The Father Says Today — July 2021
Daily prophecy for July, 2021, republished with the kind permission of
Prophet Russ Walden of Father’s Heart Ministry.
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July 31, 2021. The Father says today, you have come into a season of upgrade. You have anticipated your new assignment and that time is here. You have learned the ropes of your current assignment and now it is time to move on to the next. You have trained and discipled others to carry on the work and it continually grows. I AM causing your promotion to roll out before you and I AM elevating you and advancing your status for I have found you faithful in this hour.
This is the time we will take things up a notch. You are one like Joseph who humbled himself as he grew in wisdom and stature. Joseph was a man of integrity and My favor rested heavily upon him to understand revelations and dreams in order to walk in My Plans and Purposes and deliver a nation in time of need. You are one like Daniel who had an excellent spirit. Daniel was a man who prayed regularly, and his voice was heard on high. He did not yield to the voice of the enemy but was found faithful and found to be in faith in all things. Know that My favor is upon you as it was upon them. This is an hour of destiny to all who will hear and receive the new assignments from on high, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen
July 30, 2021. The Father says today, are you at a place of giving up? Let hope rise up. Heaven is watching and help is just around the bend. Your rescue is assured even though you cannot see it with your eyes. Your recovery is more real, and your restoration is more valid in this hour than you have ever realized. I have not left you. I will never leave you or forsake you. I AM in you and with you forever beloved.
Yes, I have seen what has happened. Yes, I AM aware of all that has been done. I see and I know. My arm is stretched forth on your behalf to receive you into that place of peaceful wholeness and strength. My hand is upon you to bring health and vitality to your blood and bones. My healing virtue flows now to all who will receive it. My strengthening grace will enable all sufficiency to flow and yield the peaceable fruit of righteousness. To all who seek first My kingdom, the guiding beacon of peace and joy will lead them into an abundance of favor and holiness. My blessing shall come to all who choose to walk in love and forgiveness to those who have despitefully used them. It is even My great blessing that brings honor and favor and riches without sorrow added . You have been granted to enter into My great joy and realize the fullness of My goodness, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen
July 29, 2021. The Father says today, more love and more power is available to you. My unlimited supply does not have a lid for I overflow with love and power, and it is flowing into you. As you fill up, you also overflow to everyone and everything around you. Don’t mistake temporary setback or unexpected derailments as time to stop or that the answer is no. This is not My intent to delay. The hindering forces seem powerful, but really, it’s all deception. They make their elaborate plans, but like a balloon, the right instrument, like a very tiny pin, let’s all the air out and it becomes useless. So too with the enemy’s plans. They plot, scheme and deceive, but the truth always wins, and the lies are exposed. It’s the same as building your house on the rock of My Word versus the sands of the world. One is a firm foundation while the other holds nothing and is easily toppled. So, your life, when built upon My firm foundation, though the waves roar, the winds blow and the mountains tremble, you will not be moved.
Having done all to stand, stand therefore, having on My full armor. The helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit which is My Word. Your feet shod with peace and you have the belt of truth. Above all take the shield of faith wherewith you will quench every dart of the wicked one. With that determined purpose, you will receive what you have endured hardness for. Do not be amazed and bewildered at the fiery ordeal which is taking place to test your quality, as though something strange (unusual and alien to your position) were befalling you. But insofar as you are sharing in Christ’s sufferings, rejoice, so that when His glory is revealed, you may also rejoice with triumph. If you suffer abuse because you bear the name of Christ, blessed are you regardless of your outward condition, because My Spirit of Glory is resting upon you that I may be glorified through you. ~ by Georgette Thompson.
July 28, 2021. The Father says today, I AM bringing alignment back to My Body. Where there is disunity, there is pain and discomfort, lack of flow, stunted growth, reduced effort and if allowed to continue in this manner, will bring a breakdown of the entire system. My Body is to be glorious, without spot or wrinkle. What has been out of joint is being brought back together that you may be healed. Where there is hatred, let there be love. Where there is strife, let there be peace. Where there is sickness, let healing flow. Where there is fear, let faith arise. Where there is hindrance and obstacles, command them to be removed from your midst. Let My joy arise and spring up from within you. Whatever causes sorrow and sadness, it is time for it to flee far from you. My Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Goodness, Gentleness, Kindness, Faithfulness and Self-Control have arrived on the scene and are in your life and in your midst in increasing measure from this day forward.
