The Father Says Today – September 2017
Daily prophecy for September 2017, republished with the kind permission of Prophet Russ Walden of Father’s Heart Ministry.
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September 30, 2017. The Father says today, I have made you for the high places. I have made your feet like hind’s feet that you might scale the heights of My goodness and see My glory made manifest in the lives of men. The mire of despondency is not a path that I have chosen for you. Let your heart find joy even in the midst of challenge, for My hand is working. When the enemy does his worst, I will do My best. When the enemy does his worst and I do My best, what do you think the outcome will be? So just rest in My “yes and amen”. I AM not the one denying you. Calvary was not about slamming a door in your face. I came that you might have life and life more abundantly and that is the ongoing work of My grace in your life.
Step into My yes and amen today. Determine that you will not create religious falsehoods with “one day, some day expectations”. Faith is now. Now is all I choose to work within, says the Father. Refuse to whine. Reject all self-pity. Shake yourself and rise up with courage and know that I AM a God of law. I AM a God of law and the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus is at your disposal to reshape every aspect of your life. There is no part of your life that I AM ignoring or regarding as trivial. Let your fear of Me not be in your idea of what I will deny you. Let your fear be that you can ask anything in My name and I will do it. Make sure what you are asking for is what you are willing to cope with because My plan for you and My purpose in your life is to afford you every benefit and every blessing that heaven affords and that life and life more abundantly defines.
September 29, 2017. The Father says today, go and sin no more. Those that are throwing stones of offense your way are only authenticating their own guilty hearts. Forgive them. Love them. Move on. You will never convince the gainsayers of this world and there is no need to try to convince them. They are the congregation of the uninformed. They are My responsibility and not yours. Set your face toward My courts and My pavilions and let the past be the past. Don’t look back. Don’t look back to the things that are behind you but look to the things that are ahead. Lot’s wife looked back and became a memorial of sorrow to all that follow her example. Lot looked back and condemned his own children after him to a generation of godlessness. Set your face like a flint. Repair to Me in the high place. There I will restore and renew you in all things.
Leave the details to Me. The enemy comes with his “what if’s” and “what about’s”, but that is not My voice. There is always someone too close to the fires of adversity in your life that says just “curse God and die…” In the midst of the pressure make it your determination that you will not sin with your mouth or charge Me with foolish indictments. My sovereignty is working both to redeem and recover you. Your latter end will be greater than your former end. The storm that looms so large on the horizon of your life will be but a footnote in the testimony of greater faithfulness that I am bringing about. Trust Me, says the Father. Let Me take it from here. Trust Me and know that I AM bigger than you are and I know more than you do and not only that – I AM GOD. There is nothing to fear and no need to run. Just stand. Stand in trust and expectation that at the end of the day you will lay your head down and your sleep will be sweet, for I have and will defend you.
September 28, 2017. The Father says today, discard the old wineskin. The old way of thinking and the old way of doing things hasn’t worked for you anyway, so set that aside. Empty your hands of the failed things of the past so a new assignment and new vision can find its place in your heart. There is nothing to be gained in trying to produce yesterday’s fruit with the energies of today. It is vain to cling to understandings of past things wondering why this didn’t work out or that didn’t work out. Your understanding was too small. I showed you all you were capable of seeing but the full scope of My promise didn’t end with your idea of how that which you were building didn’t come to fruition. Let that all go. Refuse to judge the validity of your walk with Me by making a measurement between what you have accomplished and what others have achieved.
Let all comparisons go, says the Father. There is one comparator I have set before you. There is one affirmation I have declared in My word and it is “as He is so are we in the world…” How am I, says the Father? Am I weak? Am I wounded? Am I fretting or in failure? Then neither are you! Step into the Christ mentality this day, says the Father. Say of your soul, “as He is so am I in the world …” Nothing that you have faced has taken Me by surprise. There is no challenge before you that causes Me to wring My hands in concern as to the outcome. I have given you great and precious promises. Don’t ask Me to repeat to you what I have already promised you in My word. Just take the assurance of My declared will and stand firm, knowing that in My word is the blanket assurance of a prophesied outcome regarding every concern of your life My beloved.
September 27, 2017. The Father says today, fight the good fight. Calvary was never intended to be an investment into failure. Failure is not your portion. Disappointment was never written into the days of the book of your life in heaven. The disasters you have faced are in your past and a new territory of blessing and favor awaits you through the gate I have set before you, even this day. Let the winds of My goodness fill the sails of your faith. Rise up and shake yourself from all lethargy and hopelessness. It IS a new day and you will now begin to walk before Me by a new and living way. You have NOT passed this way before beloved, so move forward with the eyes of a child – expectant and rejoicing with every opened door and every new horizon.
