The Ministry of The Prophet
Get this right about the ministry of The Prophet.
The prophet ministry is not what you see today where someone is giving some information about you, like your name, phone number, the food you ate last night and several other weird statements made about you that will in the end require you to part with money which they call “seed”, that you give in exchange for miracles.
Wait a moment….. In the ancient Hebrew which was written in picture form, the prophet was denoted by two pictograph images, “TENT” and “SEED”. Whenever you found a seed and tent, that was the mention of prophet!
He was one who gave out seed, “covered” and fathered the assembly of Israel.
The prophet is forerunner voice that stir the hearts of men and lead them to safety before the heavy hand of God comes upon them in their unheedness. Even in old times, they were already preparing Israel for eternity.
It was the reason why they mourned, not to have seen first hand the Glory of today of which they prophesied, that came to the church…..
You must know that the Ministry of the Prophet is long term. They talked on the long term plan of God and led Israel into the future God wanted them to have – the eternal plan of God, not shutting down fires as you see around today, the ‘cosmetic’ kind of helping, without solving from the root of the problem that eats you up, because you are shown things, but not being grounded in the Godly foundations.
When you encounter real prophets and real apostles, you must be emptied for God. Saul wanted perishable prophecy about the whereabouts of donkeys. When he encountered prophet Samuel, God was into the long term agenda of Israel.
……….this message continues.
~ Prophet Peter Odhiambo
Prophet Peter Odhiambo of Heart Revival Network International, Kenya is a Prophetic End-Time Minister of the Gospel, preaching in Crusades and open air Revival meetings. The LORD continues to show him the apostasy in the Church and the need to prepare the Bride, fit for the Wedding of the Lamb, as in Revelation 19:7-8.
I believing that God is going to send me a wife.