The Journey Towards Truth
Many times I have pondered the words of Jesus to His disciples in Matthew 16,
” “Who do men say that I, the Son of man AM?”
And they said, “Some say that thou art John the Baptist, some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets.”
He saith unto them, “But whom say ye that I AM?”
And Simon Peter answered and said, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God”.” Matthew 16:13b-16.
How I love Peter in all of his boldness! The Proclamation of Truth resonates in my spirit as Revelation and it quickens me to ask myself, “Who do men say that I am?”
As I pen this today for your personal thoughts, I hear The LORD say, “Many of My Flock are more concerned with what men say they are, than what I say they are.
It is urgent that My Sheep, who know My Voice, also stop wrestling with the desire for the approval of man and surrender totally to their true identity!
So I question you today, ‘What does your life portray and just what message are you sending by word and deed to those around you?'” asks The Father.
“Can others look at your daily walk and know that you are a lover of truth? Do they hear you singing, ‘I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, not I, but Christ lives in me and the life I now live, I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave His life for me?’” says The LORD.
Beloved, as I thought deeply about those Words, I have to say I believe the world is suffering from a calculated indifference to TRUTH.
Much of the time, we have succeeded at “being right” — but failed at “being real”.
God has given us the power to be real and I believe He has a right to expect us to live by it. I believe our love for God is no greater than our love for TRUTH.
As we look at a lost and dying world of people today, it is obvious that the world is cut off from the Spirit of TRUTH and as a result, it is choking to death on the LIES they are being fed and have believed.
I challenge you with this one question, “What picture do you have in your mind that dictates your life?”
Many times I have come to the conclusion that I need change, but find myself striving to make it happen.
Simply put, the Truth is, I must bring my will to a place of decision. I must be fully willing to embrace change.
I can always deal with the externals — my job, my hair, my clothes and even the house I live in — but He alone changes the REAL ME.
He changes from the inside out.
I can change my mind, but not my heart.
I have the capacity for change when I come face to face with the Truth that, “I cant’ change!”
Where do you see yourself, beloved, on your journey for Truth?
Are your mental pictures of your life composed of conclusions you have drawn based on actual happenings and/or opinions you have formed? Are you HUNGRY for TRUTH?
Maybe you have been seeking TRUTH for some time. There are those who are hungry for truth and then there are those who do something to try to satisfy that hunger.
We have this void that is described as a God-shaped vacuum in our heart. However you may identify this void, the fact is man is never truly satisfied until he connects to and communicates with the one who is TRUTH, His Creator and Father God.
We were made for FELLOWSHIP. The Word of God says,
“Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled,” Matthew 5:6.
Those who have no hunger for truth are spoken of in the Bible as the ones WHO LOVE DARKNESS more than LIGHT.
Those who recognize something is missing, begin a quest to find answers to what is lacking. Sometimes that quest is never ending, because the quest for TRUTH becomes more important than TRUTH itself.
If we remain in the seeking phase too long, we become identified with those who are,
“Ever learning, but never coming to the full knowledge of the truth,” 2 Timothy 3:7.
Let’s take a moment to really ask ourselves… is that me?
I am seeking knowledge but not the one who is TRUTH?
Many can quote The Bible, talk about Buddha, and other religions, but cannot get past a mental apprehension of what they truly believe. Selah!
Sometimes that is due to the fact that they came to the place of facing The Truth… but never actually faced it.
Some decide that the cost of TRUTH is too great, and I believe many are in the present time right at that place. And others of us just haven’t come to the place of being HONEST with OURSELVES.
I remember when I came back to The LORD, after being backslid for a season, I was so transparent that some people had a problem with me (and many still do) 😊… but my answer to them was, “If God knows all about me, and He knows it all, why do I care what man knows.”
Beloved, just like Paul, that was my first time of realizing I had a divine “Moment of Truth”… yes transparency and reality are good!
Let’s examine some of the phases we pass through as we become aware of what and who TRUTH is.
