HomeProphecyThe Last Reformation — Part 2


The Last Reformation — Part 2 — 9 Comments

  1. Wow I love this post. I feel like I learnt a lot. Including about the existence of moose clubs. I can’t say our clubs are the same in the UK & EU!
    We have lots of political “clubs” in the UK. Basically bars for people with similar views. They even called the national HQs of political parties “clubs” for part of the 1800s and those clubs still exist actually. They are event venues and museums, basically.

    “Wisdom is vindicated by all her children”. So profound, actually. I seem to have never noticed the verse before. But actually it perfectly sums up a series of knotty morality tales I have seen unfold around me recently.

    Blessings Elizabeth!

  2. What a marvelous teaching, Elizabeth. When I posted there are two sides to every story. I barely touched the surface. You laid it all out for us. Anyone who takes time to read this with an open mind (not one who is determined his viewpoint is right) and cannot stop and let the Lord speak to them should be able to see the BIG picture. I am going to make a copy of it for my file to look at history again. Thanks so much for sharing what I perceive is truly the heart of God, my sister. Love and blessings, Sandi

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