The Hour & Season of Life Changing Miracles!
This is the hour and season of sudden reversals, timely turnarounds and testimonies of life changing miracles!
Many are feeling the heavy weight of spiritual warfare in this season. Many are experiencing a great spiritual shake up. There is a greater acceleration and momentum taking place in the realms of the spirit.
I hear the Father say, “Get ready! This is the hour and season of sudden reversals, timely turnarounds and testimonies of life changing miracles!”
It is so important in this hour to remember that in the midst of it all, God is in control and He is fighting for us! Even as we feel the battle raging and the conflict intensifying we must stand our ground and resist retreat.
We must not rely on our feelings which are ever changing, but rather we must press in deeper by faith, for that which is seen by the natural eye cannot be trusted.
We must align ourselves with that which has been promised and that which is yet to be fulfilled in our lives. God’s timing is precise and perfect!
In this season, I see God sharpening our spiritual eyes, that we may see beyond the boundaries of fear, limitation and confinement. He shifting us to higher ground. He is lifting heavy burdens and breaking the powers of lying spirits that have come to distort the truth of our true identity and destiny in the Kingdom.
Listen! Fear not!. I see mighty angels on assignment around your life and circumstances. Warrior angels are being sent ahead of you to assist and align you for great breakthrough and to keep you from harm.
Today, make a choice to fully trust in the LORD. Lean not on your own understanding, but rely totally on His power, wisdom and strength to equip, lead and guide you into victory.
Trust, know and have confidence that He indeed battles for you in this hour.
I hear the Spirit say, “Warriors be still! Fear not, for My Spirit of might and power has been poured out over you.
My Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation gives you divine strategy and solution over every onslaught of the enemy. Nothing shall take you by surprise!.
I have sharpened you to difficulty. I have shaped and fashioned you for war. Beloved watch, for I have made you to be fruitful, to multiply and increase even on the front-lines of battle,” says God.
“Beloved, stay alert and pay attention in this hour, for new hope is rising as new vision is being birthed.
Rejoice, for even now I AM is making known to you His divine plan and purpose for your life. Lift up your eyes and see, for greater are those who are with you, than those who have come against you.
For surely I tell you, My finger has drawn a line in the sands of time. Listen, for I have declared from My heavens that the enemy shall go no further, for this is the hour of divine intervention, for I AM giving you renewed power and strength for the days ahead.
I AM lifting your burdens and breaking the heavy yoke that has weighed you down and hindered your advancement.
Watch! For even now, you are over-coming in greater victory for Kingdom increase. For this is the season of divine empowerment, deeper encounter and mighty deliverance,” says God.
I Decree: In this season you are unstoppable for god has put the taste of victory in your mouth.
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Glory to GOD!!!
Hallelujah Glory To The Most High God and His Beloved Son YESHUA I believe it I received it Amen Amen Amen
I love you, Abba Daddy, I love you. I come to praise your name. I come to worship you, Abba Daddy. I lift your name on high, Higher, Higher, Worthy, to be honored and praised this day and everyday for your works, what has been done. A song sprung up within me just now, Abba Daddy, which it is called. Lord, I praise you, Abba Daddy. Thank you my Father, for all your promises particular month of March, ready to march forward into the promises of God, marching forward to his high calling for it is time to spring forward into the new wineskins, prepared for me. I take it in Jesus name. Hallelujah ! Yes, you have put that taste of Victory into my mouth. Hallelujah !
Hallelujah, Thank you Jesus for putting the taste of Victory, into my mouth, this day.
I receive it in all joy with an abundance of thanksgiving, for it is my season to receive the promise, the manifestations, coming forth into fruitation. Hallelujah!
Rejoicing into the Now manifestations of the spoken word this day . Thank you Abba Daddy, thank you Veronika, for sharing this awesome word from the Father. Amen !