The Anointing: The Spirit of Elijah in These Last Days
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While the world is going crazy….. The LORD is doing a NEW THING among His People, who are seeking.
As the Bride of CHRIST, we are not to focus on the WORLD, and its ways….. but instead, we are to keep our thoughts, minds, and heart on The LORD only!
Like it says in SCRIPTURE, when the enemy comes in like a flood, the SPIRIT OF The LORD shall lift a standard against him! (Isaiah 59:19)
The world ‘standard’ in Song’s Concordance means to ‘flee’ or ‘escape’. So, The LORD will provide an escape, as we flee from the enemy!
This ‘escape’ will come in many forms…. including, those who are faithful, fleeing from the evil, and to minister His Truth and Power!
The LORD JESUS will be pouring out this power, through The HOLY SPIRIT, on those who are yielded and submitted to Him during these days of unrest and chaos.
He will use them to accomplish much for His Kingdom…. through spreading The Gospel [The Good News], bringing healings, deliverances, and miracles! This will be used as a Testimony to a ‘hopeless’ world!
Last night, The LORD was ministering to me about Hope….. and that we need to be reminded of the “Hope” that is given to us, and that resides in us!
We have been given the message of Hope and Power! Let us not let the enemy come and steal our Hope and Joy! Resist him, and he will flee!!
Instead, we Hope for things not seen, and bring them forth by His Grace, and through faith! Our greatest, and blessed hope is that Jesus is coming soon….. so let us Rejoice and be Glad!
“For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men’s teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works,” Titus 2:12-14
“You were made for such a time as this! I chose you from the foundation of time to place you here on earth now!
This is not random, or mere coincidence…. NO! It is with purpose, that all things happen when the do!
I look for My Workers, and My Laborers….. My Servants. I test each heart to see if they are ready for the greatest assignment that has ever been…. the culmination of all things!
The laborers are few, however, it only takes a few to accomplish My Will in these last days! These laborers will be of The Elijah Spirit… with much strength and power!
The anointings they bring are coming forth, as I pour out My Spirit in those who are ready to receive.
This Anointing will get you through what is coming… for it will be a covering upon you….. a Mantle!
Seek Me for this anointing, for it is important that all My Remnant Ones, receive it as a greater measure!
With it, The Living Water will flow through you, and will renew, refresh, and deliver those who it flows upon!
The time is now….
Do not delay in seeking it, for I will show you the way!
I will equip MY SAINTS with all that is needed for the Last Battle!”
“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers,
to EQUIP HIS PEOPLE FOR WORKS OF SERVICE, so that the body of Christ may be built up
until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.” Ephesians 4:11-14
I believe that in these last days we are going to need the double portion of anointing, like Elisha received from Elijah, in order to do greater works for The LORD.
“And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee, before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said, I pray thee, let DOUBLE PORTION OF THY SPIRIT be upon me.” 2 Kings 2:9
This is not something that we can conjure up, make up, or pretend, because it is the very POWER OF GOD coming down through HIS anointed ones.
They are nothing…. but He is everything! They are the vessels…. the ‘conduits’ of His Love, Grace and Power. They release Healings, Deliverance, and Rhema from The LORD.
For those who seek this anointing in order to be the laborers in these times, continue to pray, humble and submit yourself to Him.
In His timing, He will pour out this Double portion on those who have been tested through the fires, and have a pure and undivided heart towards The LORD.
This can come in many ways….. the most common is through laying of hands, and impartation. Like what Elisha received, it is a Mantle that is being given. Almost like a baton that is passed in a relay race.
This mantle is not given lightly…… and is for only those who seek it with all their hearts. It is a special covering….. much like a cloak or coat that protects.
I had a Dream Vision, where I had several sweaters on….. one on top of the other. I then started taking them off…. one at a time…. in order to give each one to different people.
It was passing the ‘Mantle’ on to someone else. I feel, in my spirit, that this is what is coming in the future for this ministry, as I “pass on” what has been given to me!
Here is the first Impartation that I did online, with healing and deliverance being released to all who would receive it in faith:
See: Impartation : Anointing & Deliverance Prayer
~ Elizabeth Marie
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Elizabeth Marie is a wife, mother, teacher and most importantly a follower and disciple of The LORD JESUS CHRIST. After receiving many prophetic dreams and night visions, Elizabeth was led to start a blog, Latterrain333, to share more of what she is shown. She became a Christian as a teenager, however, it wasn’t until 2010, when The LORD started giving her words, dreams and visions. A few years later, she started a YouTube channel, also called ‘Latterrain333.’