The Father Says Today — December 2019
Daily prophecy for December 2019, republished with the kind permission of
Prophet Russ Walden of Father’s Heart Ministry.
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December 31, 2019. The Father says today, the coming year will be a season of contrasts in your life. You will see the great darkness that will cast many around you into consternation. You will walk in the light of the morning spread on the mountains and know that I have apportioned you favor from the throne. A thousand shall fall at your right hand and ten thousand at your left hand, but you will be safe in My pavilion. I will answer questions that you have asked for some time, says the Father. The answers I give will bring greater questions. The implications of the lessons I AM teaching you at this time will cause you to lose all confidence in the arm of flesh.
In the year ahead, your dependence will be completely upon Me as I take you into uncharted territory. I know the way through the wilderness, says the Father. All you have to do is follow Me. Your mind will rebel at times but be prepared to still your mind and follow the guidance of My Spirit. You can get to where you want to go, but you are going to have to relinquish your hold on the familiar and only draw your security from My presence. Are you ready for adventure? Are you ready for a change? Change is necessary, and change is possible; however, you are going to have to draw yourself away with Me and follow My voice through the days ahead.
December 30, 2019. Make My presence your priority in life, says the Father. You have asked what would bring My greater blessing to your life, and I say, “Come near to Me in worship.” As you go low and worship, you will find that My presence dissolves the mire and contamination of the world that plagues you at times. My presence brings the refreshing that you seek and the joy that you need. In My presence, you will find the fullness of joy, the fullness of peace, and fullness of blessing. Seek My face, and you will see My Hand. I AM not sleeping, and I AM not occupied elsewhere. I see what is on the morrow and what you are facing.
Seek My face, says the Father. Seek Me early and often. Let praise be continually in your mouth. Refuse to give the enemy and the problems of life your precious attention. I will guide you and direct you as needed. I will not leave you without a pathway through the circumstances you are facing today. Come and sit at My feet as did Mary, Lazarus’ sister. I love to spend time with you. I love to encourage and wash you with My presence. This is the purpose for which you were created and where you will find your greatest purpose.
December 29, 2019. The Father says today, the enemy is going to offer you a compromise. He is going to suggest that you settle for second best. He is going pressure you to “leave well-enough alone.” It is going to seem logical and appeal to your peace-loving nature. But the Father says to remember that I AM a God of war and that I did not come to bring peace but a sword into this conflict. I AM placing it into your heart to accept nothing less than the total annihilation of the works of darkness in your life. Every captive will be set free. Every stronghold will be brought down. Not one idol will be left standing. I AM placing a warring spirit within you, says the Father, to fully come into the possessions I have given you and leave not one place in your life for the enemy to lurk, or peep and mutter.
Remember, says God, that though the enemy has said you will not survive and do not have what it takes, , I AM your sufficiency, and it is My right arm that is bared in your life in this season. I AM making your forehead like flint, and I AM causing your hand to cleave to the sword until every victory is won, every prayer is answered, and there is nothing left of the enemy’s activity in your life. You get to have it all, says the Father. Do not accept the compromise solutions of the enemy of your soul.
December 28, 2019. The Father says today, I have you tucked away in My heart. I have hidden you in the cleft of the rock until this storm is past. The threats and vulnerabilities that loom before you this day will pass, but My strength and My faithfulness will remain to all generations. Victory is not just a word in My vocabulary, says the Father. Victory is My bond and your assurance from My hand . As you have trusted Me in times past, so trust Me now.
Beloved, trust Me to be who I am and trust Me to do what I do. I AM not capable of standing idly by while you struggle and suffer. My hand is available. Let your mouth pray this day, and your petitions will activate My strength and My deliverance in your situation. Never allow your mind to convince you that I AM a passive God who sits back and observes the problems of life and does nothing. That is not who I AM. Remember the Cross — it is the sure expression of My willingness to act. The resurrection speaks of My ability to deliver on every promise. It is a new day, says the Father. Old things are passing away, and all things are becoming new. Get your feet shod with My word of promise. This new day calls for you to walk in a new way and trust Me in a greater dimension for greater miracles than you have seen thus far.
December 27, 2019. The Father says today, move beyond the limits of the natural this day. I have not called you to limitation, says the Father, and neither will you be destined to live out a spiritually anemic existence. When you call, I will answer. I will answer your petitions with an outstretched arm and a mighty hand. Let your voice be heard today, and I will make My arm bare in response to your cry. This day your faith and My fidelity will come together and reshape your future. Do not look to the things that are behind you, and consider not the former days.
