The Compromised Church
The Lord Says:
“I AM not happy with My Church, because it has been compromised by Satan and does not realise it.
If they knew their Bible, they would not be doing many of the things they are doing.
It is good they seek knowledge, but they do not apply it. Great store is placed on knowing things, but little is placed in applying them.
In this sense they are no different to Demons, who know a lot more about the Bible than they do, but do not apply it, except in a negative way against My People.
They call me LORD, but then do not ask Me what I want them to do. If they believe I AM LORD of all, why do they not listen to Me?
They say I AM God all powerful, able to do anything, but then do not demonstrate the authority I have delegated to them.
By this they do not demonstrate The Kingdom of God and the Church seems no different to many other religions.
They say they give God all the glory, but delight in the praise men give them, and do not point to My working through them.
They say they belong to My Kingdom and are Citizens of it, but serve and promote the local Church, ignoring My Kingdom and its requirements.
They say they are guided by The Holy Spirit, but ignore Him in their daily lives.
They say they have a salvation relationship with Me and The Father, but do they ever spend time talking to Us and listening to Us to develop this relationship.
Prayer is not a relationship, it is a request.
In a relationship you share your heart with the other person and listen to them when they share their heart with you. Most of My Church knows of Me, but do not personally relate to Me.
You say you show God’s quality of love in what you do, but you let the Church do the things you should be doing to help others with their needs.
You say you represent Me, but how many of you can share the gospel as it really is, and not as Churches say it is, ignoring the fact it is Kingdom based, as an expression of The Kingdom and God’s Love you.
Churches pay specialists to preach the gospel in their churches, expecting people to go and listen, when most people consider the modern Church as irrelevant and are not interested in going.
I said, to go into the world and preach the Gospel, not to ask others to do it for you, or to wait for them to come to you.
You think of ways to bring people to Church in the hope they will stay and join the denomination. I never said to do that!
I said to go out and tell them about Me and bring them into The Kingdom of God.
You do not understand The Kingdom of God, or your role in it, or your life and church experience would be completely different.
You say the church is all one body, but it is divided by denominations, factions, and cliques.
You say you express My Love to each other, yet you ignore each other’s needs, if they are not part of your social group, expecting the Minister and his staff to meet their needs.
You say you are people of The Book, but ignore its requirements in many places.
How many of you are fighting Satan, healing the sick, telling others about Me and what I can do for them.
I do not expect you to do it all the time, but I do expect you to do it when I ask you to and many do not do this.
You say your Church does not gossip. But how many negatively comment on others, without knowing all the facts, rather than helping them with their problems?
I created everything and own everything and you are only stewards of all that you have.
How many of you ask Me what to do with what I have given you to be a steward of?
I said that battles for My Kingdom would be fought against demonic leaders. How many of you defend My Kingdom and get these demonic leaders. Do you even know how to fight them?
Ministers do not preach Satan, his demons or hell. Satan has blinded them to the need to do this.
Hell is my incentive to do all you can to get to heaven, which is why Satan hides it. He hides him and his demons so that you know there is not a battle on.
The war you are in is not taught about, a war in which Satan and his demons are attacking you, to try and take you with them to hell.
What makes this worse, most do not know how Satan attacks them and how to defeat these attacks, because ministers do not preach this, having been convinced by Satan that it is not necessary to do so.
You need to learn these things, because you are in a war in which the enemy is trying to destroy you and take him with you to his kingdom, where he can torment you for ever.
People are told that if they give to Me, I will give them back more. That is no excuse, as it has strings attached.
Real giving does not expect anything in return, so in reality, to people who give this way, it is a form of manipulation which I will not tolerate, but which Satan gladly promotes.
Churches measure success by being bigger and better, or having more modern things than other churches, or by the number or people that attend their services.
This is how the world controlled by demons, measures things.
I look at how many souls you have helped enter The Kingdom of God.
My purpose for coming was to reconcile people to The Father, so that they would be with us for ever in His Kingdom.
I own everything and do not need you to obtain things for My Church. If you need them, I will give them to you.
But Satan desire that you look for these things, so you will not be doing the work I require of you, but looking after things you should not have.
I also told you that people involved in the spiritual side of things should not be involved in the administrative side of things.
Yet ministers neglect this and control both spiritual and administrative aspects of a church. By this, they control everything, which is Satan’s way of doing things and not God’s.
To keep this control, they follow the Nicolaitans were there are the people in charge and the people controlled by these.
Denominations have set up levels within them that maintained multilevel structure. It was not so in the beginning and will not be so in the millennium or heaven.
In My Kingdom and Rule, all are equal before Me. In Churches the minister rules and people have importance according to the denominational classification of them.
This classification is often based upon the denominational training and not on merit or spiritual maturity.