There is a destiny and a plan unfolding that you have a part to play. It is My desire that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers. As you continue to be filled and transformed by My Word living on the inside of you, your soul is prospering. The growth you are experiencing seems so natural that you don’t even realize it is happening. There is a moment coming very soon when you will realize just how far you’ve come. You were brought into the Kingdom for such a time as this. It will suddenly come together as I reveal your part of My Plan. Everything is converging at this moment in time. NOW is the perfect time for your breakthrough. The things you have been believing for are falling into place as I bring those things to your remembrance from years gone by and you see how they all come together for this beautiful new path I have prepared for you to walk upon. ~ by Georgette Thompson.
July 27, 2021. The Father says today, this is a time of in-gathering. Lines are being drawn in pleasant places, however, for some it isn’t so pleasant. Because you choose wisely and are moving in the cadence of My rhythm that is going out in every nation, you are being called together with My Body. Come to Me, I AM Here. Call Upon Me, I will answer and show you great and mighty things that you knew not. Much revelation is going forth at this time if you have ears to hear and eyes to see. There are signs all around you of what I have spoken in My Word. You do know natural signs, but it takes looking through your spiritual eyes to see Me working at deeper and multiple levels. Miracles are happening all around you. Look up from your current circumstance and see through My eyes of faith into what is happening and still yet what the future holds. There are two sets of lenses and only one will give you the clarity, the answers, the truth and help for your situation.
As your capacity to receive expands, I will fill it to the level you set. To what level are you emptied of encumbrances and sold out for My purposes? What do you see? Do you see gloom, despair, agony and misery? Or do you see the glorious things being released in your midst that draw people into the fullness of My presence in a more hopeful future? I AM not a defeatist. I do not give up, so why should you? I never said it would be easy, but I said it would be worth it. You can do all things through My strength found in Christ Jesus. I never said I would give you the blueprints to My Plan, but that I will be the voice behind you saying, “this is the way, walk ye in it, when you turn to the right or the left.” If I gave you the blueprint you would not need faith and you would miss out on the miracles that happen along the journey. The memorials that are in your life are the markers of your faith that give you strength in knowing I AM able. If I did it once, I will do it again. ~ by Georgette Thompson.
July 26, 2021. The Father says today, I AM truly your refuge and very present help. I AM your tower and strong fortress. There is no perilous pestilence lurking in the darkness that can hurt you and no plague that can come near your dwelling. For you have looked to Me to be delivered and I have heard you and will set you free from all fear and save you out of all trouble. I have not given you a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind.
The only good fear is The Fear of The LORD. The Fear of The LORD is clean and pure. The Fear of The LORD is holy and just. Those who fear Me shall keep their tongues from speaking evil and shall guard their lips from speaking deceit. If you would walk in The Fear of The LORD, you will depart from evil and seek to do good. You who walk in The Fear of The LORD shall go after peace and pursue it. M y eyes are upon all the righteous and My ears hear their cries to be delivered and saved out of the troubles that have come to harass them. I hear you and respond to everyone who is of a contrite and repentant spirit. I will cause My righteous ones to drink deeply from My river of pleasures and be refreshed in My fountain of life, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen.
July 25, 2021. The Father says today, are you staying in faith? Are you releasing your faith upon the earth? Are you truly believing that the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives on the inside of you? If you truly believe My Power is within you and receive this by releasing your faith, there will be nothing impossible for you. All things are possible to him who believes. It is already within you just waiting to be released. The power of your faith will produce God pleasing, mountain moving miracles in your life and in the life of others.
What mountain do you need moved? What obstacle do you need removed? What healing miracle do you desire? To what length will you believe to acquire the fire? For what depth of wisdom do you seek to inquire? To what heights of glory do you delight to aspire? It is all within your reach and grasp if you will only believe that My resurrection power is within you and will be released by your faith. It is your faith that moves the mountains that are before you and it is your faith that moves My heart and pleases Me, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen.
July 24, 2021. The Father says today, there are many who are crying out to Me for justice. Do not grow weary, and do not faint, for I will come speedily to bring swift justice in answer to your prayers. But when I come, will I find faith on the earth? I have given to each of you the measure of faith. Even the smallest faith, the size of a tiny mustard seed will avail much to the one who uses it wisely and does not waste it. What will you use your faith for? I AM looking across the land for those of you who are standing in faith, who are walking in faith, and using the faith I have given you. I AM looking for the ones who are purposefully growing their faith through the hearing and speaking of My word and believing My promises to be true.
