HomeChristian LivingThe Cynic, The Realist, or The Optimist?


The Cynic, The Realist, or The Optimist? — 5 Comments

  1. Thank You brother Stephen.  Great poem. I would say that it can be a challenge, as we are called to renew our minds daily…☝ as it not always easy- but when we look to the Father- we know HE will always Make the Difference! This makes me think of a number of scriptures- First mainly- Proverbs 23:7- “As a man thinks in his heart- so is he”.  You can truly become what you choose to think on… Also Proverbs 13:12- “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a ‘longing fulfilled is a tree of Life!” HALLELUJAH! :) Father help us to Always look to YOU when the enemy comes to try & steal our Hope & our Peace!✝️

  2. Great post and poem. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I am at that place of being a cynic, pessimist, optimist right now…..sometime don’t know what to believe and hope for. I’m holding on to my faith though. I believe the Lord had you write/share this post for me and many others! God bless you

  3. As I read on, Stephen, I heard what the Lord continually says to me, “Children learn what they live.” and as I read Geoff Pick’s warning, I realized the Lord is cautioning us to get beyond our ‘familiar’ viewpoint of what we think we hear and see. Selah, bless your day. Sandi Holman

  4. Well said brother Steve, and the poem was ‘on point’ and the message ‘enlightening” I think of the scripture: Hope deferred makes the heart sick! :)

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