HomeProphecyThe Next 40 Days


The Next 40 Days — 181 Comments

  1. Dear Friends, I resonate with your sense of communion daily, something Father has installed in me recently. I appreciate your words and regularly tune in.May God be honored in everything!

    Tom Livingston

  2. Yes and Amen.  I will join the daily communion to our precious Lord.with you and yours – I saw Chuck Pierce has a call for communion for 6 days next week.  What a glorious way to stay connected in these days of personal and world wide attacks.  Thank you Veronika for being light. I appreciate you and thank you for adding me in prayer as I wait on the Lord for a much needed breakthrough.

  3. For a little over a year I’ve been taking communion in the morning and before bed at night.
    I had a dream one night that I was climbing a hill to go to work and my main source of persecution was standing at the top of the hill waiting for me. I looked down at myself to find that I was literally clothed in Jesus!!! When this man looked at me he immediately looked down at the ground and sheepishly said “I hate you” and walked the other way!!! Listen people. A convergence takes place in the Spirit when we Commune with Him…:)
    Bless your beautiful heart Veronica, my name is Cheri, please add me to the list

  4. Thank you for the Word that I’m just now reading, Veronica! Yes, would love to be added to your 40 Day List.  Thank you for the prayers.  Blessings!  Nesi

  5. Hello dear Veronica, I have been taking communion almost every day for the past couple of weeks, and encircled my whole family by faith as I did so, it felt very powerful in the spirit realm. Yes I will continue to do so for the next 40 and encircle my land of Britain as as I do so. Blessings and love Trish x appreciate your care. X

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