The Key to Understanding the End
There is a Door of Revelation Knowledge to go through to understand the End Time Rap up of events or eschatology. This key is in our hands [in the very Book we call the Word of God] and men do not understand it nor perceive its truth [mostly because of THINGS THEY HAVE BEEN TAUGHT BY OTHER MEN WHO DID NOT FIND THE KEY].
There are great deceptions out there going around which are bringing much confusion to this subject. The secret [I am told by the Spirit] lies in this one truth: REVELATION KNOWLEDGE of end time Events to take place. Many so called experts of Biblical Interpretation daily are speaking, many who have even written long bodies of Divinity who have not understood the Key. They have missed it. This is a proven fact because of the ABSENCE of teaching about this Key in their books and teachings.
It is all in the Scripture, but many have twisted the clear revelation of it by adding their hopes and dreams of how things should end.
What is this Key? Let me tell you now. The Lord has been leading me into the Understanding of it now for SOME TIME. Lately all I can think about is this Key Subject. It has literally been the “Study of the Day”. The Holy Spirit has drawn me into this area daily now and it becomes clearer every day as He opens up my understanding.
What is it you say? Well let me put it into one sentence:
“THE KEY LIES IN A REVELATION ABOUT A “LITERAL” MILLENNIAL KINGDOM OF 1000 YEARS ON THIS EARTH; [who the “LIVING” people will be entering into it (that will have to be ruled over with a Rod of Iron); will Jesus Christ LITERALLY COME BACK TO BE IN IT; what is the purpose of it; and when will it began?].”
Conclusion: When the Spirit shows it to you, then you will understand all the events leading up to it.
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
Evangelist/Prophet/Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES” in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry. NOTICE: One of the ways you can get involved in this OUT OF THE DESERT ARMY is to become a PARTNER or to GIVE A DONATION. We are believing God for many more Monthly Partners to stand with us in Monthly Giving and Offerings. If you have a desire to help and give, please know we need your help. God is sending people as I write to this place. We need your help and prayerful giving to enable us to do more for more people. Please send you pledge to becoming a Monthly Partner or to sow an offering into this Ground. To make a donation to OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES please send to: PO BOX 223, BELEN, NEW MEXICO. PLEASE PRAY ABOUT SENDING A LOVE OFFERING TO SOMEONE WHO IS IN THE MIDST OF THE BATTLE FOR SOULS.. AND TO OPEN BLINDED EYES OF THOSE WHO ARE SLEEPING IN THE BODY OF CHRIST. WE NEED YOUR HELP TO DO ALL THAT GOD IS SAYING FOR US TO DO. THANK YOU ALL … |
I have often pondered this question who will be people alive to be ruled by iron hand. After 7 seals, 7 trumpets and 7 bowels will anyone still be alive? was hoping you’d share the key
Dear Daniel,
I am no expert on the end times, but does not Revelation 7:14 speak to that matter?
Blessings in Christ,