HomeProphecyThe Apostolic Elders Council Statement Regarding a False Trump Word


The Apostolic Elders Council Statement Regarding a False Trump Word — 20 Comments

  1. I don’t know if the prophecy by Emma Stark is true or not.  But I do believe the concerns she raised are wise and keeping with scripture. Trump has been given an almost Messianic status in some Christian circles in the US, while at the same time so many Christians have turned a blind eye to his sinful behaviour. Emma Stark’s comparison between Trump and Emperor Constantine is striking.  Europe knows too well what happened when the state and the church got together in Europe, but there are those in the US who seem to be abandoning their commitment to separation of church and state, and instead are putting their hope in politicians instead of the Lord.

  2. Well everyone have something to say but what needs to be said is thank You Lord for the people who called out this “so called prophet”it was about time !  So many “prophets” out there that are not calling to be one, that goes to pastors also. This is just the beginning God is cleaning house and if you are not called to be a prophet, pastor etc. repent and ask God to show you what you are supposed to do in His kingdom. We need to thank God for the REAL prophets : Veronika West, Amanda Grace, Jonathan Cahn, Dr. Patricia Green and very few others. Thank you Veronika for being obedient to God’s Word, keep on going! Blessings!

  3. Well this is sad news, thank you for sharing beautiful lady, I’m going into my prayer closet right now.
    I don’t know who these words came from, I’ve never heard this prophecy, but God knows so I’ll be praying.

  4. I pray that ALL, BOTH those who voice that they have recieved a word from the Lord and those hearing and reading it be constantly overwhelmed with a sense of THE FEAR OF THE LORD.  We should Tread carefully with an awe of exactly WHO HE IS!  In that way we will be ready to recognize that NOT ONE OF US “ knows it all”!  God is so GREAT and as the Bible says His ways are not our ways. . . THATS WHY HE HAS GIVEN US HIS HOLY SPIRIT SO WE, INDIVIDUALLY can recognize and discern His voice when spoken. ANYONE CAN CLAIM ia word from God, but God in His love has given us His spirit to guide us.  His attributes are Love, forgiveness and Mercy on the foundation of Truth and Justice.  He is ALWAYS THE SAME NEVER DOUBLE MINDED! He doesn’t tell one person one thing and then another something completely different!!  Beware such!  I am thankful to know there are mature prophets (tried and true through time and experience) that can call out false or even questionable words and ministers.  With that I’m overwhelmingly thankful that my own spirit can bear witness and seek out through scripture, prayer, and knowing the character of my Savior, HIS TRUTH!  May we be United as one in HIS REAL TRUTH!

  5. Kirk, I would like to use just one example in the Bible. David’s ascension to kingship was largely due to his military prowess, defeating enemies like Goliath and conquering Jerusalem, which he established as the capital of Israel, a clear political act, alongside his religious role as king chosen by God.
    You could also get to know about the 7 Mountain Mandate where God is bringing back righteousness. If we want to see more righteousness and more souls being saved, we cannot separate ourselves from the heart of God for this Nation and other Nations.
    The Prophets spoke out against what was wrong, and it’s very unwise to think that they don’t have and also prophecy the Deep Things of GOD.
    I pray that God will give you a download of your own personal revelation of who HE is. In His Love.

  6. I have a “word” for the apostolic council of self promotion and control, 2020 AIN’T OVER YET. Until the ACPE be called to the carpet for what they did to true prophets after the 2020 election steal,their rebuke of a prophetic word holds no weight. Has anyone forgotten the call from them to recant, retract, and repent over the accurate prophecies of Trump winning the 2020 election?
    Getting leaders to sign a petition and shaming prophets for not falling in line and submitting to their council? Who are these people? Who made them generals and the overseer of prophets around the world? To all the prophets who got it right and did not recant what God has spoken, bless you for your bravery and not abandoning your call and capitulating to this ” apostolic sorority” This holiday season I suggest CROW be served in place of turkey. Blessings

    • That was not the ACPE, but rather another group spear headed by Jeremiah Johnson and others… two differnt entities.

      Jeremiah has since repented of being a part of that, but the damage was done, consequences of that failure is his voice will never be in a place of great influence as it was ever again..

      God will not allow his true prophetic voice to marred or polluted.
      and in this hour he is raising a standard that will cause only those he approves of speaking for him to be in places of influence.

    • Very disrespectful. None of the real prophets called anyone a false prophet in 2020. There were no public comments of falsehood such as as this.  What is being said here is that the prophecy of what is spoken over America is NOT from the Spirit of God. This also is a very angry, ungodly spirit, and it’s people as these who really need soul searching. May the Lord Jesus have mercy on your soul.

  7. God has been calling for repentance and changes in the church, for a long time. More and more ministers, so called prophets and other leaders will be exposed. Judgement is coming. The clock is ticking…..tick tock.

    I continue to watch and pray.

  8. I am supposed to be a powerful warrior. I was designed by God to stand in the gap for the Church. I am designed to protect all of you from the hordes of Satan. But I am struggling. So, I come here to find words from God that give me strength and help me to get back up. I need to get in the fight again for all your sakes. Please know that I am no human’s enemy. Bring God’s heart to me. Bring God’s healing to all of us. You cannot know how much good you will do for the Kingdom to stand me back up on my feet. There are a lot of us out here who need you. Please speak Words that build us up, and God, through our restored ministries, will repay you a hundred fold.

  9. Remember when asked about taxes Jesus said show me a coin? Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s and to God what is Gods. Remember when the zealots of Christ’s time thought that Jesus was going to be a political figure that would galvanize a rebellion against Rome? Well, that was not the Kingdom that Jesus came to build. I am tired of hearing politics from the pulpits of America! I am tired of hearing politics in prophecy. Bring us the deep things of God. Help bring back repentance. The lost are going to Hell. Help us to bring in the Final Harvest before it’s too late for them!! God DELIVER us from all prophecy that is political! I am sick of it. And to be honest, I think all of you are better than that. Jesus Christ has already spoken about political affiliations. He had NONE! These “Words” from God are not building up the body. Please everyone, focus on God.

    • That very statement you quoted actually solidifies that Jesus was very much interfering and involving himself in the political realm, whoever held the position Ceasar in the Roman Empire was considered a god.. He would even hold the title pontifex maximus meaning greatest High Priest… this title was a direct contradiction to Jesus whom would through his suffering, death and resurrection would become the High Priest of Heaven of the Order of Melchizedek..

      When Jesus said render unto Ceasars what is Caesars, and unto God’s what is Gods.. he was dethroning Ceasar as God and placing him in his rightful place of a man.. and exalting that their is no God but Yahweh…

    • If you believe that I am truly deceived, then, I assume that you are already praying for me. If there is a different interpretation for those parts of the Gospels that I have paraphrased, then, I also assume that you are praying for me as well. I will pray for both of you. I won’t be praying for you to come around to my point of view. But let us all pray to God the Father in the name of the Son for the wisdom and guidance that only comes through the ministry of the Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. If God speaks to my heart and confirms your testimonies, then, I will return to this Word and share the revelations that were shared with me. You are both members of the Church. God instructs us to love every member of his Church the way that he loves the Church. Thank you for being who you are and sharing your beliefs and understanding about God’s Word!!! I will not take your comments lightly. Thank you again!

  10. Thank God for Dr. Kynan Bridges and the apostolic council for stand up against this false prophecy!  The so called man of God who made this prophecy should resign, amen!  Or at the least repent publicly!  Amen!  Yours truly, Dana.

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