The Old Paths of Relationship
I’m sitting here this morning in deep thought before the Father.
There are times that I don’t like what ABBA shows me, because it requires me to do some things that are hurtful to my heart, but are necessary for my survival and the survival of the vision He has given me.
There are moments when as a leader, we will all have a emotional struggle with some things.
It is during those moments that you have to have complete trust in YAH and know that things will work out.
The pass three months has been months of YAH showing me toxic situations and people.
In the course of the process of the new thing that is taking place, there have been major shakeups the removal of situations, and even people who were not in the will of YAH for this hour.
I am seeing how devious the hearts of people are toward leaders and how people are doing hookups, instead of connections to the vision of a man or woman of YAH.
I’m watching leaders seduce people out of their assigned places, because of the substance the persons can bring to their ministry.
I’m seeing how the love of money is bringing many in ministry to ruin and causing them to sell out their relationship with YAH for platforms and positions.
YAH is allowing me to now see the whole truth and depth of what is taking place now among the people and the impact of many of the things He showed me years ago.
There are things that were revealed years ago that are now being brought to light.
The corruption among the Body of believers has escalated to mass proportions, causing a spiritual disturbance that is now taking its toil on the people.
The seduction of compromise has produced so much error and has caused a form of godliness that many are embracing, because the Spirit of Truth is being down played through the preaching and teaching that is going forth from false teachers and lying preachers.
So much chaos and confusion has been released and the people are uncertain about what to believe, because they depend on man, more than YAH.
Many are deceived in this hour because they don’t have a true relationship with YAH.
They are depending on prophets and prophecy, more than forming a relationship with YAH.
They don’t have a fasting and prayer life. They don’t study the Word of YAH for themselves.
They don’t have the real understanding of the death burial and resurrection of YESHUA the Christ and what it accomplish for them as a born again believer.
The teaching of being baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit as the Spirit gives utterance, has been replaced with another method.
The old path of holiness living a lifestyle that exemplifies YESHUA has been replaced with a teaching that says “you can yet live in the attributes of the world and not change” and YAH is alright with you “living a sinful uncommitted life”.
We have taken the grace message and crippled the people.
His grace is not so that you won’t have to change, but it is there so that you will be given the opportunity to work toward changing from your old lifestyle to your new life in YESHUA!
We have damaged the people and hindered their relationship with YAH by giving them a false impression of YAH’s grace.
2 Corinthians 5:17 declares to us that as a new creature the old things (character behavior attitudes mindset) are passed away and all things become new.
There is supposed to be not only a inner but a outer showing of the change that has occurred in us when we accept YESHUA as our Savior.
We are saying we are filled with the Holy Spirit but yet we are not allowing His Spirit to cleanse us from unrighteousness.
If we are yet walking willingly in ungodliness then we have not did what is necessary to bring us out of darkness into His light.
Today YAH is calling for us to truly begin to seek Him for a real lasting honest relationship.
It’s time for us to truly come out of darkness and begin to live and walk in a holy and righteous lifestyle according to His Word and ways.
We can no longer make excuses for our own willingness to sin and walk in iniquity.
We make the decision to follow after the temptations. It is our choice. We can come out of sin and live a lifestyle that is set apart when we choose to submit to YAH.
It’s only hard for us when we don’t want to walk away from those things that are pleasing to our flesh and that we desire.
It’s up to us to let go of the sinful ways that separates us from ABBA.
This morning YAH is talking heavy to me. As He asks for a more consecrated and committed standard there are decisions that must be made.
It’s time to truly put my foot down even all the more on those things I see out of order in the whole Body of Believers and in the individual lives of the people!
I’m watching people, try to get away with whatever they can, because they don’t want to crucify their flesh.
I often ask YAH, why do people want to connect to persons they know live a Holy lifestyle, when they don’t want to walk that depth of consecration or sanctification?
He said, many times they are attaching to try to break you from your dimension of dedication, or their spirit is crying out, but their flesh is stronger, because they don’t want to submit to the warfare of the process that will bring them into obedience to the word.
So they say it’s hard they say I’m trying they say help me until you require a sacrifice of commitment to the teaching training and discipline that will get them there.
Today is a new day.
It’s time for people to make a decision as to rather they want to live holy or not.
It’s not fair for a person to ask a leader to help them when they know they don’t truly want help, but just sympathy in their sin.
Today ABBA has given me some new orders and a new strategy concerning the people.
For three months He has had me in a place to increase the discernment in my life and has dealt with me more and more about people and what to observe.
In this hour we can’t be deceived and made to look like we are blind and deaf.
As He told me this morning about some people it is what it is!
Today those who want to play games, who are continually being double minded, who want to play with the devil but think they are going to take up time with YAH’s servants, will be in for a rude awakening as He is drawing us away from foolishness that is distracting us from those that are truly crying out for deliverance salvation and a move of God.
Our time is most valuable and can’t be wasted. The devil is trying to destroy as many souls as he can but we that are committed to the work of YAH are more determined that he won’t destroy them.
So we fight daily to walk righteous and holy warring in intercession for souls and witnessing and preaching and teaching truth so that the people won’t be lost and end up with their soul lost!
I’m praying and crying out and refusing to deal with dumb ridiculous stuff!
~ Apostle Barbara R. Thomas
Apostle Barbara R. Thomas is founder of I Come to Heal Ministries, A Woman’s touch Ministry, The Next Dimension Global Outreach Ministries and Spoken Word School of Ministry and is on a mission, traveling the world, proclaiming the Gospel, for souls to be won to the Kingdom of God. She has life mandate to help bring others to their divine purpose.
Every Morning I ask my inner man to line up with todays assignment. If I feel my flesh resist I will turn that shower on super cold I pray holy spirit crucify this flesh let me walk in your spirit and alignment with your will GOD. Its not fun but it gets the job done. I have to tell my flesh the spirit of God to rule over my mind will and emotions. A cold shower can be quick to put that flesh under the rule of the spirit. I hope this is helpful for others.