Consider this — I AM a faithful and loving Father who will establish your goings and raise you up to new heights in Me in the coming season. Do not despise the promise, says the Father, for it was purchased by the shed blood of Christ. Rather, know that He is faithful that made the promise, and He will perform it. I will roll back the years of devastation and disappointment and restore that which you thought was irretrievable. I will fulfill My promises in your life in this season, says the Father, and you will laugh the laugh of faith as you see the whitened harvests become bread on your table and victory in your life.
December 26, 2019. The Father says today, breakthrough comes through actual change and not through year-end resolutions. My anointing is upon what you do and not what you merely resolve to do. Resolutions are external and dependent on a self-imposed expectation. The grace to change draws upon the internal grace of My Kingdom. Change prepares the way of The LORD and makes straight My approach to your life. You have said you want something different in the coming year, says The Father.
Beloved, you can have breakthrough; however, things are the way they are because of what you are doing. If you want something different, you must draw up the power of change from the well of salvation I have placed within you. Fear not, says The Father. Instability and the unknown are the first two ingredients I use in the recipe for a miracle. I AM inviting you to walk in the miraculous and see a breakthrough in the coming year. Will you return the RSVP and walk with Me on the billows of change and breakthrough, or will you delay another year?
December 25, 2019. The Father says today, ask concerning My secrets and what lays ahead, and I will tell you. You have asked what is coming in the new year, says the Father. I say to you that of My government and of My peace, there shall be no end. Nations will rise, and nations will fall. I fold them up as a blanket and put them away for the day to come. My Kingdom is the constant in your life and not any other thing. Changes ahead will not reflect one iota of deviation from My faithfulness in your life. You will cry out to Me, and I will answer. You will call to Me, and I will say, “Here I AM.”
Beloved, fret not for tomorrow. I AM sufficient for the challenges of tomorrow; therefore, you are sufficient for the challenges of tomorrow. Weep not for the losses of the fading year. Let not thoughts of sorrow or sighing enter into your mind or lodge in your heart. Rather, rejoice for the season ahead and know that My righteousness and My faithfulness will be your vanguard and your strength for every challenge.,
December 24, 2019. The Father says today, standing before Me is determined by who I AM on the inside of you. I AM acting in your life because of the Son and not any other thing. I will take action in your life in answer to your prayers and petitions because of the Cross and not any other thing. I take no other inventory than the tally of what was paid for on the Cross, says the Father. It is because of what Jesus, My Son, died for and who He is that I will move heaven and earth today to meet your need. The enemy would have you disqualify yourself from My grace. He would tell you that you are not worthy. He would say that you are not good enough. He would say you have not measured up, and therefore, your prayers must go unanswered. I say to you, declares the Father, that the Cross is the only measurement I take to determine your eligibility for answered prayer.
The Cross of Christ establishes your entitlement to My mercy. Lean into Me this day, says the Father. Lean into My blood-bought entitlement. Do not look to what you have or have not done or at your own worthiness. You cannot earn My favor. You cannot be good enough for what is freely and unconditionally given. I AM your righteousness, says the Father. I AM the “all” in your all even this day and in this season. Cast aside every false weight and every false measure. A false measure is an abomination to Me. The only scales of justice that I accept are the scales tipped by the Cross of Christ. Trust Me, says the Father, and expect from Me this day. Reach out for My unconditional grace. Stop trying to talk Me into giving what I have freely and unconditionally bestowed upon you. The hour has come for you to inherit all that I have provided. Accept it. Believe it. Walk into your day expecting it. You are the favored son of the Monarch of heaven. Your victory is assured.
December 23, 2019. The Father says today, 2020 is the year of “as in heaven so on earth.” In the coming year, I will instruct you and demonstrate to you how to walk in the hundred-fold return. It isn’t about some pie-in-the-sky unilateral thing that I will do without your involvement. You will, you must reorient your thinking about My Kingdom, for it doesn’t respond to wishful thinking but to proactive initiatives of faith. The law of life in Christ Jesus is dormant in you unless you bring it online by what you say and what you do. It is motion activated. You will have an opportunity to invest your life, your time, and your resources into My Kingdom in a way that others will never engage in because something is required on their part. When you are tired enough, frustrated enough and teachable enough I will walk you into the process of shift that yes, requires your engagement and initiative but also assures that I will be on board, working to bring a more-than-you-could ask or think outcome. It isn’t for everyone. Religious mentalities are excluded. The timid and victim-minded exclude themselves by wrong thinking. Only those standing up in the full implications of deep intimacy with Me will be those walking in My image, in the God-kind manifestation of all that I have promised. Choose to be that one for it is a new day.