For the faithful ones, the ones remaining in faith and using the measure of faith I have given will be the recipients of a greater measure of faith that I AM going to pour out upon you. For those who have realized the value and virtue of faith and the true nature of faith shall receive the mantles of faith that will soon be released upon the earth. For I AM going to release new mantles that will ignite the gift of faith in you. For unto those who have much faith even more will be given. The gift of faith will be the catalyst to bring forth the miracles, signs and wonders that you have cried out for, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen
July 23, 2021. The Father says today, I made the substance of who you were to become before you were born. I have molded and shaped your days and I have written your design in My book of your life. I created you to be a unique and wonderful individual, fashioned even in My image with My DNA. I have placed within you amazing gifts and abilities, and those things that you are good at and that seem to come with little effort are the talents and gifts I desired and gave you to have. I have thought many thoughts about you with intricate detail regarding the destiny I have planned for you. I have more thoughts about you than there are individual grains of sand in the sea. As you reach your destiny, the one I have designed, together we will bring forth My purposes on the earth.
It is imperative that you purpose to embark on this grand adventure of discovery. You have asked Me, what is my destiny and what is my purpose? You have wondered and desired that your life be meaningful with purpose for My Kingdom. So set your heart to discover and to unveil the mysteries of your life, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You will learn that I have placed within you the blueprints already and the clues of discovery that will lead you to search that which is your highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled. This revelation, beloved, will lead you into the purposes and plans that will unfold for you the manifest destiny you have longed for and cried out for, says the Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen.
July 22, 2021. The Father says today, I have no greater joy than to know My Children are walking in unity and love. Then we can be one and the overflow of the glory manifests automatically in your midst. How can this be? By walking in humility. Looking not only to your own needs but to the needs of others. When you are self-focused, you are limiting yourself to what only you can do in your own strength, and you are limiting what I AM able to do in your life, because you are not in faith expecting. In order to be in faith, you first must believe I AM and that I AM a rewarder of those who diligently seek Me. Believe that My Word really was sent to heal you and to deliver you from destruction. It’s one thing to read it and to say it, but it’s altogether different to actually believe it because then you will act differently. Faith believes. Faith trusts. Faith demonstrates by acts of obedience and manifestations of the fruit and gifts of the Spirit in your life.
Humility seeks to be a blessing and is focused on the needs of others. Pride is self-focused and seeks answers to its own issues. The reward of humility and The Fear of The LORD is riches, honor, and life. I have come to give you life and that more abundantly. So there is no need to consider your needs any longer, I’ve got them covered. Now as you sow into the needs of others, your harvest flows to you automatically. You don’t have to beg and plead for me to help you. I have already done everything that was needed when My Son died for your sin, sickness, anxiety, fear, and every evil work coming against you, once and for all. He came to give you peace. Peace is your umpire settling with finality every decision you face. When you take up The Sword of The Spirit, which is The Word of God, you are no longer on the defensive, because My Word is two edged and able to cut through any obstacle or situation in front of you. It’s time to go on the offensive! ~ by Georgette Thompson
July 21, 2021. The Father says today, I delight in showing Mercy. My Mercy triumphs over judgement and right now I AM pouring My love out on My People. I AM calling and beckoning for all to come to know Me that your eyes would be opened and flooded with light to know just how all-encompassing My Love is for you. If I knew you in your mother’s womb and I know the very number of hairs on your head, then you can be certain that I AM fully aware of every detail of every situation you face. People shake their fist and say, “Where are you, God,” or “Why God,” as if I am a dictator in the sky just looking for an opportunity to punish everyone. Why would I create you for punishment? I AM right here, I’ve been here all along. My question is “Where are you?” If you really knew Me, you wouldn’t be asking that question . Think of a Rubik’s cube with many moves required to win the game and the strategy that’s required.
You are living in a fallen world with opposition and distraction. How many moves would be required just to fix the problems in one life? Or to plan out a miracle in the middle of the street at a certain time of the day. Now, consider the planning required for a multitude of people at once. Yet like a symphony, I AM able to make everything beautiful in its time and I choose to use you to do it. Why? You will never know your greatness or the power that I have placed down inside of you until you are in a position to use it. Learning and growing increases more during difficult seasons than when everything is going right. Some people deflect when there is no challenge, and they do what they want. But you are not of those who draw back but press in with Me toward the mark for the prize of your High Calling in Christ Jesus. Forgetting the things that lie behind and pressing on toward the things that are before is a mark of maturity and you will reach your destination by leaning into Me. ~ by Georgette Thompson.
July 20, 2021. The Father says today, it’s all smoke and mirrors. That’s all the enemy has are illusions and deceptions. If he can get you to believe him, then he has something to work with. If you accept defeat or accept the negative circumstances you find yourself in as what I have planned for you, then My Child, you have set your sights far too low. The enemy doesn’t even have to mess with you because you are doing his work for him. One of his mottos is that familiarity breeds acceptance and he is persistent. Many in society also use this tactic. It is true because what you focus on you will draw to yourself. You don’t have to accept his lies as your reality. I have the map to maneuver you around the minefield of deceptions. My Way is sure and as you allow Me to lead, I will maneuver you around every trap. In fact, I will remove them altogether and get you safely where you need to be.
