HomeProphecyThe Hour is at Hand!


The Hour is at Hand! — 10 Comments

  1. How delicious with HOPE is this Word, Marietta. I savored every sentence. NO ONE can stop the Almighty from revealing His saving live, His Son, to a dark world. A Victorious reality.

  2. So spot on and poignant, Marietta. While the world maybe crashing and burning, the Holy Remnant will be alive and well… The True Remnant is arising in these last days to see the great harvest of souls together!

    Just pulling out the words of Father God here:”As the hour grows nearer in those things I am doing, the tension in the spiritual atmosphere is rising to a higher pitch, and the enemy is becoming more desperate, so guard your minds and hearts more vigilantly henceforth, so that My Voice in your spirit will remain clear and unhindered.”

    We must continually let the Holy Spirit fine tune our 5 spiritual senses of the enemies ‘static’. We persevere and having done all we stand! Blessings and prayers, Joyce D

    • The Lord is such a wonder, we will be awestruck again and again as we see Him work in ways only He can!  Many blessings to you and yours! Thank you for your support!

  3. Si, sento nel mio Spirito che tutto questo accade! Grazie, Signore, perché ci riveli il senso degli avvenimenti del mondo alla luce di ciò che accade nel regno spirituale. Grazie per le tue istruzioni e le tue esortazioni! Grazie per i tuoi profeti!
    Shalom! Benedizioni♡

    [ HKP : “Yes, I feel in my Spirit that all this is happening! Thank you, Lord, for revealing to us the meaning of world events in the light of what is happening in the spiritual realm. Thank you for your instructions and exhortations! Thank you for your prophets! Shalom! Blessings♡” ]

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