Have you looked back? Look back no longer. Do not look to the things that are behind you but look to the things that are ahead. The trajectory of your life has yet to reach its apogee. The days ahead of you are greater than the days behind. You have yet to experience the full scope of My kindness and favor but it IS coming and you will taste and see that I am good beyond all your expectations. Sit down at the table I have prepared for you in the midst of your enemies. Partake of the provisions of faith, life, joy and rejoicing that is not mere empty expectation. The substance is about to be made manifest in your life. Look up, for your redemption draws nigh and the fullness of My grace is being visited upon you in a moment of time, says the Father.
September 26, 2017. The Father says today, I AM reclaiming those that have fallen. My leaders who have failed, those who have erred, those who have plummeted into sin and darkness will see a great light. My fallen warriors and champions will see a great light and will recover themselves by My grace to new life and new placement in My kingdom and in My purposes. Be encouraged, says the Father. Be encouraged and lift up your heads, for I have sealed you with the inheritance of saints and I will restore you from whence you have fallen. Others may have rejected you. Others may have marked you as unfit and unredeemable from your situation but that is not My word and that is not My nature, says the Father. Did not David collude to slay Uriah? Yet My hand lay heavy upon him until he was restored and his throne placed in continuance. Listen to My voice, says the Father, and not the voice or the threats of those who would withhold from you My clemency.
Accept the grace of My unconditional love. Receive the cleansing and renewal that comes only from My hand. Know that My heart not only grieves over the transgression but My heart grieves for the transgressor. Mercy triumphs over judgment, says the Father, so receive My mercy. Receive of My hand the mercy that lesser minds and smaller hearts would deny you so vehemently. Leave them to Me. Your standing in the Kingdom is not measured by what others think of you but by who you are and what you become as you accept the cleansing of the shed blood of Calvary. You are Mine. I have called you by My name. I have called you and I AM renewing you. Set aside the shame. Revoke the habit of self-recrimination and self-pity. Stand up. Shake yourself off. Know who you are and what you are. Your past will not dictate your future. Your present is a path leading to the bright future I have planned. Yield to My hand in fullness as I make all things new in your sight, says the Father.
September 25, 2017. The Father says today, you have certainly picked up the pace. You have followed every lead of My Spirit not fully knowing where it will end up. You have listened to the compass of My voice saying this is the way, walk now in it. You have forged ahead even when your stamina was faltering and your strength was weakened. You have applied your heart and your hand to the call of God to ministry portion even unto the ends of the earth. You will not be disappointed beloved. You will not experience failure or defeat. What I have commissioned will not fail and it will not fade away. It will not fail and it will not fade away because the commissioned assignment is sealed in the blueprints written before the foundation of time and the time is now for you to receive a “commission” on your commission.
There are great dividends and benefits included in the commission of serving Me. Who I send and who I spend I also defend and I also amend. Will you even come up higher and depend on Me? For it is not by might and not by power but only by My Spirit that you will commend it all into My hands. You will commend it all and know that it is too big for you and too grand and imposing for you alone and that the only way we will accomplish this thing is together, by My Spirit. So don’t look away from the exalted opulence of My call for you as something that is too much, but rather look toward Me in this as the fulfilment of your divine destiny and purpose knowing this is so big and so grandiose that only by the Spirit of the Living God can this plan come to fruition, says the Father.
September 24, 2017. The Father says today, I see what you have left for Me. I see that you have left your mother and your father, you have left your cities, you have left your countries and you have followed Me. I see the persecution that rose up to chase after you, the persecution that rose up because you dared to say you can hear Me and dared to say you can encounter Me and dared to speak of the intimacies of our relationship. I see you as you made the choice to come after Me though it cost you your reputation, and cost you your distinction, and cost you your rank among those who opine themselves to be of the religious aristocracy. You have not desired to allow the stench of those who malign My name to cause your garments to be defiled.
For you have chosen the garments of praise because I have set you in My family. I have placed you in the midst of My mothers and fathers in the kingdom. My sisters and brothers and sons and daughters who trust and believe in My name. My family. My true royalty and the nobility of the pure of heart. You are come into the hundredfold inheritance of those who have left these things and forsaken all others for My name’s sake. You are of a new rank and order, and the service and love you have shown Me and My family brings you into the annals of greatness even like the one who would be the greatest shall be the servant of all. You have chosen the fragrance of humility. You have set yourself low and humbled yourself to worship and I AM lifting you up. I AM bringing you to the head table. I AM RESTORING THE YEARS that the enemy has stolen. I AM restoring the years, the honor, the family and the lands to you and your descendants now and forevermore, says the Father.
September 23, 2017. The Father says today, I AM sounding the trumpet and calling you to turn to Me with all of your heart. Listen for the sound of My shofar and My ram’s horn calling you to pray. I AM calling you to listen and I AM calling you to hear. Hear the sound of My voice and quiet yourself to receive My heart. To rend your heart and not your garment and turn to the Lord your God, for I AM gracious and merciful and slow to anger. If you search for Me you will find Me. When you seek Me with your whole heart, I will make Myself known.
