HomeProphecyThe Great Awakening


The Great Awakening — 8 Comments

  1. Stricking to me is the uplifting and motivation I experience right now.
    The essence is that we are redeemed, dead to self and are servants to the Most High…our soon coming Bridegroom.
    We need His anounting, dubbled….to manifest Him to the unsaved.
    We are strengthened.
    We need one another – precious consecrated stones build up in His Holy Temple…

  2. And the knowledge of the Kingdom of God will be preached in all the world, then the end shall come. The church was hijacked in the first century and the whole world is deceived, with a false christ and Christianity since then. When truth is revealed to the whole world know the savior is near!

  3. And the knowledge of the Kingdom of God will be preached in all the world, then the end shall come. The church was hijacked in the first century and the whole world is deceived, with a false christ and Christianity since then. When truth is revealed to the whole world know the savior is near!

  4. A NOW WORD!!!  An awakening and stepping into the glory of His presence and into the authority we have in His name.  A NEW DAY IS HERE!  :)

  5. I have been hearing “wake up Sleeping Beauty” for some time and didn’t think I could share it with a lot of others because it is the fairytale but He said He was getting ready to wake up His beautiful bride! And also about how it was time to ride with the horses. Reading scriptures on the horse in Job again yesterday. Thank you SO MUCH for this word. Have felt so dead for so long and crying out to Him for oil in my lamp. SO encouraging!!!

  6. Amen!

    From: A Nature Walk With God

    The ancient Greeks had a word to describe this behavior, the behavior of a well-trained horse, it was praus (G4239 used in LXX NUM 12:3 and 1PT 3:4) .  Praus has been translated in English to meek.  The old English often used the term “meeking a horse”.  Meeking a horse did not mean to to strip the power from a horse but rather to harness the horse’s power from a state of wild independence to one of loyalty so that the horse could be used as the master of the horse intended.

    NUM 12:3 (Now the man Moses was very MEEK, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.)

    1PT 3:4 But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a MEEK and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.

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