The LORD’s Thoughts and Ways Are Higher!
“It is not what you think or what someone else thinks, but what I think,” says The LORD.
“My Thoughts are higher. Come up higher. Relinquish the lower, and step up! Do not drag you feet or wade through the mire. My higher thoughts and ways will bring you up to a new level, and never dissenting.
“My Thoughts are good thoughts, creative thoughts, and good plans for your life. Shake off the illegitimate, condemning, condescending thoughts and renew your mind and thinking with My thoughts.
“For you will go in the direction that your thoughts take you, and limit yourself to that which confines you to what you see, feel or hear in the natural.
“Step into the light of a new day and fill your mind with My limitless wisdom, knowledge and understanding that I will reveal to you,” says The LORD.
“My Ways are higher than yours, and I want you to move forward into My Ways,” says The LORD.
“Come out of your comfort zone that only keeps you stagnant and unproductive. The new is before you. The past is not the way to go. I AM ahead of you, preparing the new for you.
“I know the way and have cleared it for you. Trust Me! The forms and formulas of the past will not be fitting for the new. Shed them and get ready for a new and exciting adventure in Me.
“Take the steps before you, daringly, faithfully, and know that I will never fail you or lead you astray. You have circled this old mountain long enough.
“It is time to ascend and come up higher, and trust that the steps that I order for you ascend, and are not flat-lined.
“Each one of them will bring you higher and advance you at the same time, and you will not be bored, unfulfilled or unproductive,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.