I AM not in the strong wind that rends the mountains and hills into ruination. I AM not in the hurricane forces that bring the floods of destruction, neither am I in the earthquake that rends the earth and causes the landslides and lava to flow wreaking havoc and obliteration in its path. I AM not in the fire that rages against the lands and causes the skies to fill with smoke. All of these do cause the nations to tremble and rage and even to lift up their fists and raise their voice against Me saying that I have wrought this carnage or that devastation. I AM not found there. I AM sounding the trumpet call today that is the clarion call to listen. To listen and hear. Where will I be found? In the still small voice. In the silence between your own thoughts. So, incline your ear this day and listen in the quiet realms of My glory, says the Father.
September 22, 2017. The Father says today, you have cried out to Me for My glory. You have cried out and said I will not move another step unless Your glory and Your presence go with me. But you already have My glory beloved. You have My glory and power and presence. You need not just hope for it because it is already on the inside of you. It is Christ in you, the Hope of Glory. You have a limitless account and access to the substance of My glory. The substance of My glory contains the dunamis of resurrection power and unending supply . Have I not said I will provide for all your needs according to My riches in glory in Christ Jesus? It is not according to your riches but according to My riches.
What is it you have need of? Reach into the substance of My glory to obtain it . My healing is there. My provision is there. My help is there. My deliverance is there. My favor is there. My coffers will never be empty and the vaults of My treasury are overflowing with immeasurable supply. My provision is accessed by those with grateful hearts and they enter in with thanksgiving and praise to the inner courts of the treasuries of heaven. The substance of My glory breaks open the windows of heaven and pours out from within where My glory resides. Wait for it. Wait for My glory to be manifest. Wait for the weight, for the heaviness of My glory will fill you and cover you. You will know and recognize and embrace the glory, and reach into that very substance to obtain what you need in this hour to turn every situation and every circumstance to your favor and your benefit, says the Father.
September 21, 2017. The Father says today, I have not forgotten. I have not forgotten your determination to serve and please Me. I watch you and I AM closer than your very breath. I AM not a distant God who observes from afar but I AM intimately acquainted with you beloved. I know what was said and how you were treated. Even as I was with Joseph in the times of slander and accusation and false imprisonment, I AM also with you. He left his reputation in My hands and continued to trust Me and I bestowed much honor upon him in his day. I AM going to bring you out intact and all the attacks against your honor, your integrity and your reputation will be dealt with swiftly as you pray for those who despitefully use you and persecute you.
Be kind in response, and let My kindness flow through you as it is My kindness that leads men to repentance. I will move you out of the situation and circumstance. It will be soon. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. When I speak honor over My children, who can speak against it? None can. So, rest in My proclamation over your life. You are the head and not the tail. You are the beloved. You are worth so much, I gave up My greatest treasure in all of the universe, Jesus. The honor I give Him I give you because you belong to us. You are ours. The harm intended by the enemy will not prevail and the strength of his plan is brought to nothing even this moment, says the Father.
September 20, 2017. The Father says today, not a thing catches Me unaware. I know what you will do and say, where you will go and how far, even the times and seasons that are before you. I know when you rise up and when you fall down and I make even your mistakes to prosper. So be released of all guilt and condemnation this day, for My blood has cleansed and forgiven. Today is a new day and My mercy is new and fresh and even in this moment being poured out upon you. Breathe it in. Receive this day My blessing and mercy provided as your full portion, and delight yourself in Me to receive My fullness of joy. I AM turning back the years of your life and all of the regrets and laments are crumbling into dust to be blown across My sea of forgetfulness.
I AM turning your “if only I had” into “He has provided” and the outcome of what you deserved into the reward of what He deserves. Jesus. For the honor I place upon My precious Son I also put upon you. The love I have for My firstborn is given also to you in full measure. For I love you with an everlasting love. Did you fall and I AM not aware? Did you think you disappointed everyone with that which you have opposed yourself? Release it now and be free from all shame and condescending images of self. For you are forgiven and redeemed and bought with a great price. My treasure is within you and you are a carrier of My glory. I wipe every tear and say rise up, for you are not rejected and you are not dejected but you are restored fully today. You are well loved and accepted in the Beloved, says the Father.
September 19, 2017. The Father says today, that the blood covers. There is power in the shed blood of Calvary to cleanse and remove those things that are at enmity with My purposes in your life. I AM breaking down in your life those things that are not compatible with My plan and My purpose in your situation. I AM moving to bring deliverance and change in a time of change. Don’t be afraid of the turbulence. Fear not when the shaking comes, for the shaking that comes only removes those things that carry death, only removes those things that diminish you and only removes things from your life that are not consistent with the destiny that I have for you, says the Father. I AM touching your mouth, even as I said in Jeremiah. I AM putting forth My hand, says the Father, I am touching your mouth and I AM putting My words in your mouth. My touch in your mouth will produce My words in your mouth, says the Father. When My touch comes upon you there will be a decree that will accompany it, a decree that proceeds forth, not just out of your human understanding, but from My heart to your heart that speaks truth and manifests My knowledge and wisdom.