No need to look at the trap in front of you or focus on what the enemy is doing. Instead, raise your eyes, look up and see beyond the current climate. It is important to look carefully with your spiritual eyes because these things are spiritually discerned. There are many things in store that will put you over in every situation you face. You have so much to be thankful for. Focusing on and filling your mouth with praise and thanksgiving keeps your eyes and heart fixed on Me. Look to Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, Who for the joy that was set before Him, endured The Cross, despised the shame and now is set down at the right hand of My Throne. For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. You will be rewarded for the suffering you endure, and I AM faithful to bring you to your breakthrough. ~ by Georgette Thompson.
July 19, 2021. The Father says today, you have chosen Me, and you have chosen well. There are others, those who have not chosen Me yet who are out there with you. I long for them to come home to Me. They were with you once, when you were with Me in My heart before you were fearfully and wonderfully created upon the earth. Before you were knit together in your mother’s womb, you were with Me and they were with Me. You can sense it when you let My love flow through you to them that they are your family because I sent them.
They are your family because I created you all for My good pleasure and I call all of you back. Please show love to My family because they are your family too. Please tell them I long for them to return to My heart and have made a path secure for them through the gift of My Son. Please stand in the gap for My children who are not yet heeding the voice of their Father but are deceived by the father of lies. Please tell them of My goodness and great love for them. Please tell them the truth, in love, and show them the way home, says the Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen.
July 18, 2021. The Father says today, you are fearfully and wonderfully created. You are fearfully and wonderfully sent from My heart to experience life and breath and flesh and blood. You are sent with a plan to be followed and a destiny to be fulfilled. You are sent with My blessing and My love to grow upon the earth in wisdom and stature and favor with Me and with others. You do all come from Me, but not all return to Me. Many are those called back to Me, even My call goes out to every man, woman and child, but too few choose to return through the narrow path of choosing My Son, through whom is the only way back home.
My desire is that you all return, that you all enter the family of My intent and be received as My adopted sons and daughters of destiny. It is by My grace that you have chosen Me. I am the God of free choice and the God of free will. I grant the grace to choose to every life. You have chosen Me beloved because I first chose you. Let the love in My heart fill you with compassion for these precious ones who have not yet chosen Me. Let your mouths be filled with prayers and love and not with cursing and condemnation for those who have not yet chosen Me, for you were once as they are. I send My rain upon those who have chosen and those who have not yet chosen Me, and it is My good pleasure to love who I will love, says the Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen.
July 17, 2021. The Father says today, wake up you sleepers. Now is not the time to nod your head and close your eyes. The little foxes do love to eat the fruit of the vine, and the tares are sown in deception along with the wheat and the walls of safety are breached while the ignorant sleep. Wake up and be alert. Pray and watch. Yes, be alert. Wake up, for it is time for you to enjoy the rising of the sun and the dew of the morning. For you are children of the light and live in the light of day. It is time to celebrate and rejoice, for your light has come and the glory of The LORD is risen upon you.
Those who live in darkness love the dark because it is a covering for them. The darkness is for covering the deeds of evil and for those who sleep in ignorance, wake up therefore, be alert and put on the armor of protection, for you are not destined for what they are destined for. Watch and pray. My wrath is reserved for those who love the darkness, and you are not children of wrath but children of light. Rise up and be alert. Live in the light of day. Wake up you sleeper and let the Anointed One shine His light into you. Wake up sleepyhead, how long will you lie there? Wisdom is speaking forth at the rising of the sun and all who are aroused from their sleep will rejoice in the hour of My great light coming upon the earth, says the Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen
July 16, 2021. The Father says today, I have commissioned you as My envoy and invite you to join the ranks of My fleet to command the Host and partner with heaven in this hour of destiny, says The LORD. I AM the Lord Sabaoth, Commander of the Host of heaven and I delegate to you the charge to command in My Army. I place you as a sentry at the gates for you are my battle ax and weapon of war. Many are called to serve Me in battle; few choose to enlist. There are no draftees in My Army, only the enlisted and commissioned officers will lead the way to battle the forces of darkness.
For I have given you the authorization to enforce the enemy of your soul to be escorted by My Host and be brought to justice before the tribunal courts of heaven. You shall command the Host of heaven by My Authority and instruction to pull down all the strongholds and shatter the works of darkness. You shall partner with Me in this hour to fight by My side through the commands and decrees of your mouth to lead the righteous into paths of victory. You are defeated no longer so march forth as conquering kings beside the King of kings, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen.
