The Ten Kings
As we all know the world government has divided the world up into 10 parts. They were using Obama to help them get control of these divisions.
Continue reading →As we all know the world government has divided the world up into 10 parts. They were using Obama to help them get control of these divisions.
Continue reading →I would like to share a component of dreams that I’ve had over the last month or so.
Continue reading →Watchmen, intercessors, prayer warriors! I saw in the Spirit an atom bomb detonate in slow motion. I was inside the process looking at a microscopic level.
Continue reading →Seven Mountains Word of the LORD (WTL) for America, the Nations, Israel, California, New York, and China for 2017
Continue reading →Prayer alert: Watch! Pay attention to Russia; the bear has been backed into a corner and will now strike back with greater force and unrelenting power!
Continue reading →On October 23 2016, I had a dream that kept recurring over and over again all night, which for me is a clue it was prophetic.
Continue reading →There’s a great shift coming that will impact them in a major way; even their way of living.
Continue reading →Yesterday, the Holy Spirit began to speak to me about Russia and some of the recent activities associated with their country.
Continue reading →Beloved, I desire for you to come into a deeper understanding through simple truths so that these revelations may come alive in you now.
Continue reading →Should it be any surprise to you, my people, that the world’s wars and upheavals go on around the world?
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