When you feel My hand moving upon you, make a concerted effort to get alone with Me. Let your mouth pray. Speak forth the words that I have given you in the secret place. Speak forth and know that what you pray in secret will be rewarded openly. Those things that challenge and encroach upon My kingdom in your life will be rooted out. Those things you have been dealing with that are contrary to My promises, will be pulled down. Purpose in your mind to endure the process without wavering. Do not turn to the right hand or to the left. Continue to move forward in a posture of trust, knowing that in the end My plan for you will overrule all the plans of the enemy. My promises and the power of My word will uphold you in the midst of My process. Father says, do not allow yourself to be insecure in the midst of the shaking, for I AM simply preparing the ground that I might build into you all that I have promised, says the Father.
September 18, 2017. The Father says today, be encouraged. Refuse to see yourself as disadvantaged. Choose to look at your life through the lens of My promise. Do not allow yourself to consider the disadvantages of man but the promises of My word that are your portion! Regardless of the circumstance you find yourself in, it is My favor that determines what happens next in your life. My Kingdom rules over all. My love for you disallows the circumstances of birth, relationships, or impediment of any kind to exclude you from the performance of My promises in your behalf. It is My love and My favor that brings you to ascendency beloved, over every difficulty. Despair not. Refuse to grieve as one who has no hope or one who is victim to circumstances beyond your control. I AM the hero in the situation. It isn’t up to you. Those things that you cannot shift or change I AM lording over.
Fear not the enemy. The enemy and his depredations against you serve only to identify where My table is spread IN THE MIDST OF YOUR ENEMIES, laden with every good thing you could possibly hope to receive at My hand. Be of good courage, says the Father. I have already caused you to incline in the way that I would have you to go. Listen to your heart, for from its inward chambers echoes the still, small voice of My Spirit. Have I not said, “this is the way – walk you in it?” Your hearing is not as poor as you think it is. Stop saying that you cannot hear or are having difficulty ascertaining My voice. I AM always and ever speaking. Live out of your sheep nature, for as the sheep of My hand, you will never fail to hear My voice. Commit to memory all that I have said to you. Ascribe My words and My promises as the sure outcome of your life. I will see to it, as you walk in daily renewed obedience, that one by one by one every promise of My word will accrue to you as the sure inheritance purchased for you by the blood that was shed on Calvary.
September 17, 2017. The Father says today, step into a new place of trust. Do you trust Me, says the Father? Trust IN ME. Rest in My hand. Rest in the walk that I have called you to walk in. Know that I am working. Refuse to lean to the natural solutions or natural mind of man, for that only creates the “grow worse” scenario that takes you away from what I have promised you. I call you My entitled one – My beloved. He that touches you touches the apple of My eye. That is the pupil of the eye. What I AM saying over you is that when the enemy dares to put his hand on what represents your life, your desires and your longings, I will protect you. There will be an autonomic, an automatic response by My hand to put down the strategy of hell against you and bring you into your blessing place.
I hear the question “where am I going, God…” The Father says, INTO YOUR BLESSING PLACE. You are going into your blessing place! What I said to Abraham I AM saying to you – every place where you put your foot I HAVE given it to you. I dare you – I DARE YOU, says the Father, to put your foot in the neck of your enemy and know that YOU WILL SEE DELIVERANCE! My hand is at work even now, says the Father, in anticipation of the occasion of your faith. The angels of heaven are making room for My faithfulness to be made manifest in your life to bring you to highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled! This is your portion, says the Father and it is My righteousness that is bringing it about, even now!
September 16, 2017. The Father says today, do not allow yourself to fall into negativity. Do not get entrenched in unproductive attitudes and the actions that result because of them. This is not a time to give yourself over to ingrained thinking or a resistant pattern of decision making. Hear this loudly and clearly, says the Father, “hold everything loosely”. Remember Lot’s wife! She was so attached to the familiar and that which represented the basis of her life that she looked back at just the wrong time. Don’t look back, says the Father. Let go of those things that are behind you. Refuse to allow the past to be commentary on your present or predictive of your future. Your past will not dictate your future, says the Father. Get ready get ready get ready, for this is the dawning of a new day, but at every juncture your cooperation is required.
I have prepared great and mighty things ahead for you, says the Father, but you are in a place now – in a valley of decision to let go of the past and embrace what I have called you forward to. Be willing to risk. Be willing to step out on nothing, knowing that I will substantiate your faith and your foot will fall on the firm ground that produces your hope and produces that thing that you have cried out to Me for. This is the hour that changes the world. This is the hour that changes your circumstance and your situation as you align yourself with My word and align yourself with My still, small voice correcting, redirecting and bringing you out of the dry places, even this day, into the milk and honey provisioning that you have cried out for so long to Me for, says the Father.
