HomeProphecyThe Gift of Discerning of Spirits, the 4th Dimension, and the Doctors of Christ


The Gift of Discerning of Spirits, the 4th Dimension, and the Doctors of Christ — 4 Comments

  1. Thank you for this message I claim by faith the gift of prophecy and the discerning of spirits,to see as God sees and to hear as he hears.

    [ HKP : Redacted – and correction made.  Thanks!]

  2. Deborah, thank you for your spiritual food which can help us develop our faith. In this last day, Christians really need this discernment for spirits more than ever. I hope and pray God will pour this spiritual power upon the whole body of Christ on earth more. I pray believers will grow mature enough to get this gift and use it skillfully for His kingdom.

  3. Several days ago, I had a dream in which I was being driven down a highway that was separated into four quadrants. Each quadrant had different attributes or characteristics about it. One quadrant was animals – they were all going the same way. Another quadrant was family that had passed on and another showed a church. The man in my dream told me notice the church…. Notice that the pipe organ is NOT inside the church but is built into the outside the wall. (It was as tall as the building itself)

    It is located on the outside of the church and not the inside so that everyone can hear the music that is about to be played. As we drove down this narrow road a point came in which the four quadrants seem to meet . It was at that moment space and time began to rip apart! The man driving me tried pulling the wheel as far left as possible but it was too powerful and strong for him. Then the heavens became visible and I said this is not a dream this is real! I immediately said Lord I’m ready and

    As I awoke I was breathless and stared at the wall unable to move for several minutes, the fear of the Lord was tangible.

    I don’t know anything about physics so I know that this must’ve been from the Lord himself! Then to read this was a confirmation.
    Thank you sister for sharing.

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