HomeProphecyThe Fatted Calf Has Been Prepared for Prodigal Nation


The Fatted Calf Has Been Prepared for Prodigal Nation — 15 Comments

  1. Question Can a nation be saved in a day? Isa 66:8.
    Answer Many nations can be saved in a day.
    How If we will listen to the Holy Spirit!

    Numbers 14:21

    but indeed, as I live, all the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord.

    Psalm 72:19

    And blessed be His glorious name forever;
    And may the whole earth be filled with His glory.
    Amen, and Amen.

    Jeremiah 23:24
    “Can a man hide himself in hiding places
    So I do not see him?” declares the Lord.
    “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” declares the Lord.

    Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/The-Earth-Filled-With-God

  2. I am a prophet and artist from Cincinnati, Ohio; I am taking a refresher prophecy class at a local church here. It’s on Tuesday afternoons. Yesterday, we were tasked in-class to meditate on the glory of God, for three minutes.

    I saw a distant horizon with heavy black clouds filling the sky, except for a band of moving clouds and sky near the horizon. The air felt heavy and still. Suddenly, there was a great prolonged flash of lightning from east to west, and there was a rush of wind —- as if the sky exploded with a great rush outward, across the earth. In the light, I saw someone was standing in front of me, partly blocking my view; it was Jesus. So I did not see the valley that you did. Eyes closed, He was deeply concentrated, focused on the Father. He partially turned, and extended His hand back to me. He held my hand tightly, as if it comforted Him; He wanted to share the solemn moment, the weight of it. And I felt His love. Then my three minutes were up.

    Your prophecy in the Elijah List newsletter arrived via email at 1:00 am. I was still up, thinking about my vision, writing it down. I started reading, saw the illustration. That woke me up with a zap; my vision’s landscape was wider, but I recognized the event. The Lord is reassuring us, what is happening is from and of Him, for us not to fear, but watch and listen. And hold His hand. Thanks for your words.

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