September 15, 2017. The Father says today, My favor is upon you. The anointing brings favor and favor is in the anointing. Let your goal be to see My favor that is upon you be translated into favor with men. Love makes that happen. Come now, says the Father, you KNOW My favor is upon you. Have you ever wondered why then, many things that have happened in your life did not have My signature upon them? Have you wondered WHY, knowing My favor is upon you, that you have dealt with so much enmity from men? Consider Joseph. I chose Joseph. I ordained Joseph. I gave Joseph dreams that ultimately made him second only to Pharaoh. But he didn’t have favor with his brothers because he didn’t know how to use discretion and walk in love toward those around him. Learn that lesson, says the Father. Learn the lesson that LOVE transmits MY FAVOR into every relationship you have that will result in FAVOR FROM MEN – even your enemies.
When your ways please Me, says the Father, I will make your enemies, even your enemies to be at peace with you. Even as Laban with Jacob – they will figure out that when you are in their life things go well with them even though they don’t think like you think or serve the God you serve. This is what My favor will bring about in your life. Most of My children don’t get this and wander through life struggling and unable to get done what they need to get done in order to come to breakthrough. Do not be this person. Be teachable. Be adjustable in your thinking. Realize that yes, you are loved and highly favored. The favor is there but it only advantages you when you choose to walk in love toward others, to take the risks that faith demands, bringing about the outcomes that you have cried out for lo, these many years. This, My beloved, is how you walk into what others are vainly only waiting upon.
September 14, 2017. The Father says today, walk in My favor. I not only love you, says the Father – I like you and delight to spend time with you even when you think I AM busy doing something else. Step out and activate in your life the protocols of My favor. When you are moving in the protocols of My favor you will plunder the enemy and come away with the spoil of the city. My plans for you include so much more than you are currently walking in. You are slated to be blessed among your peers more than you understand and more than what those around you have seen. Even those whom the blessed people are calling blessed will look at you and see My blessing and commend your life as an example of just what life looks like when drastic favor manifests in fullness on a human life – specifically your life. So, get your mind wrapped around a greater favor and heavier anointing and fuller portion of My goodness than you previously thought possible.
I AM so with you, says the Father. I AM with you extending latitude and permission to step into the express elevator of My glory that takes you to the penthouse of My goodness. You aren’t coming up in the service elevator because I AM not ashamed of you. You are not coming in by the back door because I delight to associate with you and to conspicuously put My name upon you in such a way the everybody gets just how much I love you and have chosen you as an inheritor of the full measure of My highest and best. I AM committed. In My resolute will I AM committed to use all My energies and all My creativity to bring about the happiness, joy and even radical obnoxious blessing upon you that will offend every religious spirit operating within range of your life. So, go out and be special and be the beloved and know that I have set My favor upon you this day in great and radical measure.
September 13, 2017. The Father says today, this is a new beginning time for you. I declare to you a new day, a new world, a new season, a new genesis for you in your life. You are going to run and not be weary. You will play like the hart and rejoice as in the day of harvest. Your feet will be as hinds feet on high places as you leap for joy from one glory to the next in the blessing time wherein I choose to bless you. This is your time to rejoice even as a praise dancer in my kingdom. Your testimony will be that there is a God in the heavens who provisions your life with deliverance, who provisions your life with healing, and even miraculous recovery in the name that is above every name.
The Father says over you, this is the day of your visitation. I AM coming to meet you as I met Abram in the plain and brought him bread and wine. He cut covenant with Me and in blessing I blessed him because he lifted up his hand to the Most High and refused to take even a shoe lace from the king of Sodom. Make this your determination and your resolve to never allow any man to say he made you who you are, or is responsible for the goodness that only originates in Me. I AM with you, says the Father, and I will never leave you or forsake you. Be determined. Be steadfast in your obedience. Put aside every temptation to swerve away from My commandment or to deviate from My instruction, for this is the season of your reward and it will come to you in haste and in fullness as you maintain fidelity to My throne.
September 12, 2017. The Father says today, I AM not the taker, I AM the giver. There is a paradigm shift coming in the world supplanting guilt consciousness with sonship awareness. Begin to think like a son. Begin to presume upon the entitlement that was purchased for you in the shed blood of Calvary. There is no need to strive fearfully to preserve natural life or livelihood when the eternality of My Spirit is in you causing extension of life and fullness of blessing every moment, every year of your sojourn in this existence. As I promised in My Word, My peoples lives will be as trees standing long upon the earth as witnesses to My goodness and My blessing from generation to generation. Get ready for a longevity in the earth that is generational in scope as you give witness to young and old to My testimony in your life.