It is a new day and a new field of endeavor and will not have the trappings of success in evidence. It will be a bare field. But as you plant your faith and pour yourself out like a drink offering, I will cause it to produce and bring fruit in the Kingdom and blessing into your own life as well. Do not expect the crowds to come flocking around to admire the results, says the Father. I have reserved this blessing for you in a time of famine. This increase is just for you. Be prepared for a shift and be listening for My voice to bring the command, “Get ye hence.” I have poured into you My glory and prepared you for an endeavor of boldness and faith. I will cause you to do exploits in My name in this season as you hear, as you obey, and as you believe Me for the uncommon results that are possible when you trust My leading and My direction in your life.
December 22, 2019. The Father says today, My people are entering into the Bridal Season of My Kingdom. There is going to be a wedding. The bride and the Bridegroom will rejoice together. The wine of My Spirit will flow freely. The table of provision is now laden with every good thing. The celebration is all in order. The angels stand about with bated breath awaiting the first guests to arrive. The Bridegroom is seated in the anteroom of heaven reflecting on the season of His betrothal now coming to its conclusion at last – a life of service, a death, and a resurrection. I have waited a long time for this hour, says the Father.
My sons and My daughters will at last be united! Sorrow and sighing shall flee away. The laughter of children will fill the earth. Humanity and divinity will now enjoy unfettered intimacy. You have an honored place in the nuptial celebration, says the Father. Oh, My people, the gown is prepared and the attendants wait to adorn you with connubial glory. The bridegroom whispers, “Come away with Me, My beloved!” Are you ready, asks the Father? The musicians have begun to play. It is time! Take My hand in this hour, says the Father. It is time to make our way down the aisle to the consummation of all things spoken by the prophets.
December 21, 2019. The Father says today, there is no going back. Don’t look to the things that are behind you but look to the things that are ahead. I have prepared great and mighty things for My people that will be moved by My Spirit, who will forge ahead, leaving all behind that could hinder or impede My purposes in their life. The people, situations, and circumstances of the past are a figment of memory that cannot be reconstituted. Put your hand to the plow, and do not look back. The Kingdom of God is before you and not behind you. My promises are part of your future and not part of something that has passed. That which is familiar is an intoxicating influence, says the Father. Things that are known quantities can become false security that will only comfort you for a short time.
Allow Me to fill up those spaces left empty and vacant from past things, people, and relationships. Allow Me to be your Comforter. Allow Me to be your security and your assurance for the days ahead. The horizons of My purpose stretch endlessly before you. Together we are going into unfamiliar territory for you have not passed this way before. This is necessary because you have asked Me for an uncommon blessing. If you want things to be different, you must abandon the past and embrace change. Change is the banner that has been raised over your life in this season. The angel of change has come to initiate the change that will break the shackles from your life and lead you to the center of My will in this day and this hour.
December 20, 2019. The Father says today I AM the God who gives exceedingly and abundantly more than you can ask or think. Cry aloud, and spare not in your request and petition. I do not answer your need on a minimal basis. I do not give sparingly. Abundance is the base line for all that I do in your life. Let your capacity to receive from My hand be enlarged and increased even this day. Yes, I AM the “more abundantly” God, and that truth is shining through in spite of centuries of misinformation disseminated by small minds declaring the contrary.
Know this says the Father that I love expansively and give expansively. I do not just give of My substance, says the Father, but I give of Myself. This day you will find Me among the gifts that I give. Lack is ending in your life. Bid farewell to sorrow and sighing for it shall flee away in the aftermath of the breakthrough I AM bringing to your life. Breathe in and breathe out of My Spirit, says the Father. Let the totality of who I AM and what I AM doing in you take root this day and establish the deliverance I have promised.
December 19, 2019. The Father says today, I AM bringing a militant love into your heart in this season. As you look into the hearts of loved ones in the coming days, you will see much barrenness. I AM activating an entreaty within you to bring family members afresh and anew before My throne. I will not leave your loved ones in the chains of emptiness. As you demonstrate My love and as you show who I AM to them, you will be planting an incorruptible seed that will come to fruition. In the Scriptures, did I not promise Cornelius that I would bring salvation to his whole house? Family is the framework from which I bring about My purposes in the earth, not a non-profit corporation, an institution, or other artificial contrivance of man. Eternity began with a family and ends with a family, and it is the family where My highest blessing rests.
