HomeProphecyThe Ancient Paths: Revelation verse Application


The Ancient Paths: Revelation verse Application — 10 Comments

  1. Very deep, David.. Thank you. I’m going to read and study again.
    God bless you and your family.. This is Kingdom talk, for sure!!

    • Hi Joyce!!

      You are always so encouraging. Thank you for your grace and wisdom. Blessings to you and yours as well. I am a little behind on HK, but was very much ministered to by your most recent teaching. Hope to connect more soon and thank you!

      Your brother,

  2. Dear David, How I have missed your wisdom and teaching. So good to see this. Thanks so much for pointing out the true importance of revelation and application. I will definitely go back over this with the scripture. Many blessings, Sandi

    • Sandi!!

      Man, I am behind as of late. I have much catching up to do and things have been a handful on my side as well (work and family “stuff”) but Father is so good and so faithful to use it to bring me further up and into Him.

      I read the most recent post from Joyce and was looking for yours to be edified and fed, and ran out of steam, so will be reading now after I hit the “reply” button!

      And thank you… again and Joyce you are always so edifying. I am so blessed by you… more than you know. God bless you and talk soon!

      Your brother, David :)

  3. Kedves Dávid Isten szolája:, köszönöm szépen ezt a jó tanítás, De ha lehetne, ha még egyszerűbben írnád le nekünk.  Hogy a leg egyszerű emberek is megértsék, ezt a nagyon fontos, hatalmas drága tanítást. Nagyon köszönöm Istennek is a közlését, kijelentéseit. Minden dicséség az Úré ami Istenünké legyen. Ámen.

    [ HKP : “Dear Dávid, God’s sola:, thank you very much for this good teaching, But if it was possible, if you could describe it to us even more simply. So that even the simplest people can understand this very important, enormously expensive teaching.  I also thank God very much for his communication and statements.  All praise belongs to the Lord that belongs to our God.  Amen.” ]

    • HI Molnar,

      Thank you for your kind words as well as your feedback! I am always asking the Holy Spirit to help make the things I share as simple as possible. I will keep trying!

      Thank you fro sharing.

      David NY

  4. Thank you for this word David. I watched the you tube Giant Slayers on the Remnant Call, where you were speaking. I watched it two times already but I will certainly watch it again. Thank you for that one too. I’ll leave a link here in case other people want to see it. It blessed me mightily. When I look back at the path I walked with The LORD, or better said te path He walked with me, I see hundreds of slain and dead giants. Awesome!


    • Hello Vanyah,

      Thank you so much for this word of encouragement, and praise God that audio ministered to you! Your words really blessed me. Thank you for taking time to write, share, and post that link.

      God bless you, Vanyah, :)


  5. Wonderful post David!  A while back, the Holy Spirit showed me every piece of that armor in Ephesians is Jesus.  Lately I’ve been concentrating on Him working in me. Love the other scriptures you connected with this.  Another that comes to mind is Colossians 1:27.  God Bless you!

    • Hi Sheila,

      Wow that is another great verse to tie into this! Thank you for sharing and so blessed to hear the work our Father is doing with you in your heart, and what deep revelation you received. Thank you for your words!

      Father bless,
      David NY

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