Our first awareness of hunger leads us to discover who JESUS is. As we continue towards seeking more truth, we will either choose to remain where we are (as we ask The LORD to show us our heart) or surrender all and allow The LORD to impart the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH.
The TRUTH can sometimes be painful but as we allow our spirit to overrule our flesh, we shall have our eyes fully opened and gain understanding that moves us forward in the Fear of The LORD.
Often as I pray for the truth to come and destroy the lies of the enemy, I realize The LORD’s paramount weapon to us in this hour is the TRUTH that will set the captives free from the deep deception and lies that have been the enemy’s weapons of warfare, to paralyze us with fear and self-preservation.
Beloved, I believe this is the moment and this is the time when many who are finding themselves drowning in the sea of discontentment, are actually coming into an abiding strength that can only be found in the Hidden Place of His Presence.
Better still, we are all finding within our hearts a love that is blossoming like a rose. As He takes us on a journey toward truth into the hidden places of our heart in private.
The LORD spoke, “My precious remnant, you will look back on these days as you were hidden in My Presence, hidden from the wiles of the devil, and you will realize just how hungry your heart was and you will identify with David’s desperate, hungry heart for intimacy with me and his burning desire to drink in My Love as he gloried in My Presence.
I AM all you need as your companion on this journey into the deepest places of your heart, for I have felt your anguish, frustrations and disappointment and every emotion that has come to cause you to faint in your mind during all the desperation that is abounding throughout the world.
And I AM come to rescue, reveal and recover as My TRUTH is released in POWER and is driven forth in My LOVE,“ says The LORD.
“But just as My Word says, I AM releasing Songs of Deliverance even as you rest in Me.
You shall soon hear a sound like a mighty gushing Wind calling My Remnant forward on the journey toward Truth that will cause a peaceful settling into desperate hearts.
For My beloved Bride shall collectively breathe a deep sigh of relief as I release the Breaker Anointing speedily for release and relief to all who have wrestled with the bands of wickedness and the lies of the enemy.
You shall know my kisses are sweeter than wine as you step out of the Old Wineskin, and receive the fresh flow of The New Wine in your soul.
I have come to bless your hunger and thirst for righteousness,” says The LORD of all.
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of the Lord Ministries came from a divine encounter with the Lord when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Exceptional the above MSGE reminder with words Teachings to be OBEDIENT to OUR HIGH MASTER CREATOR WRITTEN LAWS, AMÉN..!
Ac 5.29
1 Pt 1.14
Ro 5.19
Jn 14.15
1 Sm 15.22
Lk 11.28
Jms 1.22
Ex 19
Ti 3
2 Co 10.1-11
Php 2
Jsh 5
Heb 13.17
Cl 3
Jr 7.23
Is 1.9-19
Pr 6.20
Ps 119.30 to 60
Dt 11
Dn full reading Book
2 Chr 7.14
Ec 12.13
Mk 16
2 Kg 18
Gn 26
Rv 14
2 Jn 1
If You wish The I AM, I AM be in You..! AMÉN, SELAH..! with real SHALOM walking’s for eternity ever lasting, never ending in Your CREATED flesh..! AMÉN..!
The TRUTH ABOUT this Message fit as a marriage wedding ring for each of the 13 lizard’s whom started in 2004 the destruction of AMERICA, forgetting all THE WRITTEN LAWS of who it’s really in control on ♥♥♥HIS CREATIONS IN THE COURTS IN HEAVEN NEVER ENDING CONTROL OF THE UNIVERSES, AMÉN..!, AS EACH OF THEM had made their self owns wrath inside THEIR owns spiritual crooked walking’s ignoring OUR FATHERS THRONE, SELAH♥♥♥.
WE MUST NEVER stop Intercessions PRAYERS to TOPPLE OUT ZATAN from current curse inflicted to AMERICA LAND as well EARTH, AMÉN..!
Powerful Word. This is so deep and needed. Thank you, Sandi. This jumped out at me:
“Much of the time, we have succeeded at “being right” — but failed at “being real” Truer words have never been spoken.
We have to be real and give up our ‘right to be right’!
God bless you.