Stand up for your tribe and your family this holiday season. Refuse to let the enemy gain the upper hand through strife or vainglory. I AM redeeming families in this season, says the Father. Not just individuals but whole families are being visited by the angels of change who are sent with a commission to initiate the change that delivers from the power of the evil one. Open your heart, says the Father, before you open your mouth. Even to those who despise and hurt and disregard you, allow My militant love to flow unconditionally. Speak with your heart to your loved ones, “I love you because I love you, and there is nothing you can do about it.” Out of that love, I will demonstrate Myself, and you will see My hand moving powerfully to deliver your family and loved ones even in this season.
December 18, 2019. The Father says today, this is a bringing forth season in your life. What I birth on the inside of you will result in struggle within you even this day. It is not comfortable, but it is necessary. The lesser destinies of your past are struggling against My best and My highest will for your life. My blessings are not bestowed upon your strengths, says the Father, but rather upon your weaknesses. Your weaknesses are the substance of the incense of yourself that is offered to Me by the angels upon the golden censor in My presence. It is in your weakness that I glory! It is in My strength that you will find My faithfulness. I have not called you to the possible, says the Father. I have called you to the impossible. It is only through the impossible that you enter into an understanding of My plan and how I think when I look upon human weakness. I only think in terms of what men consider miraculous.
There is nothing blasé about what I have in mind for you. You are not common, and you are not run-of-the-mill. I do not “do” average, says the Father. Do not settle for second best. Do not offend the testimony of My love for you by asking for “less than” or merely “good enough.” It is time to believe Me and ask Me for that which only I can accomplish. You have hesitated to petition Me because you did not want to be disappointed. The Father says, “Bah, ha, ha!” You do not have any clue what I am about to do. I AM about to do exceedingly abundantly more than you can ask for or think, says the Father. Are you ready?
December 17, 2019. The Father says today, you must learn to leave the details to Me. Abraham tried to work out in his mind how I would give him a son. He thought he was too old. He thought I would make his steward’s son his heir. He only considered his limitations and not My unlimited ability. The result was Ishmael. You must leave the details of how I will answer to Me. Much unanswered prayer arises from thinking you know how I AM going to act and what I AM going to do in any given situation. I AM not inscrutable in the area of answered prayer, says the Father. Have I not said, “More than you can ask or think?” Take your eyes off the process and keep them upon Me.
My mind is made up to bless you. You don’t have to overcome My reluctance to move on your behalf because I DON’T HAVE ANY! There is no variableness nor shadow of turning in My promise. You can rely on Me; therefore, you can pray the end result with a confident expectation that I do all things well. I will always act in accordance with My promises, says the Father, for that is the primary reason I left you the Scriptures. I want you to know what to expect in life. I know that illegitimate religious authorities attempt to explain away situations where it seems I don’t follow through. Not only are they not coming up with the right answers, but they also are not even asking the right questions. Put your confidence in Me, says the Father. I will provide; I will deliver; and, I will make good on My promises in your life.
December 16, 2019. The Father says today, ask largely of My provisions today. Pull on the promises I have given in My word regarding the needs in your life. I AM not a miserly God. Parsimony is not in My character. I so love that I gave, and I’ve never stopped giving in response to the condition of faith on the part of My children. I don’t answer self-pity. I don’t answer attempts to somehow convince Me by religious acts to do what I’ve already accomplished on the Cross. Believe, says God, in the finished work, and you will enter into the rest of My full provision. I AM willing to spend Myself on every need in your life. What is your heart’s cry? What are you aching for? What are the gaping deficits that loom over you like immovable mountains? You are going to have to ask Me.
Your asking, says the Father, is the preamble to your receiving. When Abraham asked for a son, I gave him many sons. Why would I do that? Because I AM the “more than you can ask or think God.” If you can “think it,” then you can have it and more besides. Dream big and ask big for you have not yet explored the bounds of My willingness on your behalf. I’m not holding out on you. My name is not Jehovah-Stingy, says the Father, I AM Jehovah-Jireh! I AM not reluctant to answer; therefore, do not be reluctant to ask. Being who I AM and knowing what I know, it is My great thrill to watch you explore the boundlessness of My love for you. As you come to know My love, you come to know Me, for love is who I AM and who I will be in your life even this day.
