The Father’s Unconditional Love for YOU!
Do you know why My Father…
is so crazy about YOU?
Every other part of His creation He spoke into existence, but YOU were different.
He actually left the throne and scooped dirt from the earth He had just spoke into existence, and He shaped and formed you with His own hands. Then He put His mouth on yours and breathed His own breath of life into your lungs. He made you in His image so He could enjoy fellowship night and day with you, Genesis 2:7.
Before He made you, He made every possible preparation, in case something went wrong with His creation. He even did the unthinkable, He reached into His own chest and pulled out part of Himself. That’s right, I came forth from Father’s bosom as His only begotten Son, way before He ever created planet earth, 1 Peter 1:18-21.
He always knew exactly what He was doing, even when He gave you the power of choice. He had to see if you would choose Him over all other Gods. But the will of man proved no match for the whiles of the devil, Genesis 3:6.
Then even when you failed and disobeyed His warning, His love for you overwhelmed His anger and He did everything possible to restore that broken relationship. When all attempts failed, He sent Me to buy you back, if you were willing to sell out, 1 Corinthians 6:20.
If you only knew what it cost Him and Me to restore the relationship between you and Him, you would never again question His love for you, John 3:16. How could any ever think He wants anyone to go to hell?
After man’s disobedience everyone’s destiny was automatically hell, and even right at this moment, He is still working with your will to draw you to Himself, Romans 5:18-19.
Love is doing everything it possibly can to prevent you from going to hell! How much crazier love can you possibly have than that. That’s what you might call unconditional love!
~ Jim Hammerle
Jim Hammerle (1941-2017) began ministry working with David Wilkerson and Nicky Cruz, founding Teen Challenge Philadelphia. 6 times in the mission field pastoring a mission ship, 15 years with TV and radio, teaching, and preaching. As a retired businessman, Jim helped to feed widows and orphans in Uganda, helping Muslims find the Jesus who fed them. He became His banker and was privileged to give His money away, wherever He decided, so he also helping to build an orphanage in Haiti and investing in lives in the USA. Totally in love with his LORD, at age 73 he served in ministry at Victory Christian Church and lived every hour listening for his Heavenly Father’s voice. Jim passed away on May 23, 2017 to be with the LORD. |
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