People say they love Me and that I AM their LORD, but ignore Me and do not appreciate what My love has done for them, or what I require of them. They seldom, if ever, think about My Love for them, so do not lean to appreciate it.
How do people in churches deal with the sick, poor, needy, homeless, widow and orphan?
Do the church members get involved, or do they pay the people who run the church or charitable organisations, to meet the needs of these people?
They believe by giving money to other people to do these things, they meet My requirements in these areas. Another lie the devil has managed the church to accept.
If I give you an opportunity to help another who really needs your help and you do not do it, how can you say you belong to My Kingdom?
You say you Love like I do. How can you say you have My love if you ignore the lost going to hell and who are all around you, and sit comfortably in the belief that you are saved and will go to heaven and that one saved always saved (see Revelation 3:5 where your name can be removed from My Book of Life).
I told you to tell the world what I had done for them. Not to do so is disobedience and sin, and if not repented of, will cause you to lose your salvation and go to hell.
I sent you to tell people about heaven and how to get there and to preach My Kingdom and its Love for them. Not to pay others to do this. Not doing that is also disobedience, and if not repented of, will cause you to go to hell.
Remember you sin, by not doing what I tell you to do and not by what others say you should be doing.
I AM a fair God and will only judge you for deliberately not doing these things I ask you to do. You have no excuse, as I will never ask you to do something you cannot, do but Satan will.
My people are Church based and not Kingdom based. They come Church to pray, read the Bible and/or study it, and then go home and do not do these things.
How many of My people realise The Kingdom is everywhere and these activities can be done anywhere and should be practised at home by families, because My Church is family based not denominational based.
I said to give thanks to Me in everything that happens to you, because My Love is in there somewhere, because I have allowed it to happen to you and all I allow to happen to you is for your best.
How many people give thanks for the things they have. What they have, the bed they sleep in, the clothes they have.
How many even do a basic thing such as thanking Me that they have food to eat. How many thank Me in the midst of their trials when all seems to go wrong?
My Love is in all I do to you, or allow to happen to you. Do you believe this?
How often have you looked around you at what I have created or given you?
How often have you praised Me or thanked Me for it?
My people take Me for granted, as well as all I have created and given them, as if they expect it as a right and not as a gift from Me.
The Church ignores the fact that the earth is My training ground for heaven and the members live as if they are never going to die and face Me as the judge of all.
So they do not live in a way to prepare for heaven and are therefore unprepared for it, if they actually get there.
I do not judge you if you do not do something you do not know you are to do. But you will be judged for deliberately not doing something you know you are to do
Remember, I said that to know something needs doing and not do it when I ask you to, is sin, as it is a lack of love towards Me and possibly others.
The Shepherds of Churches have a lot to answer for, as they should be teaching you how to apply what you learn, but are not doing so, because they were not taught to do so at Bible College.
They were not taught how to teach people to apply The Bible, but only to preach it.
Spiritual maturity is not considered at times when promotion is considered in a denomination, but knowledge and academic qualifications are.
Unfortunately, wisdom is applied knowledge, and there is no guarantee those who are promoted, are considered wise by the Bible, or spiritually mature.
Until My people apply accurately The Bible, they are no better than the demons, because they are like the demons in that they know the Bible, but do not apply it as I desire it to be applied, or if they apply, it is normally partially or incorrectly applied, and only in some areas is it applied correctly.
If only in My People knew how My Kingdom on earth worked. Satan was brilliant by replacing The Kingdom with the Church structure and My Commands to you about its structure, by replacing them with a Nicolaitan structure.
Many ministers have weaknesses and use man’s methods to deal with them. They do not deal with them the way I desire them to deal with thme and many do even not know how I desire them to deal with these weaknesses and failings.
Many ministers have secret sins and they think no one sees them. But I see them!
Many ministers obtain their self-worth by what they do instead of getting it through their relationship with me and how I value them.
Many ministers have their family life out of order. How can I give them people to look after for Me, when they cannot even look after their own family?
People look up to ministers who should be an example of how Christians are to live, and so ministers should live what they preach, otherwise it is hypocrisy and hypocrites do not go to heaven.
The council, pastors and ministers also need to ensure they teach their flocks to apply the Bible and not just learn it. I will demand more of them on the day of judgement than those they teach.
Remember, it is no use just teaching knowledge, because demons can teach people more than you can about The Bible.
You must be an example to them of what you preach, as you teach them to apply what the Bible says, so you will disciple then and not just be a teacher them.
Then great will be your reward in heaven.”
~ Through Neville Salvetti
Neville Salvetti is a deliverance minister and can be contacted via The Web Pages of Neville Salvetti and at: if you desire deliverance or to know how to do it.
Neville have been told to preach three things:
♥ Deliverance ♥ How to Hear The Holy Spirit ♥ How to fight Satan
This is the need of the hour as it demonstrates The Kingdom of God, which is what attracts people to Jesus.
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