HomeProphecyThe Days Ahead Will Be Defined by Our Attendance to The Altar


The Days Ahead Will Be Defined by Our Attendance to The Altar — 4 Comments

  1. Be this unto me.  We are so hungry/expectant for the Fire of His Glory to be made manifest in the Earth.  Agreeing with this company in purpose and in spirit as we set our hearts to now and in 2024, offer up the sacrifices to Him who sits on the throne and preparing & agreeing with our sisters & brothers for a profound move like no other in the days ahead.

  2. Praise His name, pray without ceasing.  Thank you Prophetess Veronika. Attending to the alter of sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving…

    sometimes declarations and petitions.

  3. “Who will become The Living Sacrifice?” U ask(or rather the Holy Spirit). 11 or 12 days ago I wrote this on FB and it kind of remind me of this subject – who will become the living sacrifice

    On thursDay dec 14 it will be exactly,2 the day,43 years since a travelling preacher put his hand upon me and a white light appeared from…I don’t know from where,but it came over me and moved inside of my being and I found myself outside of my physical body. A hand from above took me back in time and I started 2 descend down 2 a fire that was burning and a deer was slowly rotating over the fire place. The hand from above slowly took me down further a little bit and 2 my amazement I saw that the face of the ‘deer’ was my own face – I was the one rotating slowly over the fireplace! It shook me real good! Then the Spirit pulled me back in2 present time and I found myself lying on the floor and the fire was pulsating, running from my head down 2 my feet and then up again and then down and up and down and up and down and up and down. My feet were dancing like drumsticks. I remember it like YesterDay. I’m very grateful 4 the Holy Spirit and in His Light we see light[psalm 36:9].“Send your light and your truth. Let them guide me. Let them bring me to your holy mountain and to your dwelling place.” [Psalm 43:3]

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