The Manifestation of The Blue Flame
I am re-releasing this Word in this year of 2021 as a pinnacle moment of the imminent manifestation of The Blue Flame.
During lockdown, many within the body have gathered and seriously entered into deeper prayer. Though there is still a call for more to come on board and take their stand as watchmen, The LORD is releasing those who have taken up the Scepters of Responsibility for their nations and their God.
There has been a needed purification and it still goes on yet, revival does not come when all are ready, for there are pioneer hearts ready to run with the fire of God.
When these Swords were thrust into the ground, the great shaking heightened and will continue to grow until the people awaken.
Where there is great grace and favour, there shall also be great violence over the earth.
First released August 1, 2019.
Back to Basics — the Gospel of Good News
“I see a deck of cards being flung over the United Kingdom and I notice they are all Ace of Spades.
I then see another deck being flung that are all Aces of Hearts. Then again a whole deck as the Aces of Diamonds and finally another deck as the Aces of Clubs.
These come from the North, East, South and West.
I see a tower of these cards over the Centre of the Country. I see 4 Swords being rammed into the earth with such power that the earth shakes and again, they are arranged around the tower of cards from North, to South, to East, to West.
I believe the cards represent 4-of-a-kind in poker.
I see the word Sceptre over the Northern Sword, Grace over the Eastern Sword, Servitude over the Southern Sword and Mercy over the Western Sword.
The Swords are then covered in oil from above and set on fire as orange flames lick over them and Hear the words “too hot to handle” and The Holy Spirit reveals there must be a moment to wait for them to cool.
The LORD says “They are too hot to handle and do not even attempt to touch them, but when the decision is made over My Nation of the UK, they shall burn as blue and then you My Children shall take them and run with them and go back to the basics, The Gospel of Good News that was only made possible through My Son Jesus.
He who turned the rivers red by His Blood shall take back what is mine!”
I ask The LORD what the four-of-a-kind means over our Nation?
“Mathew, Mark, Luke and John! You shall shake off the dust and migrate in My Spirit, out to the corners of the earth.
You shall take The Sword of My Word and cut down every house of cards that I did not build and My Tower of Cards shall stand, for My Foundation is the cornerstone.
My Word is as flint to the flame it makes, and The UK shall be as a beacon to the nations of My Glory and Mercy, yet you must kneel before Me and ask and declare My Kingdom come!”
I believe the period from Orange to Blue Flame is in the cleansing of the dross and preparation for the coming in of The Baptism of Fire.
The Orange Flame represents a worldly fire in the natural — that if touched, would result in injury yet, the awaited Blue Flame is Heaven’s uttermost refining heat and we are entering into that time in which the Orange Fire on the Swords is turning Blue.
Are we ready and willing to call the towns, cities and Nation to prayer and repentance?
As The LORD has reshuffled for the last time over this nation, are we going to lay our cards down and trust the hand we have been given and be as one in unity?
Praise be to God!”
Sceptre : An ornamented staff carried by rulers on ceremonial occasions as a symbol of sovereignty.”imperial regalia of orb and sceptre”
As a symbol of authority, the use of the sceptre originated in the idea that the ruler was as a shepherd of his people (Genesis 49:10; Numbers 24:17; Psalms 45:6; Isaiah 14:5).
“For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring, and my blessing on your descendants. They will spring up like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams.” Isaiah 44:3-4.
~ Yvonne Coombs
Yvonne Coombs. Please also see Yvonne’s Prophetic Art here at “Yvonne’s Paintings” on Facebook and on Instagram
I have had a vision of the Blue Flame over me to seal my ears and be central to my being. I was told that I am being guided. I’m currently doing research on the Blue Flame…
I had a vision last night of baptism by Jesus. Angels and many eagles. Blue flames all around and on me.
Good day I have a vision of the blue flame on 12 September 2021. Thank you for being available the the Holy Spirit give you the revelation. Thank you
Thank you… the Blue Flame, Glory to GOD,,,I saw the blue flame the night I Totally got delivered from cigarettes. When the head intercessor prayed for me, just over 21yrs ago.. thank you for your word.
Hi Shelley. I have been struggling with cigarettes. Last night I had a vision of blue flames all about me. This is so encouraging. Thank you.