December 15, 2019. The Father says today, I have blessed you with a long life. The years of your life will be good, worth living, and worth remembering. Your natural strength will not decrease, and your eye will not grow dim. Like Jacob, you will bless your children leaning upon your staff. Your gray hairs will be a crown of glory, and I will cause the princes of the earth to bow down to you as a son to a father he loves. You will not be feeble of mind or feeble in body. I will feed you with My vitality and strength. When sickness comes, you will rise up and declare the words of this promise, and I will prove Myself to be the unfailing God who does not fail to make good on My promises.
I will provision you for the years ahead, says the Father. I will move your enemies far off from you and surround you with favor as with a shield. I will give you many sons and daughters and will restore to you the ravages of brokenness and rejection. I will make even your enemies to be at peace with you. I will render to you a hundred-fold in the earth. Consider not the experience of others but rather have regard to the faithfulness of My Word. I AM encoding My DNA and the genome of My substance into your physical body, your mind, and your spirit. You will not fail in old age and will rule as a principality and a power in the earth to the end of your days.
December 14, 2019. The Father says today, you are a sojourner in this life, but you are not a transient. As I gave Abraham a sure inheritance in the land, I will give you a resting place. When I walked as a man, I had nowhere to lay My head. I did this as an act of vicarious suffering so that you might be sure and secure in the land where I might send you. I AM your security, says the Father. our security is not in the banker or the lending institutions of this day. I AM shaking the economies of the earth even as I shook the ancient land of Egypt. It is time to let My people go. I AM raising up deliverers and demonstrators of authority and power who will walk through life independent of the chains that greed has formed in the hearts of men.
Even as I sustained hundreds of thousands with manna every morning and water from the rock, I will sustain you. Men can lock their treasures away in steel vaults and, yea, find a myriad of ways to oppress the poor and afflict My people, but I will sustain you and be your provisioner. I AM not limited by the vagaries of a modern economy, says the Father. Put your confidence in Me and hear My voice, for I will cause you to sow in this land and be recompensed.
December 13, 2019. The Father says today, the ground under your feet is not your stability. I AM your assurance and your firm foundation. Not your job, your 401k, your possessions, or your relationships. When all of these fail you, I AM still Jehovah-Jireh, your Provider. If all of these things be taken from you, My mercies would be renewed every morning without fail. Know in your heart and acknowledge with every moment of your day that you know and believe that I will never forsake you. I will never cease to be who I AM in the midst of you. Fear not the shaking, says the Father. The mountains tremble, and the nations shake, yet My Kingdom is unfailing and unshaken.
Do you know where My Kingdom is, says the Father? It is not in a building or found in a pew. My Kingdom is on the inside of you, and it is lending itself to you every day, always causing you to triumph and to come out on top in every situation. My Kingdom is extending its strength, life, and vitality to everything you touch. Trust in what I have put on the inside of you this day, says the Father. Allow My Kingdom to have the ascendency on the inside of you. Let My Kingdom govern your words. Let your attachment be to My Kingdom and not to any other created thing. You will then know the fullness of righteousness, the fullness of peace, and fullness of joy.
December 12, 2019. The Father says today, humility is your greatest ally in spiritual warfare. Those who oppose you will not humble themselves, but if you will, then you shall escape everything they have planned. I exalt the humble in their time of challenge, says God, but I set My forces in array against the proud and stubborn of heart. Do you understand what humility is? Humility is the response of your heart to who I AM in the situation you are facing. Do you honestly think taking matters into your own hands will produce anything positive? Relinquish the outcome, says the Father. You cannot fix the problem so let Me take it from here. I am the God who is more than enough!
Remember that I do not need your help. Put your confidence in Me today to provide for you and to provision you for tomorrow. I will calm the storm on the outside, says the Father, but you must quiet the storm on the inside. Rest in Me. Do what you can with what you have and trust Me to make up the difference. Trust Me to make good on My obligations. I will not fail, and I do not falter. This is the day and the 24-hour period when I will prove that to you. Go ahead and thank Me. Go ahead and seek the Kingdom. Go ahead and laugh the laugh of faith for the “check” is already written, and the answers you seek have already been discharged from the heavens.
