The Days of Elijah Have Begun!
A ‘Proving’ Fire is now falling — The Days of Elijah Have Begun!
In the early hours I was woken by these Words: ”Daughter, tell My Remnant, a ‘proving’ Fire is now falling. The Days of Elijah have begun!”
On hearing those Words, I sat up and began to pray, and I was shown by The Spirit of Revelation, yet another and even greater shaking that is coming to The Church and to the Governments of the earth.
A great shaking that is going bring exposures like never seen before!
And then I heard, ”Watch! For The Books have now been opened!”
And I saw The Scales of Justice suddenly begin to move in the midst of a great shaking.
I saw not only severe Judgment coming for those who are corrupt — and to the kingdom of darkness — but I saw great vindication and great reward coming to those who have been attacked and unfairly accused in the last season.
I saw sudden recompense and great reward being released.
Then I was shown, The Spirit and Power of Elijah is coming to herald a great Wealth Transfer, and I saw a crashing of the financial systems and structures.
Wall Street — The Stock Exchange — being greatly shaken!
I saw a Global Economic Crisis coming, and The LORD said, “Watch! For when this begins to take place, it will be Sign that The Spirit and Power of Elijah is invading The Nations!”
Now, as I heard those Words, I saw a Hammer that looked like a Judge’s Gavel come out of the Heavens — and it came down upon a large black rock and smashed it to pieces!
Then I heard, ”Watch! For when the reign of My Justice and Judgement falls — that which was built on the black rock shall surely fall to ruin and never recover!”
I was then shown another Global Reset coming, that will usher in the rise of an end time Army of Righteous Revolutionaries and the rise of the spirit of the Antichrist.
Now, as I was being shown these things, I felt The LORD’s Hand come upon me, and again I was shown many more things to come.
I saw many who will cry out in desperation, seeking answers amidst the turmoil and great economic confusion and uncertainty.
As false foundations are fully exposed and removed, many will feel lost, disillusioned by the crumbling systems they once trusted.
But I saw in the midst of this great time of chaos, a mighty army rising, forged in the fire of Adversity and Persecution — empowered by The Seven Spirits of God.
The Spirit and Power of Elijah was not just a call to The Judgment that is coming — it was also a Clarion Call to The Faithful Remnant — to those who had endured and remained steadfast and immovable in their Faith.
I then saw Radical Reformers standing firm, their hearts fully ablaze with divine purpose and unwavering resilience.
I saw Goshens rising, marked places emerging fully preparing for what is to come. Marked places — and marked people — fully equipped with the Revelation, Wisdom and Understanding of God, ready and rising to bring The Light of Christ into dark places.
I heard The Spirit say, “My rising, shining Remnant shall not be silenced — but they shall roar — and many Apostolic and Prophetic Voices never heard of before, shall come forth.
Those driven into caves of isolation — those who have been rejected, marginalized and oppressed, will rise carrying the double-troublers Mantle, and they shall legislate and execute Heaven’s Mandate in The Nations of the earth, in the Power and Authority of the Key of The House of David.
Yes, I tell you, they will declare My Truth and advance My Kingdom with a mighty demonstration of Power and Authority, that will cause The Heavens to shake and the earth to quake.
Get ready, for a New Movement of My Word and Spirit is coming!
A Wave of Revival that will sweep across Nations, which will awaken the deep sleepers and bring to birth Kingdom Reformation within The Church, that will impact The Nations of the earth!”
But then I heard a Warning; “Do not be deceived by the signs of the times!”
The enemy will attempt to sow great confusion and division among the ranks. False prophets will emerge, cloaked in deception, carrying strange fire, leading many astray.
Yet, those who have sought to make their Dwelling Place in The Secret Place of His Presence — those who have learned to hide and abide under the covering of His Word — will have the discernment to distinguish the Truth from falsehood — the Real from the counterfeit!
Then, I saw that as the Economic Structures and Systems fell, a might shift took place.
The great Wealth Transfer that is coming, is not merely about material gain; but it was about wealth and resources being redirected and redistributed for The Kingdom and for the accelerated advancement of His Purposes on the earth!
I saw Ministries receiving unexpected funding — new businesses emerging, that will thrive and expand — because the foundations are built on Godly Principles!
The very structures that once exploited the innocent and the ignorant, will be completely dismantled and destroyed, and a New Kingdom Economy —- rooted in radical Generosity, Justice, and Righteousness — will emerge!
But God showed me the Antichrist spirit rising in the midst.
I saw a dark figure rising out of Europe, cloaked in charm and great deceit; a figure rising amidst the ashes of the Old World Order.
Many would be captivated by his promises of peace and prosperity, safety and security!
Ha! But God’s faithful Remnant will discern The Truth and not be drawn in.
They would be armed with The Discernment of The Spirit, ready to counter every lie with the unshakeable Truth of God!
Friends get ready!
Stay in the place of ascension. Do not be tempted to come down from the Wall in this hour of great upheaval and great shaking!
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West
Elijah, the forerunner – a contemporary life-hint (J.L.,Gifts from Heaven, Vol. 2)
30th June 1842
Malachi 4:5: “Behold, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible
day of the Lord!”
Matthew 17:10: “And His disciples asked Him and said: “What do the scribes say that
Elijah must come first?”
[1] “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you shall find, and knock and it will be opened to
you.” Tell Me, from whom are these consoling words? You say they are from Me. Good, I say, but
if these eternally true words are from Me, say, what keeps you from following them actively so that
it would be easy for each of you to understand such important and also most easily comprehensible
passages from the Scripture of life?
[2] Do you know what is to blame for this? I tell you and have told you already often: Nothing but
your still foolish conception of Me is to blame for this, according to which you still seek Me more
and more in the infinitely powerful, mighty, great and super sacred, instead of in the sole gentle
[3] You sure see in Me the God, the infinitely great One, who created heaven and earth through His
Word; but the God, the dear Father, who does not consider it beneath His dignity to set even the
wings of a puddle mosquito in motion and to care for the mold plants on a moist crumb of bread,
that they flourish – behold, this so deeply meek, this most gentle, this most patient and loving God
and Father is still more or less strange to your heart!
[4] Jesus, who loaded sinners onto His shoulders, who called to Himself the weary and burdened;
Jesus, the only good Shepherd, Him, the Crucified, you do not yet know!
[5] But since this most gentle Jesus is still strange to you in how and what He is, the great prophet
Elijah is also strange to you and strange “the great and terrible day of the Lord!”
Thank you Veronika for bringing the truths of God to life. May the Lord’s breath breathe the commitment of ourselves to Him.
As always, Veronika, YES YES YES YES!!
I have been shown much of this and spoken in different ways so this so blessed my heart.
I love how the Lord reveals things to you and you send it forth with such depth and meaning!
Thank you for you and for your obedient watchman prophet heart to be His spokesperson to us.
In His Love, Sandi
Black Rock is an evil company here in the US, I just wonder if this is what will be crushed. But Amen
That was exactly what I was thinking as soon as I saw ‘black rock’. They have been buying up land everywhere – including Ukraine I believe?
Thank you Veronika for this is confirmation from what I have heard from the LORD. Thank you for your obedience. Blessings
Veronika, this is such a POWERFUL WORD for the TIMES we’re in. Thank you so much for your obedience to the LORD, so we’ll understand better what is to come.
Amen, there are a lot of things happening at a fast pace. Hard to keep up in prayer. Watching and praying. 2025 will be a year to remember Praise God!!!
God bless
This is AWESOME!!!
Thank you for sharing beautiful lady!!