In My Spirit is the life giving, life potential that reframes and reestablishes completely the baseline idea that men have about what blessing looks like and where this victory is walked out. Heaven is a reality for you but much that heaven affords is also available to you here and now. My whole plan includes not only heaven in heaven but heaven come to earth. Receive heaven come to earth in your life, says the Father. This isn’t something that flesh can inherit, so set the flesh man and all self-interest aside. It isn’t necessary to walk in self-interest because the over flow of how I use you to bless others will always come back upon you as blessing, benefit and surplus, every time. This isn’t something you can move in through your own strength. Receive My strength and pour out of yourself today and every day that you might come to inheritance in Me now and in the life to come.
September 11, 2017. The Father says today, your new birth is a reality. It is not some religious sleight of hand. It is not something you were talked into or convinced of because of a cathartic emotional experience. You are born again of the incorruptible seed. However, your life may be surrounded by contamination and corruption, but there is something of Myself on the inside of you that is unstained, uncorrupted and inconceivably pure. And that part of Myself that is in you is speaking – continually speaking. “Be thou clean”. Be made whole. I will – rise and take up your bed and walk… Miracles are yours. Restoration is yours. Forgiveness is yours, for I AM bringing you out of what was and into the new, even My renewed mercies that are reset every morning you wake up and put your feet on the floor to face a new day.
You have not chosen Me but I have chosen you. I have chosen you and ordained that you should be with Me and that you should bear much fruit. If much fruit is not the experience you are having, you know where I am taking you then, don’t you? Fruitlessness is not your portion. Spiritual, physical, relational famine is not something designed by My hand as an assignment for you to carry out your life in. It is not good to be alone. It is not good to fall short in any area of life. I AM the life giver. I AM the source of abundance beyond all your expectation. You are coming out, says the Father. You are coming out of the lean place and into the fullness of My Spirit and Power that fills all in all in every area of your life where need exists.
September 10, 2017. The Father says today, I AM the giver and not the withholder. I AM not withholding anything from you. The enemy has fostered the lie that I delight in denying you, but I AM not denying you. Neither AM I holding Myself aloof from you in anyway. I AM as near to you as hands and feet. I AM there on the inside of you resonating in the acoustics of your inner man that is My temple. This is the basic truth of who I AM in you and who you are in Me. I AM in you. You are My house upon the earth. You are a living stone of the vital temple that is comprised of every born-again believer throughout the earth in every place where My Name is named. The desire you have to know Me is what I planted there, not to deny you or torment you, but to fulfill completely the hunger in your being for all My fullness that is in fact your portion.
So, reject all condemnation and come to Me with delight and knowing that those who come to Me I will in no wise cast out. Are you moving toward Me? Of course, for I AM moving toward you. Are you coming toward Me every day in every way? Know that I will not reject you or cast you aside. Others may have rejected you and cast you aside but I know you. I know what you are made up of and I know your failures and the folly that has contaminated your life from time to time. The blood covers all. The cleansing of Calvary expunges all guilt and sin as you repent and open yourself to the sanctifying power of My Spirit. That isn’t what you have been taught by the Counsels of the Uninformed, but you be a Father pleaser and hear My voice above all others. Return to the high place this day, says the Father. Let every prodigal understanding and attitude within you forsake the husks of earthly priorities and come, however stained and naked, to be cleansed and given the robe of righteousness and the signet of My acceptance, because I call you My beloved child.
September 9, 2017. The Father says today, receive the fear that is clean. My fear is clean on the inside of you. Any other fear is unclean, it is an unclean spirit. The root of fear, phobias, worries and anxiety is the sense of separation and defilement that does not originate in any choice I have made for you. Abide in Me for I AM abiding in you, beloved. I AM with you and I will never leave you or forsake you. Regardless of feelings or emotions that may mislead, I AM here – talk to Me. Even if you make your bed in hell I AM with you. Even when all forsake you and you even hate and loathe yourself, My love is with you. My love is in you and with you and working to transform and change and bring you into My image. For this cause and this reason, I sent My Son into the earth to overpower and condemn fear and the bondage that fear brings into the lives of those I love.
I so loved the world that I gave. I gave My Son on the cross that you might come into My image in fullness. When the enemy looks at you and sees Me looking back at him, he will turn aside. Resist the enemy, not with a religious mentality but with the image of who I AM on the inside of you. Turn the image of who I am on the inside of you toward the enemy that is assaulting you and he will make his exit. Root out and set yourself in opposition to every attitude, opinion and personality trait that is contrary to who I AM in you, for this opens you up to failure and vulnerability. Always remember that as I AM in the heavens, so are you on the earth. How AM I? I AM doing pretty good let Me tell you. Even so, I desire that your life be conformed to the template beloved of “as in heaven so on earth” where no fear can touch you and nothing unclean can contaminate you.
September 8, 2017. The Father says today, abide in Me. As you abide in Me, no evil will overtake you and no assault of hell will defeat you. I haven’t called you to master the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Good and evil are the measuring tools of the religious mind. I haven’t called you to be religious. Abide in the vine. Partake of the tree of life and follow its root and branch in every decision you make. I did not send My Son to the cross to establish religion. Religion is the ghetto that the world puts My people in to marginalize and defeat them. Religion is the circus tent that those out there in the world frequent for a few laughs, that they might mock and sneer at those found therein. That is not your portion. I have called you to abide in Me and to be known as you are known.
