The California Time Bomb is Ticking Faster!
Urgent Warning
Now the ticking time bomb ticks louder than ever before.
It is not all together, because of the fault lines and warning of earthquakes.
True it is to say, earthquakes pending shaking has been prophetically a warning for years.
I have heard many warnings now about the earthquake coming to California. And in this Fox New Report it says San Francisco area [Hayward fault line that runs through the area].
Frankly I have been amazed that the earthquake has not already happened [after what all I have heard in warnings].
Let me list the the reasons I have heard the LORD speak about judgment upon California:
- The sin of homosexuality which is so unrestrained and open in California, especially in San Francisco.
I have heard the LORD speak about it directly as one reason to warn San Fransisco and the state of California.
- The sin of ungodliness coming out of holly wood in the form of movies of the vilest sort. And, also, the sin of pornography which is produced in the la area.
- The opposition against the Federal Government and to the new President Donald J Trump and orders against the sanctuary state to prevent immigration has came up as a red light warning.
Note: I have heard the LORD speak about President Trump as His Trumpet to sound the warning to America that there must be repentance and change.
The making of America great,,, again, is in direct understanding that God has raised up this country to be a place of freedom of the faith and His People.
Now when the nation forgets God, and even has whole States defy any change, God sees the sin and the source.
The defiance of men toward God is lawlessness.
I have heard the LORD just in this past week speak the word “Lawlessness“.
Men want to forget that there even is a God and they want to be free from God’s law.
Men want to be free from God, so God will cut them free.
In the Book of Romans, it says: ‘men did not even like to retain the knowledge of God. God gave them up…..
- A new warning… Coming in loud and clear now…
Even yesterday when I read the news about Governor Brown who is calling for the banning of the Word of God.
You must know this could be the very thing which will hurry up the judgment.
Nothing could be more major to god than when men rise up to destroy the Bible and make it a sin to read it.
This act of ungodliness is not directed to the President, but to God himself and His Word.
The Word says that men should heed the word and repent. Instead men seek to destroy the very word.
In this event also, one sees that when this [if passed] comes about in California] God’s People will suffer and be persecuted even farther.
God loves His People! And will deliver them out of all their troubles!
I have been led to write this word of warning.
California you are on very shaky ground.
The earthquakes are under you and the tectonic plates are loaded, but the sin to really shake all is the sin against God’s Word.
This is real to me as a prophet, because I have heard the LORD speak about many coming out of California to safety and many in time of great destruction.
You must know that my life here in Desert Zion has been affected by these warnings to the place.
I have visions of preparing to help many in need, when and even before it happens.
When I read in the news about California dividing off of America because of their evil beliefs which conflict with many in this land who are “Christian”, I was shaken by the reality of the real state of California.
As I read about the legislation to forbid the teaching of the Bible in order to protect the homosexuals, I am moved in my spirit to fear for all living in the state.
This is a warning.
California, turn and repent for the time is at hand.
~ Desert Prophet Ken Dewey
The light will shine in His glory… In the desert.
Evangelist/ Prophet/ Pastor Ken Dewey is the founder of “OUT OF THE DESERT MINISTRIES“ in Belen, New Mexico, USA. He writes on this Web Site, many Prophetic words, Sermons and teachings while leading people into true church settings and preaching in an End Time Gospel Ministry.
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They better give it up already!All the sexual sin among adults, adults using sexual sin against children in hollywood and now CA wants to ban the Bible! When God is done with them what an example they will be to the rest of the country! I read “loud and clear” the other day like I never heard it before, the sickle is being taken to the tares so those ready to be harvested can be seen clearly by us who minister the Gospel and we don’t waste our time casting pearls before swine!