July 15, 2021. The Father says today, there is not only a due season for the fulfillment of My promises in your life and on the earth, but also a due season that comes for the enemy’s plans and deceptions. That is when I say, enough is enough; this far and no more. My Word I will not change nor alter the things that have gone forth from My lips. When I say I will do something, I do it. I AM the God of the second chance, and I am waiting for My people to draw near to Me because I so desire to draw near to you. There does come a time, however, when the door is shut and time is up, so live your life ready for whatever may come. Now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation. You can walk forward confidently because you believe it. When you step out and take a risk, I AM there to help you and catch you if you make a wrong step. You are being led and mobilized as you simply just step up and go in this hour.
There are many people on the road of decision that you know, even now. Live your life ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you have within you. People are watching you — how you are blessed, but even more so, how you go through difficulty. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but I deliver them from them all. There are doors of opportunities, but also many adversities. Your confident trust will help you maneuver every strategy that may come against you. Have no fear when given opportunities to speak about Me because even though the world does not understand they are watching and listening. Believe that I am going to come through for you. When you open your mouth, I will fill it and you will know just what to say in each situation. I AM expanding your capacity to receive and as you stretch your faith to believe for more, so more is what I intend to pour out, and then some. ~ by Georgette Thompson.
July 14, 2021. The Father says today, when I said, Come to Me all who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest, I really meant it. I will ease and relieve and refresh your soul. Take My Yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I AM meek and humble in heart, and you will find rest, ease, quiet, refreshment, and recreation for your soul. For My Yoke is easy, useful, and good — not harsh, hard, sharp or pressing, but comfortable, gracious and pleasant, and My Burden is light and easy to be borne. You are not meant to carry heavy burdens. You are meant to be the answer to the burdens of others. Those who don’t know Me have no hope in the world. They have no one to help them carry their burdens, but you do know Me and you do have Me in your life. I have walked through many storms with you and now you have a testimony. You can tell them and compel them to come to know Me. There are many battling on the road of decision; be the light that leads them home.
Many are called but few are chosen. Are you one that will go? Will you be that light in the darkness that brings the light of My glorious gospel to shine in their life? Will you be the hope that they are crying out for? You are right, they need Me, but they are looking for you to tell them. I need you to tell them. I AM in you both to will and to do of My good pleasure. My good pleasure is that all would come to the saving knowledge of the truth that can only be found in My Son, Jesus. He is real, He is alive, and He is more than a fairy tale or a good bedtime story for His life changed humanity forever. His life changed your life forever. Now, your life will change the people in your sphere of influence when you step out boldly and allow My Holy Spirit to make known the mysteries of The Kingdom. They will hear when you tell them, and My Word doesn’t return void but will accomplish that which I please and will prosper in the thing where it is sent. ~ by Georgette Thompson.
July 13, 2021. Even though it seems like forever to you, it hasn’t been that long in the scheme of things. Yes, you have done all to stand and you are standing on My Word, which doesn’t return void, or without affect. My Word is able to bring itself to pass in your life when mixed with your faith, your words, and your actions. What you do with these three does affect the outcome and the time, but there is a due season for everything under heaven. Due season always comes. What kind of harvest do you have in your life right now? What kind of harvest do you want? Check up on the seed you are sowing. Some seeds you want to flourish and grow, and you add fertilizer for increase. Other seeds need a crop failure so you can till the land and plant good seeds. As a farmer takes the necessary steps to ensure a bountiful harvest, so you too have been given power and authority to watch over your own field and what is planted in the soil of your heart.
One day very soon, you will wake up and suddenly things will be different. What seemed like an endless time in the checkout line, your breakthroughs will come to you one happening on the heels of the other, blessing upon blessing until it overflows. Can you believe that I will do that for you? You do believe I am able, right? Then you can believe I AM Willing. If it has to do with blessing you, then I AM in on it. Things aren’t random; however, your character is being built up to be able to handle the magnitude of blessing I AM going to pour out upon you. To ensure your success, just as in any endeavor, the necessary materials, time and abilities are needed, and it will happen. Same with you, as you are in the waiting stages, these are being built within you for the manifestation of your earnest expectation and your hope. Only do not grow weary in well doing for in due season you will reap if you don’t give up and faint. That you can be sure of. ~ by Georgette Thompson.
July 12, 2021. The Father says today, it is wonderful and amazing to behold the way of an eagle in the air and the swiftness of flight when he beholds his prey from far away. For I have created him with acute eyesight and the ability to fly into the sun. He flies far above the earth and sea and yet he will set his sight upon a small fish or serpent and swoop in for the prize to feed his young. He stirs up the nest and hovers over his young in a protective stance and spreads his wings over them. The eagle operates from a high perspective, even what you call the eagle eye view. I have created him to have this ability to see his prey and give him skill in the victorious hunt he ensues.
