The Gift of Gathering
There are those in The Body of Christ who have that special something — those who, when you enter into a Church setting, or other venue somewhere, will greet you (and I’m not speaking of ushers, although many ushers walk in this anointing), but people who will go around and visit, on their own accord, and help others feel welcome, befriend the friendless, draw out the withdrawn, and generally make people feel special.
They don’t confine themselves to their small circle of friends, but will reach beyond their borders to touch all whom they have contact with, their agenda being only graciousness!
I believe these people have a special Anointing that I am calling The Gift of Gathering. It’s a Gift of Graciousness.
I believe The LORD has a special place in His heart for those precious saints, because I believe they have been strategically placed in Churches and other Kingdom venues, to help bring Unity to The Body of Christ.
As a weaver weaves one thread at a time to make a beautiful tapestry, so The LORD uses these anointed ones to begin to weave together His Body — one thread at a time.
We, as The Church, don’t often recognize the importance of this anointing and stand in recognition of what it accomplishes, or even understand it, but I believe the day is fast approaching, as The Remnant Church begins to move into alignment with the operations of King Jesus, that this anointing will function and be recognized as The LORD intends for it to be.
To be clear, I am not saying we shouldn’t all be welcoming and gracious to all we meet, especially in church; nor am I condoning gossip or negative talk or manipulation of others in any way, shape or form.
But I believe these ones are the encouragers, the ones who draw out of others the best of who they are.
Being as I have never been one of these, I applaud and encourage those who are. God has a special role for you in the coming days.
Don’t underestimate the importance of what you do! It is an anointing of graciousness from the King Himself, whose graciousness sustains us every day.
And in the future, I believe that Church, as we know it, will look different, and you will play an even more important role in the operation of His Kingdom.
So embrace what The LORD has put in you and walk in it. Sometimes we overlook a Gift or Calling, because no one has ever recognized it for what it is. And that may be just one of your many gifts.
So press in and seek The LORD, and walk in the fullness of what He has for you, and for the rest of us through you! It’s time to run with our King!
“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26
~ Marietta Wilkinson
Marietta Wilkinson is a Prophetic Voice called to usher in The Fire and Glory of The LORD for such a time as this.
Find Marietta at @swordofthekingdom (Telegram) and at praying_scripture (Instagram)
Thank you! I have always done this, since getting saved. I am not particularly social, but have a heart for the lonely and the excluded. I never thought of it as a gift, but its true I feel compelled to be welcoming and kind. Another blessing to thank the Lord. It was certainly not my natural state before becoming saved. I believe it to be a peacemaker activity.
❤️ How wonderful!
Wow! Glory!
Your timing was perfect, thank you for sharing.
That’s encouraging! Thank you and Lord bless you!
This is so beautifully written, Marietta.
What a word! I so love the ‘Gift of Gathering.’
You may have that gift more than you know, even if to ‘gather us’ here on this site. You are bringing us more unto one accord than you even realize. Joyce ❤️
You are so kind, Joyce! You definitely have that anointing! Thank you for all you do!