December 11, 2019. The Father says today, allow My grace to conform and transform you this day. Allow My cleansing influence to wash you of all worldly contamination. I AM here to change and cleanse. I AM here to mollify the wounds and soothe the scars of bitter past experiences. It is a new day, and I will make you into a new creature that you might walk before Me and be perfect. Accept that perfection as a cloak of favor in My presence. Allow My presence to wash and renew you today. This is the unconditional love wherein I love you. This is the transformative influence by which I change and renew you even in this season and this day, says the Father.
The template of transformation I work from in your life is “as I AM so are you in the earth.” As in heaven so on earth is the pattern in the mount that governs everything I do among men, among nations, and in your life on a personal level. There is supply in the heavens. There is supply available to you on the earth. There is no lack, no sorrow, no downturn in the heavens and these things have no place in your life. Press into the glory wherein all things pertaining to life and godliness are effortlessly yours as you see Me and become like Me in all respects, says your God.
December 10, 2019. The Father says today, you are “Elohim” among the Elohim. I AM your God and you are My beloved child, fashioned by My hand for the fulfillment of destiny. Did I not say that I was the first-born of many brethren? Being born into My Kingdom is not a matter of reckoning — it is a matter of reality. My DNA pulses in the very depths of your spirit. The character of My Lordship, says the Father, strains in the traces of your humanity, longing to burst the bonds of limitation and bring victory and conquest against the enemy of your soul.
The blood of Christ shed on the Cross made you a mighty prince in the earth, says the Father. In the eternities, I dandled you on My knees and regaled you with tales of your own life yet to be written. Did you ever wonder when I put the “measure of faith” in you? It was not a clinical procedure. It was a passionate Father imparting something of Himself to a beloved one, so take heart! The best is yet to come. Your highest conquests and greatest victories are unfolding in your life this very day.
December 9, 2019. The Father says today, as I called Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldees, so I have called you out of the mountain of religion. You are stepping out of religion into demonstration. Today (in this season), I AM activating the demonstration of the Spirit in your life. Step out of religious expression into that demonstration of My Spirit. You will no longer talk about Me; you will demonstrate Me to others. I will go with you, and I will work with you to expose the world to who I AM in the “now.” Your best days are ahead of you because My best days are ahead of Me. Yes, Moses parted the Red Sea and Elijah went up in a flaming fire. Yes, Enoch walked with Me, and I took him. Yes, David slew the giant, and Samson carried away the gates of the enemy. Those mighty feats are but footnotes to what I AM doing in the earth even this day, says the Father. I AM sending anointings into the earth that will command nations and shake the kingdoms of the world to their foundations.
You are eligible to receive these mantles as you draw yourself away with Me and to My sound that is reverberating throughout all the earth. Can you hear My sound, says the Father? It is a sound of war and a sound of the prey snatched from the mouth of the lion and the paw of the bear. I AM standing up in the earth with Davidic fury to wreak righteousness and establish justice. I AM standing up in the earth to overthrow principalities and subdue powers under Me, and you get to participate as you hear My voice and harmonize your spirit with My sound that is going out into all the earth. Receive My sound within yourself, says the Father. Stand upright upon thy feet. I will talk with you, and My words will change, transform, and renew you to My purposes. Your problems and challenges are the small dust on the balance, says the Father. I AM weighing nations in the scales of My purpose in this hour, and I will bring forth justice unto righteousness and cause you to know the fulfillment of every promise I have made in your life.
December 8, 2019. The Father says today, the barrier you face today will be overcome, says the Father. Draw upon who I AM on the inside of you. I AM your sufficiency. There is no external dependency that will serve you in this hour. It is time to gain your self-sufficiency in Me. It is now that you must rid yourself of every debilitating outward dependency. Did I not say that “Christ in you” is your hope of Glory? There are many that prattle on with claims of anointing and power. You will know them by their focus. Are they saying, “Come here” or “Go there?” Listen to the voice of My Spirit as I affirm once again that the Kingdom of God is within you.
Loosing yourself from external dependency is the definition of maturity in My Kingdom. You will not hear this from the gatekeepers of religious credibility, says the Father. They need to hold you in thrall to their agenda, but My Kingdom within you will not be bound and will not be limited to what takes place inside “the box.” The hour has come and now is that I will spill you out into the world. I will take the bushel basket of religious limitation off of you so that you might shine and make manifest My Glory to those that languish in darkness. It is a new day, says the Father. Yesterday’s thinking no longer serves My Kingdom purpose. Take on My mind and My passion this day, and you will find yourself in the very center of My plan for your life.