I AM giving you an eagle eye view in the spirit. You will see from My high perspective and view the enemy’s approach from a far-off distance. You will learn that you are no longer the hunted, but you are the victorious hunter. You shall hunt the enemy of the souls of men who you will trample upon with eagle sharp talons, and you shall be a hunter of the souls of men that you will rescue out of the clutches of the enemy. You will see them through My eyes of love and with My purpose of liberating them from the snare of the enemy. I shall also be for you as the wings of a great eagle given to you to fly into a place of refuge, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen.
July 11, 2021. The Father says today, have you been lately to the secret place? You have heard this is a place of refuge and shelter. Did you know it is also a place of revelation and learning the secrets of abiding in My shadow? I bid you come into the secret place of the Most High, into My shelter and tent of learning. I even have a flight school of the Spirit, and I will teach you to soar with eagles. You shall mount up with the wings of eagles, all you who put your hope in Me, and you shall have your strength renewed.
Watch and learn from the majestic eagle. Observe how the eagle rises to find the wind current that will carry him effortlessly across the skies. The eagle does not run from the heat and pressure of life but seeks and enters into the columns of thermal updrafts to rise high above it all and soar with ease. When the eagle encounters the mountain ridge and obstacles rising in his path, he does not avoid it, but uses the updrafts formed as the air currents are deflected upwards where he can soar alongside and above these structures without effort. When I say you will rise up with the wings of eagles, I AM showing you how you will use ven the heat you feel and the obstacles you encounter to rise up and soar. I will reveal to you how to navigate the obstacles you face from a place of effortless rest, says the Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen.
July 10, 2021. The Father says today, do you love Me? If you love Me, you will obey Me. I have given you the power to obey Me. The power of love is released within you and gives you the strengthening grace to follow My plan. Do you trust Me? If you trust Me, you will listen to My voice and pay attention to My leading. Hear what I AM speaking to you in this hour, and I will empower you with ability and willingness to comply. Those who know My word and trust Me through a yielded act of their will shall reap the abundance of blessings of the rewards of obedience.
For I AM heaping upon My obedient ones all the benefits afforded by heaven to those who are surrendered to My word and act upon it. These shall have the key roles in My Purposes in this hour. These shall know long life and length of days. These are the ones who shall stand in awe and reverence before Me, and no wrong shall be found on their lips. These are the ones who walk in peace and uprightness and have learned that obedience is better than sacrifice. These are the ones who will speak My Wisdom upon the earth and gain the attention of heaven and turn many from iniquity, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen.
July 9, 2021. The Father says today, are you feeling weak? Let all who are feeling weak say “I am strong.” Are the burdens you are carrying weighing you down? Give them to Me. My burden is light. Is your strength diminished this day? Receive My joy which will strengthen you and you will rise up with the wings of the eagle. Are you feeling weary? Wait upon Me, says The LORD, for I will renew your strength. I AM The LORD God, the Everlasting One, your Creator. I will not grow tired, and I will never be weary. Wait upon Me and I will bring you refreshment and endurance.
In the midst of your weariness, I AM your reviving, your passion, and I AM bringing new life. I AM near to the crushed and brokenhearted. Let all who are lonely and exhausted, even those who are drained of strength, come to Me to be filled with My rest. Just like your physical body needs rest, so does your soul. It is in My presence that you will find rest for your soul. Hear Me beloved, do not be afraid, I AM with you. Do not be dismayed — I AM your God; I will strengthen you and help you. I have not forgotten all the times that you have brought refreshment to others and now it is your time to be refreshed, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen, Father’s Heart Ministry.
July 8, 2021. The Father says today, the time is right to step out into the things I have called you to. You don’t need every detail before you act. Faith acts regardless of the circumstances. Doubt recoils and unbelief finds excuses why or why not. You have no need of these two thieves – doubt and unbelief have no place in your life. When you focus on, believe, and speak My Word, these are resistance to the bombardment happening in your thinking. Doubt and unbelief are kicked to the curb. Your faith then grows by leaps and bounds because you have chosen the good part. I AM always watching over My Word to perform it in your life. Every opportunity is filled with “how can I bless you?” How difficult it is to bless someone who doesn’t believe they deserve to be blessed or who doesn’t want to be. My Son, Jesus, paid the ultimate price for your freedom. You can count on it.
