The Greatest Doors
“As I stand beside My People, I look deep inside of their hearts.
I see the doors of life and I see the ways you have opened and closed these doors.
Some doors were opened when you felt warm and weary. Those doors never prospered.
Some were opened when you felt strong and self sufficient. It was Me who closed those doors.
My People, the greatest doors were those that were opened when you focused upon My Kingdom.
We walked through those doors together.
My People, I AM most proud when you turn from that place of anguish and despair and allow Me, to fill you.
My People, I fill the places you stand and walk. For now we are one (1), we walk together in unity and love.
We pour out love to one another, because you have taken My Hand.
As babies you go in all directions, but as My Children, you are focused and love one another.
Your hand in My Hand, My Love… pouring out upon you.
Thank you My Children for choosing the right door, in the right season, and loving one another.
For you have stood in My Steps and followed the right path.”
~ Deb Zickafoose
Thank you Jesus for opening Wide Doors for Gospel.