You are the light of the world. My light originates in you and dispels all darkness. In that estate as My glory is manifest in you, the world trembles and bows the knee, not before you but before My throne. Receive the demonstration of My Spirit. Press in to the demonstration of My power. Take off the grave clothes of natural identity. You are more than your ethnicity implies. You are more than gender expresses. You are more than age, education or station in life suggests. You are a branch abiding in Me, destined to bear fruit. No male or female. No bond or free. No Jew or Gentile, but one-ness in My Spirit, effortlessly expressing the reality of who I AM and what I am doing being done through you in signs, miracles and wonders. Embrace your identity in Christ. Accept that you were holy and without blame before Me in love before the foundation of the world. This is who you are. Awake to righteousness, oh beloved, that you might partake this day of My fullness!
September 7, 2017. The Father says today, grow in wisdom and in stature in My Kingdom. As you grow in wisdom and as you grow in spiritual stature before Me, even natural laws will not contain you. You will become a water walker. Even the laws of matter will become irrelevant to you. Bread will multiply in your hands. Death will flee at your word – even My word in your mouth. This is the greater works ministry and it is a reality for My people. Storms will obey you, for they are ruled at present by a lesser power than that which dwells on the inside of you by My Holy Spirit. Accept your union and communion with Me as a reality. It isn’t a religious figment of an overactive imagination. Be one in My Spirit and walk in union with Me and no wall will contain you. No power on earth will stand against you. Not because of who you are, but who I AM on the inside of you.
The time of fullness is approaching in the earth and in your walk with Me, if you will hear it and know it as the most basic truth of your redemption. I did not save and sanctify you just to go through an endless cycle of sinning and being forgiven, groveling at My feet for a few morsels of spiritual substance till death takes you. Death is an enemy, even the last enemy that will in that day be extinguished as mortality puts on immortality. That is the whole point of the second coming. Immortality is working in you now. Eternal life is yours now, bringing life and life more abundantly as the default state of your existence in Me. Disease cannot take you for it was nailed to the cross. Sin cannot bind you for its power was destroyed at Calvary. Poverty and lack cannot consume you for in the cross I AM your full supply. Believe it. Accept it and know it as your inheritance in Me, says the Father.
September 6, 2017. The Father says today, receive the substance. Sense and feel the weight of My glory that is on the inside of you. When the price was paid on Calvary the invitation to the inner court was made and the way became clear. When you accepted salvation, you put your foot where only the sinless Son of God could tread until redemption was made secure in your behalf. Tread My courts. I have called you to tread My courts says the Father. It isn’t necessary to die to enter My courts and bask in My presence. I have called you out of the 30 fold of the outer court into the 60 fold and the 100 fold experience. It is available. It is possible. It has been your inheritance since the day that the veil was rent from top to bottom signifying an open path to all that heaven affords to whosoever will.
You are not a child of the outer court. You are a child of the inner court. Accept your priesthood and put on the priesthood of the believer that you might handle the holy things and serve at My altar. I have created you in My image and filled you with My Spirit that you might pass through the riven veil into something more of My Spirit than can be found in natural settings or religious situations. Many are called says the Father, but few accept the choosing. The choosing of God is on you this day. Put on your spiritual body and receive in your natural being the revitalizing of strength and life that you might stand even this day in My holy court. This is your portion and your inheritance by My hand says the Father.
September 5, 2017. The Father says today, come up higher. Many have tried to come up higher but there is only one way – by the blood that was shed and the price that was paid. There is no secret doctrine or hidden truth that creates ascendency in your life or the afterworld. The light that liberates and sets you free emanates from the cross. You need not know the secret handshake or go through some ritual or rite. Spirituality is not the badge of those who fast the longest or memorize the most scripture. Holiness, purity and power in My Kingdom is not attained by religious recitals or a performance mentality. Religious routines only produce religious people. I have not called you to be religious, I have called you to be sons and daughters of a loving Father who gave heaven’s best that you might be free.
Here is the mystery revealed. Here Christ in you becomes your hope of glory, liberating you from the stupidity and nauseous false humility of the religious mind-set. Come simply. Come willingly. Come as a little child and I will show you great and mighty things that you know not. I call you more than a servant. Yes, servanthood is a garment of faithfulness you wear but who you are is My beloved child. As My son was the firstborn of many brethren – know that you are one of the many. As I looked out for My Son and sent angels to sustain and maintain Him, so in HIS NAME I AM sending angels to sustain and maintain you so you can walk with Me, robed in white, gaining intimacy and assurance deeper and deeper still on a daily basis.
