The Kingdom of God ~ How Big Is Your God?
The Kingdom of God
- God contains everything in Him or it would be a God in its own right.
- God is greater than the universe and contains it in Himself.
- His Kingdom is universal and not just limit ed to heaven being greater than all the universe combined.
- Heaven is a special part of it that Jesus rules.
- Hell is a special part of it that Satan is allowed to rule.
- His Kingdom as disclosed to man is in heaven.
- On earth His Kingdom is in those in whom the Spirit’s presence is.
- The earth belongs to Jesus but He has not claimed it yet so Satan rules it.
- In the millennium Jesus will rule on earth and His Kingdom will be represented here.
- Heaven is a specific place for His true followers to go to but it is only a part of His Kingdom.
- God is greater than the universe and contains it in Himself.
- Salvation makes us a citizen of it and we enter into a relationship with God as a part of His family.
- Salvation relationship as members of His Family allows us to avoid hell.
- Redemption allows us to enter heaven.
- This relationship is maintained through faith, holiness, obedience and correct stewardship.
- In spite of ruling and maintaining the whole universe He still has time for you personally.
- Jesus is its ruler and LORD.
- All must obey Him in heaven, hell and the rest of the universe.
- A Citizen has duties:
- Roles:
- Family members doing what a family member does for their family.
- Defender of The Kingdom and The King.
- Promoter of The Kingdom and King.
- Maintaining your side of the salvation relationship.
- Maintain your part of The Kingdom The Father has given to you to care for Him.
- Responsibilities:
- To obey it head — The Father and its representative Jesus who rules on behalf of The Father.
- Meet the needs of the family that you are able to meet.
- Carry out your roles and responsibilities as a citizen of The Kingdom, and member of God’s family.
- Rights:
- Those of an adopted child of family.
- Access to the head of the family (The Father).
- A relationship with other siblings (Jesus and other Christians).
- Guidance by a relative (The Holy Spirit — a brother of The Father).
- Rewards:
- Deeper intimacy with God.
- A place in heaven.
- Acknowledgement by Jesus that you are His.
- Authority over Satan, his demons and kingdom.
- Roles:
- The Kingdom is in Christians on earth, because of The Holy Spirit’s presence in them.
How big is you God?
How personal is your God?
~ Through Neville Salvetti
Neville Salvetti is a deliverance minister and can be contacted via The Web Pages of Neville Salvetti and at: if you desire deliverance or to know how to do it.
Neville have been told to preach three things:
♥ Deliverance ♥ How to Hear The Holy Spirit ♥ How to fight Satan
This is the need of the hour as it demonstrates The Kingdom of God, which is what attracts people to Jesus.
There is a diffrence between ownership and use. Ask any Landlord.
Jesus owna the earth but Satan has the right to rule it because man sinned and chose the rule of Satan over that of God.
After Calvary Jesus has the right to rule the earth but has not chosen to do so because He cannot take it from Satan until Satan is judged, which happens afer the tribulation when Satan is imprisoned in the Abyss.
Satan is allowed to rule for three reasons:
Jesus cannot legally remove Satan because Satan can complain Jesus hindered his rule
To sift people to see who will follw Jesus or Satan
The final harvest has not occurred so the rapture cannot occur yet
After the final harvest occurs then the rapture can occur and Satan will rule the earth without interferance from Jesus or The Holy Spirit.
Then Satan will be comletely responsible for what happens on earth and can be judged and removed for the bad stewardship he does to the earth in the tribulaion.
Jesus will be shown then to be rightous in removing Satan and taking back the rulership of His property (earth) and will show how Satan should have ruled so the Jesus will be rigteous in casting satan into his final punishment.
I Love This, Thank You Father. God bless. Amen.
Lovely. Thank you.