The Lord says, Embrace the Change!
Don’t be afraid of where God is taking You. Embrace this Change!
The Greatness is coming OUT of You. GOD IS PUSHING IT OUT. Squeezing it out like toothpaste. Yes, its different. Yes it feels strange, but don’t fight it, says the Lord.
I’m answering your prayers. I’m closing those doors that will cause a serious hindrance to where I AM taking YOU MY CHOSEN. FEAR IS NOT IN YOUR DNA…. WALK WITH THE CONFIDENCE I GAVE YOU, when I filled YOU with MY Spirit. They may want the OLD YOU, but the Old is passed away beloved. Now remember, I said I was making ALL THINGS NEW.
Its not personal, says the Lord.
If they can’t handle all that you’re packing… in the SPIRIT and the NATURAL, God is saying UNLOAD THEM! Unload them. NO HEAVY WEIGHT IN THIS SEASON. I want you Light! My yoke is easy and My Burden is Light!
I AM balancing the Scales in this very HOUR.
You will not minimize ME in You, to appease THEM!
I said, Owe no man nothing but LOVE, never your PRE-DESTINED PURPOSE (Romans 8:26-32). For it is Written!
God says, This is for all My Glory, not man’s. Now loose the DEAD WEIGHT.
And Shake yourself FREE!
~ Apostle-Prophetess Adrianne Kendell
Crown Jewel Ministries.
Where living Gems become Eternal. Agape.
Original message written and published by End Time Apostle-Prophet Adrianne Kendell
Praise the Lord! Amazingly another prophecy here on this site mentioned a hurricane/ whirlwind. The other night in a dream type vision i saw a whirlwind or like something it just looked like the kind that shows on forecast like a hurricane emoticon and then I read that prophecy and that confirmed it. Next, last night somehow I remember someone telling or me telling someone perhaps in a dream or something but I was like he is squeezing us. And then I read this prophetic word that the Lord spoke through you, and then I see the word squeeze! In the same context used as I remember from my dream. It wasn’t a dream I just somehow remember, I can’t explain. But thank God for you my sister!!!