September 4, 2017. The Father says today, love is who I AM, not just what I do. Let love be who you are, not just what you do. If you have to grit your teeth to love somebody – that is religious tolerance, not agape. Let go of the illusion of love and become transparent before Me. Transparency only reveals what I knew already. It makes you honest. When you are honest before Me I can and I will pour in the oil and the wine of My grace to cleanse and mend the wounds and offenses of times past. Remember the priests of the Lord were not allowed to sweat when they served at My table. Drink of My blood and eat My flesh and you will not come into condemnation. Let the illusory figment of false civility be stripped away and get fully real before Me. In that moment, I will loose you from the torments of past hurts and anger and give you a liberty beyond all your expectation.
Accept My word, says the Father. Accept the word that is your substance. This is the word that was before all beginning. This is the word that is the light and the life of all living. This is the word that maintains and sustains you at every moment of the day. When you need to be carried and uplifted above the sense world and its offenses, know that I am there to be all that is necessary to keep you safe and keep you in conformity to My heart and My mind. A s I gave in the beginning, so I AM giving now. As I gave the Only Begotten before the foundation of the world – so I AM giving to you now. Because I have given to you – refuse to withhold from those around you. When you withhold from others, it only identifies areas in your life that have not experienced the cleansing of Calvary. Be cleansed this day. Be made whole. Receive My life and allow it to flow out from you to others, even those who fall short of the demands of human expectations.
September 3, 2017. The Father says today, mercy triumphs over judgment in My word. Let mercy triumph over judgment in your heart and in your mind. Opinions are lethal, says the Father. Opinions can kill with a word. Refuse to assassinate the character of those around you with your words. It matters not whether they are guiltless or not. Always remember that I give life and breath to all, and judgment is reserved unto My throne and not the court of popular opinion. Let your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth. Words spoken in haste produce long term harvests in the life of the speaker and the hearer. Refrain, says the Father, from all such vanities. What I have in store for you, and what I have laid up for you in the glory, is not accessed by those who are hasty with their words or brash in their opinions.
Say of your soul “I will render up mercy as the fruit of my lips…” Blessed are the merciful, for mercy will be their portion. Determine when all others are piling on and inflicting injustice and rejection upon others, that you will not be a participator. The seat of the scornful is where the mocker forsakes his own clemency – let not these things once be named in your conversation. It is time. It is time after so long a time, that this lesson be not only learned, but implemented in full. Let mercy not only be an act, but be who you are from this day forward. In so doing the gates of benediction and blessing are opened to you in radical measure. I say to you verily, verily, radical mercy brings radical favor, for I will favor the merciful and pour out of My goodness upon all those who respond in humility and quietness of spirit when all others are nothing more than an uninformed, unpitying rabble.
September 2, 2017. The Father says today, you are progressing by steps. I have afforded you the provision of living in the Spirit – now make the decision to deliberately walk in the Spirit. I say unto you that you are now walking into what you have been waiting for. Yes, the waiting has been long and the doors have seldom opened on your time table, but they have opened. There is in fact a door standing opened that you abandoned through impatience and misdirection, but I AM taking care of that. Look again, says the Father, look again. That failed harvest that seemed to cast its young? That burned over field that others criticized you for wasting your time on? Look again, dear one, look again and see the fresh growth and new life ready to be nurtured to the full harvest that I promised.
This is reclamation season, says the Father. I AM reconstituting afresh and anew that which is barren and dry. Your land will be called married and your land will not be barren. I AM writing Hephzibah and Beulah as a banner over you. Your vision and that longing of your heart will not be an abortion as you determine with full and resolute purpose to cooperate with Me beyond that which you understood in times past. I AM provision and provision is yours – it is on its way as the ravens that fed the prophet by the brook. Maturity has its rewards, beloved. Give Me some cooperation, says the Father, and I will give you the change your heart has cried out for.
September 1, 2017. The Father says today, things are going to begin to get a little quicker for you now. You have been paddling through life with a certain pace but there are rapids ahead and a pace that is much faster than what you are used to. There will be things you need to hang on to in this time and things you need to let go of. Take inventory, says the Father. Take stock of relationships, investments and things that have occupied you and get ready to leave those things behind that I prompt you to let go of. The cadence, the pace of your life is going to quicken and you will not feel as though you are in control. This is My hand at work and not the enemy though it won’t always be comfortable.
The Father says, I AM transitioning you. This is transition time for you. You have asked for radical change and it is available as you cooperate with what I AM bringing about. Part of this is coming into greater service in My Kingdom. I AM manifesting myself in you. I AM causing you to know the greater ministry portion that I have called you to. With greater ministry portion is also greater responsibility. Embrace it. Say in your heart and out of your mouth “I take responsibility”. No more excuses. No more waiting for someone else to do what I have called you to do. The one that gets the vision runs with the vision. I have given you a vision, says the Father and it has been frustrating to you that others have not seen the need I have laid on your heart. Stop looking to them and look at your feet, your hands and move up and take charge to do the things that I have called you to. This is your commission and in that commission is great promise and fulfillment in your life.
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