HomeProphecyThe Call of the Wild


The Call of the Wild — 7 Comments

  1. I had the pleasure of discipling dozens of young ladies and praying prophetically over many in our large youth ministry the last 2 years. I’m telling you, this generation is FIRE. They have a resilience and grit that no other generation has had. The warfare and constant barrage of absolute wickedness in their faces has been unrelenting, and their fervor for the kingdom just grows hotter. You CANNOT break them down. They are made of steel. Get ready to see something greater burst forth than you can imagine. I’m just grateful He let me train some of them. HALLELUJAH!

  2. Elaine, I believe it is right at the door! I have a friend who is having small tent revivals and it is amazing that people are coming even in the rain..they are so hungry. Blessings, Sandi

  3. What a beautiful Word.I cannot wait for many of His creation to become on fire for Him!!! He is worthy of our Praises and adoration!!!

  4. This is spot on revelation. To God be all the glory. Waiting patiently to be partakers and participants of this new season. Amen. God bless you Elaine T.

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