The Last, shall be First
Years ago, when I first began to study the written Word intently, I was led to discover things I had never seen or heard before. One, was that right in the middle of talking about a totally different subject, Jesus would drop a line that did not seem to make sense. Or at least, it seemed to have nothing to do with what He was teaching at the time. The idea that there were things that God had hidden in those pages, never occurred to me.
I don’t claim to know much, but what little has been shared with me, was done so, only after I earnestly prayed for God to open my understanding, before I ever opened the Book. Perhaps it was the fact, that I began to notice, that even though the disciples were with the Lord, traveling with Him, watching Him and hearing Him teach, they did not understand much of what He said. Even when He was crucified, died, was buried and rose again, even after He walked through closed doors and stood in their midst, He had to open their understanding. It’s often the same way with us.
The words Jesus spoke here, was a prophecy; a prophecy that we are seeing fulfilled even now, in this very hour. I confess, that I have been so troubled these past few days. I’ve heard and seen things spoken here on this site, that have brought true concern for what is transpiring in our land, and all over the world. I don’t like to sound blunt or coarse, but I would like to pose a question to all of us. In these past days, where are all of the pictures that show that precious little boy, face down in the sand, washed up on some beach? Where are all the photos and videos, of thousands of men, women and children, running for their very lives; living in such fear?
With all of the issues we here seem to feel are so important, the very madness of our politics and ranting against others, where are the photos now, of Christians giving their very lives for the name of Jesus Christ. We here, have been first, for a very long time. Most of our people today, do not know what real hunger is. They do not know what it is to be told their money is worthless. We have no true recall, of what it means to see our home, our city completely destroyed, your family, your children, your loved ones, and all that you every had or believed in, gone; never to return. Yes, many of us have known tragedy and heartbreak, but never on such a scale.
Those other lands, which were once poor and weak, are now fast becoming, rich and strong. Our real way of life here has actually diminished so rapidly, we don’t even realize it. Why is it all turning around this way? What could it be, that has caused such great blessings, to turn into a curse. We do not pay attention to the fact, that one of the signs of perilous times, and the end time, is people being “unthankful.” Grateful people, are humble. T hose who are truly thankful for what they have, are not arrogant or boastful.
I saw a video yesterday, of a group of people, who had just gotten a load of Bibles they had never had before. I watched them dash for them; all trying to get to them and get one as fast as they could. I saw them weep, cling to those paperbacks, kiss them and rock back and forth in such love and gratitude. I also saw the very presence of the Lord, all over them; much like we used to be. They were not arguing, throwing slurs at people, saying demeaning and even slanderous things to others; they were worshipping. Many here who were greater, will find themselves, becoming the lesser. Those who were considered less than, will likely become those who will be mightily used by God, in the end.
I ask for mercy.
~ Robert Blackburn
Well said. Agreeing in faith. God help us, have mercy. Let us all pray together in unity and one accord.for the times comming upon us rapidly. Amen god bless.