The Harsh Winds of Life — When We Don’t Like Difficult
The Harsh Winds of Life —
“When We Don’t Like Difficult” —
Spiritual Truth for Right Now
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The words, “The Harsh Winds of Life” have been playing themselves over and over in my mind.
As I have pondered them and have allowed the Voice of The Holy Spirit to instruct me as to why I have been impressed with this statement, I sense The LORD addressing many deeper issues that are well anchored and maintained within our souls as believers.
Harsh Winds
These blustery currents in the natural can be devastating to property, trees, and all living-breathing creatures. We have all seen what the devastation of hurricanes and tornadoes can do in a very short amount of time.
Often when listening to the traumatic stories of those who have lived through a nightmarish storm, the realities of what they hold near and dear have been laid bear and brought to the surface.
Many weep over the loss of family photographs or tender things like Grandma’s old chipped china and are unconcerned about larger material items, but are deeply thankful for the safety of family members after a traumatic event.
Others, are shaking fists at the sky and are enraged that they have been infringed upon during a difficult time, and want somebody else to pay for it!
The Harsh Winds of Life Blow Upon the Godly and the Ungodly — No One Is Exempt
There are some of life’s storms that threaten to blow away everything we’ve depended on as well.
Friendships are tested, relationships are strained, and The LORD uses these harsh winds blowing against our lives to remove the crusty chaff that can form and harden around the seed of our lives.
Those who are independent in nature find a bitterness creeping into their attitudes and heart. They feel infringed upon when things are not easily controlled or maneuvered in their favor.
And so, The Holy Spirit allows the winds to blow until a conviction penetrates the self centered soul, and exposes the fleshy comfort zone of, ‘My Way, My World, My Rights”!
“No man has power over the wind to contain it; so no one has power over the day of his death. And no one is discharged in time of war, so wickedness will not release those who practice it.” Ecclesiastes 8:8.
How Long Will the Harsh Winds Blow?
As long as we practice wicked behavior in the eyes of The LORD, and no matter how hard we try, we cannot stop it!
He is winnowing us, allowing us to be caught up into the refining wind of The Holy Spirit’s conviction so that the chaff and waste places in our souls are removed.
And trust me my friends, anything that you may be hiding or pretending wasn’t “that bad”, that harmed someone else, well God will allow it to come to the light to be either judged or to be cleansed and yes, there may be consequences that you don’t like.
We can’t harm other people, or abuse them, sexually prey upon them, spiritually abuse and dominate or slander, and then pretend that it wasn’t “that big of a deal”!
It’s a huge deal to God and he will continue to pursue us in order to cleanse us if we will allow him access.
(Yes you can say “ouch” right about now!)
Chaff Must Be Removed. But Why?
Chaff is a waste material plowed into the soil or burned.
Chaff, as a waste product from grain processing, shows us a symbolic use of the idea that refers to something seen as worthless.
Now, this is where we read, “to separate the wheat from the chaff” from Matthew 3. It means to separate things of value from things of no value.
Another example is in Psalm 1 which says: “Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away”.
We Christians often presume that because we are redeemed through the beautiful sacrifice of Christ for our lives, that we have an opportunity for an easier and more privileged life.
This is simply not so!
We are given a shield and a holy stamina to withstand the wiles of this world, but no free passes to a life of ease.
The LORD Loves All of Mankind.
He longs for ALL of mankind, (that includes you and I) to come to a place of trust in His way, not “our way”. Fully stripped of self-will, self-gratification, self- justification, and self-focus.
Matthew 5:45 says:
“He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”
I Know! I Know! This Stings!
“But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth.” James 3:14.
About now, I can hear a few righteous folks saying, “I would never boast about envy! ”
Well! Selfish ambition is well hidden in our personal behaviors.
We offer gifts or opportunities for others to be blessed or helped as long as we are feeling in control and benevolent at the time of the offer or good intention.
But when the winds of life shift and The LORD allows the chaff of “waste materials” in our soul to be tornadoed — bitterness and exclusive rights abound!
Huffiness, abrupt harshness and passive aggression (which means getting even) will manifest and expose the soul’s clinging nature, which does not want the hand of God striping away any safety veneer that we use to protect our approach to life.
A Change in the Spiritual Climate Has Occurred!
John 6:18 says, “A strong wind was blowing and the waters grew rough.”
Jesus allowed the wind to be a teaching point for his disciples. They had walked with Him, talked with Him and served alongside Him.
But trusting Him when the Storms and Harsh winds blew revealed a weakness that we all must look at, and often.
We trust The LORD when things are going our way, but when the Harshness of a storm blows us off the course that we set, many times we run to our own devices or “Plan B”.
So Many at This Time in This Difficult Age Are Screaming,
“LORD! Don’t you care about me? The winds are blowing, and I am fearful for my life! If you Love me, why are you allowing this horrid event to occur?”