December 7, 2019. The Father says today, I AM scribing your destiny and your breakthrough in this season. I have dipped the quill of My sovereignty into the ink of My limitlessness in your behalf. I AM lettering your highest desires on the leaves of your heart that they might spring forth fully formed in your circumstance even this day. There are no limits in Me for I AM the “Boundless One.” It is My nature and My character to remove the limitations that you face. Do you realize that you are My habitation on the earth? Where you go today, I go with you. What you face, I face with you. What you endure, I likewise endure.
From within you, I send the resonance of My presence into every setting you enter. Whether it is the public square, your school, or your workplace, I AM there. When I sense resistance (whether it is resistance to you or resistance to My Spirit), it is My autonomic response to push back and to overcome. I do not have to stop and think about it, and I do not have to pause and gather My strength. Those who sin against you sin against Me. Those who resist you resist Me. I will respond in My strength through your weakness. Expect Me to get a little testy with your adversaries today, says the Father. I do not take kindly to those influences and elements in your life that contradict the provisions of the Cross. I AM pushing back the boundaries and expanding your territory. Rejoice, says the Father, for I AM working with you to will and to do My good pleasure.
December 6, 2019. The Father says today, change isn’t harmful, change is beneficial. You are going to hear Me call your name today, says The Father. My Voice is moving on the waters of your soul to bring a shift and a new direction in areas of your life that have been cast in stone for a long time. Your response at that moment will make all the difference as to what happens next in your life. Will you be a Father-pleaser, or will you go on maintaining the status quo? Are you willing and ready to step into the challenge and turbulence of a “now” answer or will you continue marching in place waiting for a convenient time that will never actually come?
Today, says The Father, I put the opportunity to shorten the waiting for the answer you have been seeking. Know this — change does not take place and cannot take place while you are making security and stability your highest priority. You must embrace the shaking and trust Me for what happens next. Yes, the waiting has been long, and you have wondered if I was even listening to the urgency of your cry. Understand that answered prayer is determined as much by whether or not you are listening as by whether or not I AM listening. Are you listening, says The Father? My sound is coming into your life in this season. You are going to hear Me call your name at the appointed hour. Your response to that call will make all the difference.
December 5, 2019. The Father says today, laugh the laugh of faith. I will make you laugh, says the Father, and all that hear you will laugh with you. Though your vision seems like it is barren and that it has lost its young, I will bring it to fruition and fulfillment. I AM The LORD your God. Is there anything too hard for Me? Have I not spoken? You are going to have to make up your mind, says The Father. Either you heard Me or you did not hear me. Either I gave you a confirmed promise or you were just vainly wishing.
Set your sights higher than ever before, says The Father, for I AM a faithful Father and a faithful God. Have I not undeniably and unequivocally verified My promises to you? When you believe what I have said, you are not merely putting your confidence in the prophet. You are putting your confidence in the God who spoke through human instrumentality to provoke your faith and raise your hopes aloft. Trust Me, says the Father. Know that I AM with you this day to raise you up and lift you into the heavens, where all things are possible in Me.
December 4, 2019. The Father says today, do not borrow your dreams from someone else’s life. My blessing does not rest on trying to be like someone else, for that would be setting your sights too low. You are unique. You have a destiny. You are a world changer and a Kingdom warrior. Walk in the destiny that I have hewn out for you before the foundation of the world. Your destiny does not use anyone else’s life as a template, says The Father. You will often walk after your own destiny in a state of unknowing. It is not important for you to understand or comprehend. Simply obey and put your foot forward. I will enlarge your steps and bring you to the purposes I have ordained for you.
I have called you to place your dependency on Me today, says The Father. Many times, man’s ideas and the guidance of others only reflect their lack of faith in what I can and will do in your life. Move beyond those limits. Hear My Voice as I speak to you softly in the silence between the words of others. I AM drawing you out of the company of men into My presence, says The Father. Have you not been wondering what was wrong when you gathered in their midst? Allow My voice to lead you and guide you until you have fully donned My person as the garment of My Kingdom purpose for your life.
December 3, 2019. The Father says today, I have an account to settle with you. Your faith has made a demand upon the resources of heaven. Your hopes and dreams have generated a demand upon the inventories in glory. Your desires and aspirations have tugged upon My heart of compassion. I AM a just and righteous God, and I always settle My honest debts. Through Calvary, I made it possible for you to obligate Me by your faith. I delight to see you taking full advantage of what I died to make available. The angels in heaven shake with anticipation and excitement when the aroma of your faith reaches the ramparts of the throne.
