HomeProphecyThe Depth Into the Heart of Change


The Depth Into the Heart of Change — 1 Comment

  1. Oh A-MEN to this. If anyone thinks this gig is all glitz and glamor, nice clothes, fancy stages, big conferences with speaking panels of all the who’s-who, book deals, popular podcasts, etc. -you are absolutely mistaken. Go ahead, say “Here am I, send me” with all your heart. You want to be His voice? Buckle up. You will be hated by all those fancy people, kicked out of their churches, slandered, mocked, and gossiped about. You will endure attacks from the enemy that you cannot imagine. God will carry you through, but I assure you there will be blood. The armor required, the fear and reverence of God required, the self control required, will only come through FIRE. HOT FIRE. Want to know if a person is truly His servant? Look for truck loads of persecution from men and the enemy. That’s the sign of a true prophet of God. Great is their treasure in heaven.

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