The Harvest Truly Is Great!
“Then he said to the disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask The LORD of the harvest therefore to send out workers into his harvest field”” Matthew 9:37.
During prayer one night, The LORD opened up to me a vast ripe field of wheat and I was walking through this field.
Then I heard Him say to me, “The harvest truly is great! The harvest is ready.
There are many battles and situations that have demanded your attention recently, but these have been sent as a distraction from the real task, the task with eternal consequence, the task for which you have been sent.
I declare a shift of your focus and mindset from warfare to harvesting.
It might require you to overcome any fear you have especially a fear of man. Remember, the battle belongs to The LORD and He will fight your battles.
The LORD is with you, Mighty Warrior! So find your tools for harvest, prepare them and GO! Now is the time!
Rise up Mighty Remnant! Arise in Mighty strength!”
LORD, thank You for the Harvest that is before us! Empower us for this harvest, precious LORD.
Let this time be one of increase for harvest glory — harvest for Your Glory, our precious King! Let us go into the fields, pulling them from the pits of despair, from the fire of affliction, from the walls that they feel are falling all around them.
I declare that Harvest Glory to descend, in Jesus’ Name!
I want to take this moment and reach out to any prodigal, broken or wounded one, any that feel they are held captive, I reach out to you and want you to know that you are loved.
You are stronger and so much more than you think. You may feel lost, but there is a hand so Mighty reaching out to you.
He is asking you to “Come and see!”
You may ask” “How can my life be changed? How can I ever be happy again? I have come too far in this mess and there is no way out now?”
I am reaching out to you right now to tell you yes your life can be forever changed.
The Joy of The LORD shall be your strength and I am saying to you, “Get up from that mess because God is going to turn it into a message!” All you need to do is “Come and see!”
He will make that highway in the middle of that sea, he is that river in the desert and that way in the wilderness.
The Bitter waters are being made sweet again! You are not alone! You are not defeated! You will not stay down! You will rise up and you will be a beautiful asset to the army of the Most High!
~ Dana Jarvis
Dana Jarvis has a calling upon her life and Hezekiah’s Wall Ministry came from a Word The LORD spoke to her. His words resonated in her Spirit and is what Hezekiah’s Wall Ministry is all about ~ to Equip, Empower, Encourage, and Raise Up his Sons and Daughters for such a time as this!
A Prophetic Seer/ Intercessor, Minister, Author & Christian Coach/ Prophetic Mentor, Dana is blessed by Abba to be one of His Leading Ladies for such a time as this. Feel free to contact Dana as she would love to hear from you!
This message really spoke to me, Dana. Thank you for your obedience in sharng with us. God bless you.
Amen and Amen Hallelujah Thank you Jesus