HomeProphecyThe Enemy’s Camp is Trembling Tonight!


The Enemy’s Camp is Trembling Tonight! — 1 Comment

  1. Oh Deborah, such a good word. This is, I believe, the spirit contending with me, and has been all of my life. But when I stepped away from the mirror and threw away ALL that was vain, it was on!! It’s been an all out war and attack of the most cruel and wicked principalities in the world!! But time has run out for them, they’re being judged and shaken out of their positions!! The power of what our Lord has accomplished has already conquered them, IT IS FINISHED!! And as we now come into the fullness of the Truth of who we are as Sons of God the Power we are receiving is a thousand times more powerful than jezebel or any of the demonic kingdom that our Lord Jesus Christ stripped, conquered, and made a public display of!! Hallelujah!!
    God bless you beautiful lady!!

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