Even Peter in his zeal to get out of the boat and see if it was indeed Jesus calling to him to come, once he was out of the safety of his own control and the winds blew against him, he focused on the wind, and not upon Jesus, who was there the whole time.
Peter cries out, “LORD I am perishing! SAVE ME!” (Matthew 8:25).
Control Is a Deep, Deep Need
Perhaps THE deepest need people have, is for control.
When we feel out of control, we experience a powerful and uncomfortable tension between the need for control and the evidence of “inadequate control”.
Without the Presence of God in our lives, we will attempt to control everything, every event, and every person around us in order to attain the sense of order and “identity power” that we crave.
Drawing Near to God
It was James, the brother of Jesus, who wrote to the believers in Jerusalem,
“Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded people!” James 4:8.
If we draw near to God, he will respond and draw near to us.
Drawing near to God is spending time with Him, worshiping Him, praying and talking to Him, inviting Him into every aspect of our lives.
Every Part of Our Life — Bring Your Heart Under His Lordship
James gives us the blueprint for drawing near or “right up close” to The LORD.
If you’ve committed sin, confess it, get rid of it.
Next, ask The LORD to examine your heart, your motives, and the things that make you do what you do.
Bring your heart under His Lordship as well.
May our actions be manifestations of a clean heart and conscience.
Allow HIM to remove the Chaff, the wasted time controlling things, and TRUST Him to align your life.
Notice that when he writes about this he says, “Purify your hearts, double-minded people.”
What Does He Mean by ‘Double-minded’?
Well, a person who is double-minded is drawn in two completely different directions. And so he or she will get nowhere fast because loyalty is divided.
They will vacillate between faith and unbelief.
And, a double-minded person is unstable in all his/her ways and his/ her spiritual walk is inconsistent, because he/ she tries to serve God and his/ her own interests, and gamble their life against the Harsh Winds.
We’ve all learned that this kind of living never works.
You Cannot Serve Two Masters
Friends, again I say this under the anointing of The Holy Spirit, the master that you serve whether it be hiding something that is a secret sin or offense to The LORD, or things that you are aware of that have dishonored others, they will be brought into the light one way or the other.
If you think you can hide it, if you think you can gloss it over, God will eventually bring it into the light and have you exposed for deception.
Or, you choose to get the help you need and you can humble yourself!
Yes, there may be consequences you don’t like, because of your actions and choices. But repentance and accountability will save your soul. It may not save your marriage, it may not save your ministry, and it may not save your job or your relationships.
But it will save your soul, because humility enters, and God can re-create what has been destroyed and damaged.
God Doesn’t Play Games!
No one is going to get very far with God by playing spiritual games.
It will soon be discovered that the only people playing the game with you will be you, yourself, and again, YOU. It’s just like people thinking that they can “ride the fence” into the kingdom.
There is no riding the fence; there is no lukewarm support group. You’re either in or out.
If we really want to know Him, we are going to have to get serious about our relationship with Him.
We Don’t Want Difficult!
I will tell you right now, that even as I write and speak these words, I can feel the resistance to pruning and more change in my gut!
Are you in a pruning, shocking, “getting trimmed back” difficult season right now?
Most everyone is!
Feeling like your wings have been clipped?
Are you seeing a pattern of lethargy and a dullness of joy maybe in your daily life?
Don’t waste those struggles friends! Know that God is very… VERY… intentional. And, He has a good plan for all of it.
Every challenge is an opportunity to practice walking one day at a time, with really clear thinking and gratitude, and He is right there, inside you, to help you.
Like I Said Before! We Don’t Want Difficult!
But my oh my, I do want to be like Him!
So I’m in surrender-mode now, friends.
I’m saying, “Cut away, Lord. Go deep.”
WHY? Because I want ALL that He has for me.
I want the fruit.
I want all that abundance, and I know it’s waiting for me when this weird and awkward season changes.
There is another phenomenon I find that happens during the process, when the harsh winds of life are bearing down.
And, one that I find that is unhealthy to ignore.
The enemy of our soul is observing and is feverishly “taking notes” about this difficult process, and I believe he finds it quite enjoyable; he laughs and ridicules and flings missiles of insults that shout that, “only a loser needs this kind of difficult adjustment ”.
This of course, is a lie but, one which we can tend to believed on a bad day! Listening to the wrong voice can tempt us to believe the blowing away of chaff in our lives is punishment, and comes from God being mad at us.
It can cause us to pull back from deeper fellowship or social engagements (social distancing tools too, like Face Time, ZOOM, integral) these paralyze honesty, transparency and humility.
It can lead to self-hatred, self-protection, denial about how we hurt others with half-truths, and so on!
I am truly becoming more aware in my spirit that God can only use me — or “best use me” — through the partnership of His Power and my Weakness.
