The Desires of Your Heart
Pay attention to the desires of your heart.
Between the ages of 14 and 18, I was playing the drums. Every Wednesday I went to a small music store so I could receive one-on-one coaching from a very good drummer.
I would practice for an hour with my instructor and then I would return home to practice playing on my own drum set.
I did this for four years. However, after four years I was still terrible, and then I hit a plateau, where I could not improve no matter how hard I tried. Therefore, after hundreds of lessons, I gave up.
Recently, I have been listening to music a bit differently as I have been focusing on the drums as the song plays.
I imagine hitting the toms and snare like the drummer as the worship makes it way towards Heaven — and my heart has a renewed desire to learn and play for Jesus Christ.
I asked The LORD about this and why I failed playing drums when I was younger.
Jesus said that in the past I did not succeed, but it was not due to lack of effort — for I practiced. But I did not succeed for the lack of desire.
For example, the desire to watch videos on how the drummer transitioned to the bridge or chorus — or the desire to learn complex music measures.
In this time of my life, I have a desire to learn. And this will be the difference for me as I believe I will play the drums for Jesus someday.
Jesus says: “Tell the people that I will help them.
I will help them in their desires.
I want to see them succeed and I want to shape them in their desires.
Allow Me to speak to you as I will use your desire to benefit Me and honor Me.
I will give you the desires of your heart.
Love Me. Honor Me.
Good things are coming to those who surrender their desires to Me to use for My Glory.”
~ Travis Coffey
Travis Coffey was called by Christ to be a prophet. His desire is to help people get informed about who Jesus is, and what is He is doing during these end times.
You may also find Travis at TC Prophecy on YouTube and on Facebook.
Dieses Wort hat mich heute voll erwischt. Ja, ich hatte auch einen Traum, der wieder in der Versenkung verschwand, weil es aus vielerlei Gründen nicht funktioniert hat. Und dieses Wort hat genau dort in mein Herz getroffen und den Schmerz darüber hervorgebracht. Im Natürlichen habe ich es gar nicht für so schmerzvoll gehalten, aber Gott kennt uns eben besser! Jetzt kann Heilung kommen und es kann vielleicht auf neue Art beginnen… Vielen Dank also für das Teilen dieses Wortes und Gelingen bei Deinem Vorhaben.
Einfach zur Ermutigung für Andere: ich hab super spät Autofahren gelernt und Backen noch viel später… aber es ist genau so passiert, wie oben beschrieben. Plötzlich war eine Tür offen… und dann funktionieren Sachen, die vorher nicht funktioniert haben und man hat sogar richtig Freude dran. Dafür danke ich Gott! “Du bist ein Gott, der mich sieht” (1. Mose 16,13)
[ HKP : “This word has caught me completely today. Yes, I also had a dream that disappeared into oblivion because it didn’t work out for many reasons. And that word hit my heart right there and brought out the pain about it. In the natural I didn’t think it was so painful, but God knows us better! Now healing can come and it can perhaps begin in a new way… So thank you very much for sharing this word and success with your project. Just to encourage others: I learned to drive a car super late and bake much later… But it happened exactly as described above. Suddenly a door was open… and then things work that didn’t work before and you even really enjoy it. I thank God for that! “You are a God who sees me” (Genesis 16:13)” ]
Thanks Travis! Mark 11:24 encourages us to desire good things.
This is my testimony to be
Able to do what ever i have set MY MIND ON TO DO
Pray to GOD and he will answer
Very interesting…thanks for the share!