Intercessors Arise!
I saw a wave of evil from a Pandora’s Box, that has been opened upon the United States through the abortion laws we have passed.
Continue reading →I saw a wave of evil from a Pandora’s Box, that has been opened upon the United States through the abortion laws we have passed.
Continue reading →In a vision, suddenly, the lights went out and I saw a HUGE tsunami wave rush in and swallow New York City whole!
Continue reading →I decided to repost several prophetic words from several years ago about New York City.
Continue reading →The LORD said, looking down on New York City, “I can see the whole city from above here. Their lights therein will be soon taken away.”
Continue reading →This is one of many prophetic words that I have received concerning these things.
Continue reading →Since the elections on November 6th, 2018, the messages that I have been receiving have gotten much more serious, sobering and disturbing.
Continue reading →The LORD says: “Set your sights on those things that are above, for the world and everything in it, is slowly passing away.”
Continue reading →I received two warnings on November 6th 2018, for two different areas of the United States.
Continue reading →Seven Mountains Word of the LORD (WTL) for America, the Nations, Israel, California, New York, and China for 2017
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