How I long to gather you to Myself as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but so many choose not to. I AM for you and with you to do you good all the days of your life. All I require is that you come to Me just as you are and that you believe in Me and what was accomplished on The Cross through My Son, Jesus. This brings you great peace and purpose in your life. I AM involved in the situations you face and am able to help and see you through. Your faith, being much more precious than gold, though it be tried in the fire, is being refined even now. As the fire is turned up hotter, the dross and impurities rise to the surface and are skimmed off until the gold is pure. In the same way, the trials you face can feel like the enemy might take you out, but are actually refining your faith where doubt and unbelief will not be able to move you again. ~ by Georgette Thompson, Father’s Heart Ministry.
July 7, 2021. The Father says today, rejoice, for this is a day of joy and gladness for My People, yet a time of doom and sadness for those that choose to walk contrary to the ways that make for peace and unity. When the wheat grows up with the chaff, the dividing line is made evident. The strong contrasts exist for a reason and it is not so you will be in fear. You can still have confident trust no matter what the circumstances may look like. This is how you know who is for Me and who is against Me. There is nothing new under the sun . Oh yes, the technology and the amazing feats of mankind that have brought you to this place of advancements in many fields through divine wisdom and insight seem new, but remember, I made everything. None of this is new to Me or beyond My intellect. It doesn’t matter how superior you think your artificial intelligence is, it cannot match My Omniscience. It doesn’t matter how old My Word is, according to modern understanding, He is alive and powerful. Jesus is the Word made flesh and is yet to be displayed for all to see just how ALIVE HE IS!
As you look beyond your current circumstance, however dire they may seem, know that this is not your permanent place, for you are passing through the valley of the shadow of death where you are to fear no evil. My rod and staff shall comfort you and I will prepare you a table in the presence of your enemies who will watch your cup running over. You are My precious ones; My prized possessions and in many cases My secret weapons that are about to be unleashed upon this planet that will shake the very foundations of every sphere and mountain of society. Yes, you are seeing some shaking, but it will not compare to the shaking that will happen when My Glory is on full display for all to see. How will they see it? First through you. Do you dare to believe it? Can you possibly fathom being able to walk in the same degree of glory as the disciples or even Jesus? Fix your thoughts on opening yourself up to this idea. Stretch your faith, for as far as you are able to believe, you are able to receive even this day. ~ by Georgette Thompson,
Father’s Heart Ministry
July 6, 2021. The Father says today, sound the alarms; ring the bells; freedom is breaking out across the land. In every nation, voices are being heard crying out for justice and victory. Truth is being shouted from the rooftops — do you hear it? Signs are appearing all around you — many confirmations to let you know you are on the right track. As you look and are open, you will see them. What you have cried out for is breaking forth. It may be moving from a trickle to a stream, but it is flowing to those pressing in with positive expectation and hope, gaining momentum and force as it goes. Waves are breaking over every obstacle and the sound of the crashing water is deafening to the enemy’s camp. They can feel it because they are losing ground and territory. It is becoming harder for them to see and hear what is happening because there is an annoying clanging of symbols happening making it difficult for them to hear the prayers of the saints. As I watch their confusion about My strategies, I sit in the heavens and laugh.
No longer will you be able to sit idly by and expect things to be different tomorrow. Things will be different tomorrow when you decide to make a change. Things happen as you are about My business. You will make time for what is important to you. It will take extra persistence in the current climate because as much as there is a positive momentum and force taking place, there also is a negative reaction and opposition. So do not consider it strange that you have to stand to get results. This is your opportunity to step out in a more powerful way than ever before. You are rising up in My Spirit in this hour to do mighty exploits in My Name. Fear and intimidation are now things of the past in your life. Listen, for there is a sound of an abundance of rain. It is not far off in the distance and is increasing in size the closer it gets. The rain of My Spirit and presence has already begun where there is a hunger and a drawing for it. Where Jesus is lifted up, I draw all people to Myself. ~ by, Georgette Thompson, Father’s Heart Ministry.
July 5, 2021. The Father says today, the season of the monsoon outpouring is upon you. Out of the desert shall arise the streams of revival that will bring a refreshing and new life to all who are thirsty. I will do a new thing, says The LORD, and I will give drink to My people who cry out in a dry and thirsty land. I will never forsake you and I will never leave you, and you shall receive the pools of revival from the rains of refreshing being poured out. To all peoples everywhere who are thirsting for My Presence and My Power to be released among you, now is the time to rejoice and celebrate.
What man has called an “unprecedented outbreak of side blooms on the Saguaro cactus in the deserts of Arizona due to the parched dryness,” I declare to be a sign upon the earth of the nearness of revival coming right alongside of you, right in your midst. The unusual blooms are coming forth as a sign and a wonder to signify the fulfillment in your day of the streams in the desert breaking forth. For I have said I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert. I will deliver you from your captors and from Babylon in your life, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen.
