HomeProphecyTexas, I AM Coming!


Texas, I AM Coming! — 9 Comments

  1. A while back, I saw the flag of Texas … and heard …. No more are you alone, no more the lone star state, for my bright and morning star star rises upon you.

  2. Pris, this really spoke volumes to me today, “I will send My Prophets to confront the darkness in those churches bowing in pretense.” My we all receive a star in our crown just as Texas was brave enough to demand its own rights, may we stand firm to take back our country who is controlling and taken over what we earned as the right to be free! xoxo Sandi

  3. This Texas Girl is so very ready.  I had a dream back in 2014 or so where these army tanks and “law enforcement” agents came up my driveway in our rural area…. I walked out of my house right toward them.  They cranked the big guns on the tank right at me.  The law enforcement agents stepped out of their vehicles and aimed their artillery at me…they declared they were here to take over our land.  And I must surrender to them. They wanted me to STOP and raise my hands in surrender.  I kept walking toward them and pointed my finger at them.  I decreed: GET OFF MY PROPERTY NOW.  YOU ARE TRESPASSING.  AND I AM FULLY ARMED!  They retreated in sheer terror.  YES I AM FULLY ARMED (Ephesians 6) and very dangerous to those who wish to invade.  I agree… this great move of God is coming to the CHURCH who has handed back the fruit the devil tempted mankind with back in the Garden of Eden.  Once the forbidden fruit has been returned and the has made herself ready as the Bride, the church will be glorious and without spot or wrinkle.  What a cleansing…what a joy.

  4. This is a powerful statement “My Angelic Armies are positioned for Awakening — but I cannot send new believers into compromised Churches.”

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