Take the Steps The LORD Has Ordered for You
“Step into My Presence. Step into My Grace. Step into My Glory. Step into My Light. Step into My Word, and take the steps of faith that I have ordained for you,” says The LORD.
“They are not automatic. You are ordained for GOOD WORKS, that you are to walk in by the faith that I have given you to use. Everything that I have spoken over you is activated by your faith and trust in Me, as you take those steps in the right direction that I have authored and enlightened for you,” says The LORD.
“I want you to benefit from all that I have prescribed for your life,” says The LORD.
“Don’t just sit and wait for a moment or a movement! MOVE! Walk! GO FORWARD! This is not a time to lag behind or wallow in negative circumstances.
“Go forward, and you will walk out of the difficulties, and the darkness that is all around you will not affect you, for you will be walking in the LIGHT of My Word, the Light of the countenance of My Glory, My Grace and Favor, and My infallible, GOOD Word will work wondrously for you.
“I gave given you a choice to take the steps that I have ordered, and they are ALL GOOD! You will never be disappointed, disillusioned, or dissatisfied as you walk in faith and trust in Me, and continue to move as I move, in unwavering, determined faith that will be greatly rewarded by the results that you long for,” says The LORD.
~ June Sheltrown Reinke
Dr. June Sheltrown Reinke is a prophetic pastor, evangelist and teacher. She has been the senior pastor of Faith Fellowship Ministries in Florida since 1988. She has ministered in the prophetic to individuals and corporate groups for decades.
At last I am experiencing unconditional love, it is awesome.
I call it the Twilight Zone.
Thank you so much with your encouraging words. I have loved every you have said.
It is so very difficult to know when to act / take steps – and when to wait on the Lord to act.
11./2. The word was : “wait on the Lord to act”.
I am somerimes so confused…