’S hand in FAITH knowing SOMEONE was walking beside him.
Is this the day to close the door that is leading NOWHERE and step through the door called SOMEWHERE?
I heard The LORD say to me, “When you ring the doorbell of SOMEWHERE, there will be SOMEONE who is a divine connection for your SOMETHING waiting for you.”
Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart, for Today is much better than SOMEDAY.
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman of Matters of the Heart website was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
That is just a GOOD WORD!!! THANK YOU!!
Filled with “many fruit clusters” both to “eat of” and “to share”
#InSeason!!! …apples of GOLD in settings of SILVER!!
Amen Herre