July 4, 2021. The Father says today, do you desire to drink deeply from the streams of pure joy that flow from My Presence? Are you overwhelmed with longing for more of Me and does your soul thirst for the living God? Would you come this day and see The Face of God? I AM not a faraway God. I AM nearer than the breath you breathe. When you seek Me with all of your heart, there I AM. You will find Me. I invite you to drink from the streams of pleasure flowing from My Presence. Drink and be satisfied of your every longing for I have designed you that way. I created you to long to be filled with My Presence and to be satisfied with a deep contentment of everlasting peace and eternal joy that no man and no circumstance can take away from you.
Hold tight to My presence and the closeness of My Spirit breath. Release the Word of My Power round about you as a force-field of light that the enemy cannot penetrate but flees away from in terror. For I AM a shield about you, your glory and the lifter of your head. In My Presence there is fullness of joy, and all sorrow must flee from you. Today is not a day for sadness and sorrow but of rejoicing and celebration, says The LORD. Let your tears be turned to joy and your mourning into dancing. I have made a way out of the valley of despair, and you are welcome onto My highway of holiness where all who travel are anointed with the oil of joy. You shall rejoice in My presence and yes, come face to face with Me, says The Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen
July 3, 2021. The Father says today, the same virtue that is in Me is also in you. The same power that is in Me is in you. The same might that is in Me is in you. The very force that brought resurrection life flows out of you by faith. Do you believe it? Speak it into existence with the combustion force of spiritual energy being transferred from the spark of an idea – the energy of your thoughts into the realm of the reality of your realized faith. If you believe it, if you say it, if you release My power from within you, it shall be done.
I was a man just like you but without the shroud of sin that brings a veil of doubt to what is spoken. You truly shall have what you say when you mix it with faith believing. You truly do have access to the same resurrection power, and it resides on the inside of every child of the Most High God. Let that resurrection power of life be released today to every part of your soul and body to heal you. Speak out the resurrection power from within you where I live to bring forth the change that is needed in your life, your circumstances, your health, your finances, your family, and your situation. Whatever is needed, the power is there right now to be sent forth with My Anointing and My Word to bring to pass the change that you desire and to move the mountain that stands in your path, says the Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen
July 2, 2021. The Father says today, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men. Have I not invited you to catch fish? Let’s go fishing today. Step in the boat with Me and let Me take the oars. I have many ways to fish that I would teach you. I will show you where to cast your line with eagle eye vision. Squeamish? I will help you bait the hook with all the gifts of prophetic evangelism in My heavenly tackle box. Got a bite? Let Me help you to reel in the catch. Ours is a catch and release plan. We catch them, we rescue them from the turbulent ocean of mankind, and release them into My river of life.
Do you want a bigger catch? Cast your nets out on the seas of life. I will show you where to drop your nets. I will give you the grace to patiently wait at times. In the waiting times you may repair your nets and get them ready so none will be lost from within them. Your nets must be strong and intact to pull in the net-breaking catch I have ordained for you. You will bring many into the harvest. Many will be saved, and many brought into The Kingdom. You will catch them in the nets, and they will be released into My River of life as we partner and fish together for the souls of men, says the Father. ~ by Prophet Terri Allen
July 1, 2021. The Father says today, it is good when brethren dwell together in unity. Where there is unity, there is a singleness of purpose, moving forward in cadence rhythm following My Lead. The Blessing is seeking a place to land. It is similar to the first High Priest being anointed for the office of the priesthood, Aaron, on which the oil was poured on his head, anointing him for service and it covered him from head to toe. When Aaron stepped into his role, the anointing was there, and that anointing covered everything from then on for him. Where is the similarity? When you come together with a singleness of purpose, the anointing is made available to accomplish that purpose and covering everyone and everything involved to release power and bring change. This isn’t just having a blessed day, but empowerment to move forward in the miraculous realm, where the Gifts of The Spirit are in manifestation.
Jesus instructed 500 people who were listening to Him speak as he ascended on high, to go to Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high. Why did it take 10 days before The Holy Spirit showed up in manifestation? Could there have been murmuring, complaining, or discomfort because of the journey, or any number of issues that certainly arose? The crowd of 500 dwindled to 120, but they still went and pressed through hunger and sweat, irritations and fear and what might happen to them by just being a part of this group. Their persistence caused The Holy Spirit to fall in their midst. The commanded blessing came just as it was promised. When you do things that make for unity, harmony and peace, you are commanding the blessing wherever you go. The anointing and level of power being released is increasing because even though there is strife and division all around, I have a remnant of people who are unifying and drawing on that Blessing, even now. ~ by Georgette Thompson
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