HomeProphecyThe Division of America at Election Time


The Division of America at Election Time — 5 Comments

  1. LET GOD ARISE, ALL HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED!!! Oh Lord I pray you that would mightily & lovingly convict us to pray, study and act in Obedience to your word, especially according to 2Chronicles 7:14- in this Hour- Like Never Before! The word is being fulfilled – and Lord I pray that we will begin to look to you-more so than to a men, political party for answers. We pray for all those in leadership- in that they would BE Men & Women after your own Heart! We will continue to pray Father, That YOUR Kingdom Come & YOUR WILL BE Done on EARTH as IT IS In HEAVEN!☝

  2. Excellent word, thank you for sharing what the Lord has spoken to you. I continue to watch and pray. God bless!

  3. Bummer dude.  I kind of had my heart set on a Trump return via military intervention in the very near future and a related revival in America.  What you’re describing is a continued deterioration, fracturing and escalated rotting from within.  Perhaps they’re not mutually exclusive.  I know we are in the end days and we’re Babylon.  I just want a temporary victory and revival.  Either way, I’m in this for the long haul.  I’m on the Lord’s team and don’t side with either the blue or red.  There’s a pox on both their houses.

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