Go ahead, says The Father. See if you can bankrupt heaven. Spend your faith — spend it lavishly! Luxuriate in the measureless faith I have accorded you. This is not Wall Street. You cannot tap or diminish the resources of the Throne! Let your requests be audacious and bold I will not rebuke you or chastise you, for I delight when you feel just how far I AM willing to go to bless you. Today is the day that you can turn things around by your faith. Go ahead. What are you waiting for?
December 2, 2019. The Father says today, I AM bringing you out of darkness and confusion. I AM bringing you clarity and understanding. The question marks in your life are going to come into sharp focus, and you are going to see through the fog of unknowing. Do not be surprised or shocked by what is revealed, says The Father. Your first reaction will be to act without thinking to correct things. T he Father says to you, “Wait on Me.” Wait upon the prompting of My Spirit. I AM going to teach you to live with imperfection. You are going to learn that My grace, favor, and promises were not made on the condition that you do everything right. The fulfillment of your destiny is not predicated on you becoming some inhuman example of infallibility. Every promise I have made and every dream I have given you takes into consideration your shortcomings and outright failures.
Even in the midst of your flawed humanity, you will find My favor! I AM foolishly fond of you, says The Father. I love you unconditionally, and yes, there are many things in your life that test My resolve to do just that. I AM pouring Myself into you and surrounding you with favor as with a shield. I AM buttressing and protecting you by clothing you with Myself. I AM not concerned you will not grow out of the things in your nature that do not reflect My character. Relax into Me, says The Father. Rest in who I AM in you. Turn your face to Me and allow the transformation to take place. Do not worry about whether I will reject or deny you. The only thing that can separate you from My care is your determination to distance yourself from who I AM in your life. Content yourself with My love and trust that I have all in hand. The only preoccupation you need this day is to love Me and know that you are loved in return with an everlasting love.
December 1, 2019. The Father says today, I will never leave you without counsel regarding your life. I speak to you in dreams; I speak to you in visions; and, I speak to you in a thousand ways throughout your day about the myriads of issues that affect you (both great and small). My thoughts toward you are not general or vague. My thoughts toward you number more than the sands on all the beaches of the world. My thoughts toward you number more than the stars in the cosmos. In all of this, says The Father, there is not one sentiment found regarding you that falls outside of love. It is true there are times you do not feel My love toward you. Move toward the flame. Hearken to the intuitive voice of My Spirit inside you. Move toward the warmth of My love, and you will find yourself at My feet, for love is who I AM and not just what I do. Hearken to your dreams. Write your dreams down. Dreams are the flashcards of the soul. I send these images to you nightly. Dreams are the hieroglyphs of My Spirit. I put the spirit of inquiry inside of you that you might decipher their meaning and find meaning and direction in life. Do not be as the fool who ignores and passes on to his destruction.
Dreams are the “magnetic-resonance scan of the Great Physician,” revealing slice by slice the minute images of things that influence and affect your life in the unseen realm of the spirit. Y our mind does not often comprehend or even remember your dreams which are why you must go to My Spirit for interpretation. In so doing, you will find answers that you seek for things that are pressuring you. Your destiny is not far off, says The Father. Your destiny is wrapped around you each night as a comforting blanket. I nurse you each night in your dreams. I breastfeed you the milk of destiny to give you hope and expectation of great promise. Be not discouraged – trust. Trust Me and listen to Me and seek Me for understanding of things you do not comprehend. You will ascend into Me, says The Father, and you will take on My image and My character. You are more than a conqueror, so rejoice as I show you the battle plans of the day.
Older articles:
- What The LORD is Saying Today — December 2024
- What The LORD is Saying Today — November 2024
- What The LORD is Saying Today — October 2024
- The Father Says Today — October 2023
- The Father Says Today — September 2023
- The Father Says Today — August 2023
- The Father Says Today — July 2023
- The Father Says Today — June 2023
- The Father Says Today — May 2023
- The Father Says Today — April 2023
- The Father Says Today — March 2023
- The Father Says Today — February 2023
Prophet Walden you are really in tune with God. I be up talking and praying to Father and when I read What The Father says for today it confirms what I have been praying. I thank you so much because I have been seeking answers and direction from my Father and I get my answer. Thank you so much.
Phenomenal. Amazing. Incredible. Thank you so much brother.