A wise and well-tested man by the name of Alan Hood must have had a few pruning clippers dig into his life at time or two and learned this lesson. He stated,
“To be pruned is to lose the resources, whether monies or physical strengths upon which everyone around you measures you as successful.”
Let’s read that again…
…s l o w l y !
“to be pruned is to lose the resources, whether monies or physical strengths upon which everyone around you measures you as successful.”
Trying to use old things, when God is trying to give us new things — is really such foolishness!
Psalm 85 talks about Restoration, Re-tooling and Revival.
Verse 8 says,
“I will listen to what God The LORD says; He promises peace to his people, His saints — but let them not return to folly.”
I’m Trusting The LORD’s Good and Gracious Hand in the Process That the World Is Experiencing Right Now
I know God does not intend to leave even a healthy fruit-bearing branch how it is, but He is always after a more abundant harvest for His people.
I don’t get it, I don’t like or want difficult!
But I also don’t want a puny little sick looking basket of bitter, green, unusable fruit out of life!
He will “give the increase” when I reach the end of this seeming devastation of stymied ideas and “put on hold” plans, and let me tell you something crazy, I feel it coming! The increase!
I’m learning to WALK in harmony, in tune with the truth that, “He is dwelling like healthy sap, in me, and will keep sin and despair from having dominion over my life”. (Romans 6:14) your life too!
A Moment in His Anger — a Lifetime in His Favor
God disciplines for a moment when He wishes to get our attention and our lives may indeed become painful for a period, but then comes His favor.
God doesn’t delight in either our depression or our damage.
And, when He begins to deal with the chaff in our lives, it is for our advantage, that we may be conformed to His likeness and reflect His holiness.
When we sense God’s disapproval, when it appears He has withdrawn from us, it is only so that we see our utter need of Him.
When life seems to be so sour, when everything crumbles, then we must remember what we “say we believe”, that God’s favor is with us, because of Christ’s worthiness given to us, because we are adopted and are His — which means, that His favor always wins out over His disapproval.
This Picture Is Painted Well by the Words “Weeping Remains for a Night”
Weeping and sorrow are pictured as a traveler who comes to stay for a night.
The pain and sorrow we feel may seem as though it has moved in with us like an unwelcome guest, who decides to stay for a very long time.
Rejoicing Though, Comes in the Morning
Your “mourning”, will dissipate in the morning”.
Your winter, will melt into summer.
God will replace your sighing, with singing.
Grief, will give way to gladness.
What was once bitter, will be made sweet.
And, what was once a desolate wilderness, will be transformed into a paradise.
Like the first rays of the sunrise which dispel the harsh winds and gloom of night, God gives us Joy when the darkness of our problems seem as though they’ll never leave.
Your Cross Is His Glory
What is so crucial to understand is that as a Christian, your life will be filled with times of weakness and strength, with want and wealth, with disgrace and honor, with crosses and comforts, miseries and mercies, joys and sorrows, delight and mourning.
As this cycle of separating “Chaff” from our lives reoccurs many times in our lives, and it moves us from the cross to glory.
For your own health and so that you find all your satisfaction in Christ alone, God will send you times of great growth and other times of emptiness.
When the harsh winds blow, know that God desires that you find your hope and comfort by His own fire.
When the balmy breezes come, give Him praise and thanksgiving for the warmth He provides.
Psalm 57:1 says,
“Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for in you my soul takes refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of your wings until the disaster has passed.”
( Prophetic Exhortation and Words of Knowledge not included in written message continue in the audio message format beginning at Audio Player time marker 21:38 )
In His Shadow,
~ Mary Lindow ©
Duplication and sharing of this writing is welcomed as long as complete message and website information for Mary Lindow is included. Thank You!
” THE MESSENGER ” ~ Mary Lindow
Global Prayer Rooms
Mary Lindow has a passion for encouraging others – all generations, careers or vocations to live expressing excellence through personal integrity, healthy accountability, and wise management of talents and skills. She’s a sought after keynote, inspirational, humorous speaker and teacher across the USA and internationally in Ministers & Spiritual leaders Conferences, and training seminars for various organizations.
Beautiful put, Mary! You dug so deep for all of us in the Body of Christ to bring out such truth. Thank you, I receive. God bless you
So so beautiful. Such a confirmation to me during this time of great recovery of losing everything I had written for years and so much of my identity through a hacker on my computer. But I have learned through many trials and tests even in China when I everything I had was stolen and Indonesia, when everything I owned was thrown overboard, I can trust Him to supply, recover and I can never out give HIM. Thanks so much for such a beautiful word of truth. My favorite part was “A Moment in His Anger — a Lifetime in His Favor”. So true. He is a good good Father. So much love to you, dear Mary, xoxo Sandi