HomeProphecyThe Days of Elijah Have Begun!


The Days of Elijah Have Begun! — 11 Comments

  1. Elijah, the forerunner – a contemporary life-hint (J.L.,Gifts from Heaven, Vol. 2)

    30th June 1842

    Malachi 4:5: “Behold, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible
    day of the Lord!”
    Matthew 17:10: “And His disciples asked Him and said: “What do the scribes say that
    Elijah must come first?”
    [1] “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find, and knock and it will be opened to
    you.” Tell Me, from whom are these consoling words? You say they are from Me. Good, I say, but
    if these eternally true words are from Me, say, what keeps you from following them actively so that
    it would be easy for each of you to understand such important and also most easily comprehensible
    passages from the Scripture of life?
    [2] Do you know what is to blame for this? I tell you and have told you already often: Nothing but
    your still foolish conception of Me is to blame for this, according to which you still seek Me more
    and more in the infinitely powerful, mighty, great and super sacred, instead of in the sole gentle
    [3] You sure see in Me the God, the infinitely great One, who created heaven and earth through His
    Word; but the God, the dear Father, who does not consider it beneath His dignity to set even the
    wings of a puddle mosquito in motion and to care for the mold plants on a moist crumb of bread,
    that they flourish – behold, this so deeply meek, this most gentle, this most patient and loving God
    and Father is still more or less strange to your heart!
    [4] Jesus, who loaded sinners onto His shoulders, who called to Himself the weary and burdened;
    Jesus, the only good Shepherd, Him, the Crucified, you do not yet know!
    [5] But since this most gentle Jesus is still strange to you in how and what He is, the great prophet
    Elijah is also strange to you and strange “the great and terrible day of the Lord!”

  2. Thank you Veronika for bringing the truths of God to life. May the Lord’s breath breathe the commitment of ourselves to Him.

  3. As always, Veronika, YES YES YES YES!!
    I have been shown much of this and spoken in different ways so this so blessed my heart.
    I love how the Lord reveals things to you and you send it forth with such depth and meaning!
    Thank you for you and for your obedient watchman prophet heart to be His spokesperson to us.
    In His Love, Sandi

    • That was exactly what I was thinking as soon as I saw ‘black rock’.  They have been buying up land everywhere – including Ukraine I believe?

  4. Thank you Veronika for this is confirmation from what I have heard from the LORD.  Thank you for your obedience.  Blessings

  5. Veronika, this is such a POWERFUL WORD for the TIMES we’re in. Thank you so much for your obedience to the LORD, so we’ll understand better what is to come.


  6. Amen, there are a lot of things happening at a fast pace. Hard to keep up in prayer. Watching and praying. 2025 will be a year to remember Praise God!!!

    God bless

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