Surprised by Grace
What does it really mean when we say we are undone?
I sense it describes different feelings and expressions to each one of us. So I am pondering UNDONE….
Could it be that He has come to awaken me and let me know He has come to undo some things we have done?
As I pondered that thought, I realized Undone is a state of not knowing what to say or do when surprised by grace.
I heard The LORD say, “Many of My Children are feeling undone by the unknown, unraveling, and realigning taking place in the world all around them.
They are not used to being totally shut in and shut down and out of control of their routines and busyness.
Routines can hinder process and progression when it becomes a familiar comfort zone that enables procrastination and lack of new vision.
But this is a time of realigning and refocusing for Kingdom assignments. Know that My Design for your purpose is being knitted together as you bare your heart in intimacy with Me,” says The Father.
Beloved, I am undone as I describe to you that the sudden invasion of my heart during my “routine” prayer time yesterday, left me in a state of ecstasy and heart to heart communion as The Father poured out The Spirit of Travail into my yielded spirit.
The weeping has endured for two days now as He has shown me more than I can comprehend without His Mercy and Grace.
I cried out with a submitted heart to understand the unraveling of the unknowns, untangling the knots that are holding people captive, and molded this vessel into an enlarged capacity to embrace His Love and desire to bring Freedom and Justice and Holiness on earth as it is in heaven.
I have prayed many times, “Show me!” “Teach me!” “Mold me!” “Make me wherever you see I need a makeover,” but I was astounded and amazed as He came so suddenly as I was seeking His Face and worshipping quietly.
He quietly and softly spoke to me in the stillness of the moment, “I have come to clear the air of everything that has defiled.
I AM breathing the breath of life into My People who have allowed deception and fear to cloud their minds and hearts with total confusion.
I have come to announce to My Called Out Ones, ‘I AM here to rescue you from the spirit of disillusion and confusion for it has clouded your vision of your true identity and purpose.’
I AM calling and relating to each ONE, ONE on ONE.”
The LORD is literally beginning a new work in hearts to realign priorities, values and focus that we might surely bring peace on earth and goodwill to all men.
He then began to speak to me how He is causing beauty and holiness to untangle the web of broken relationships, patterns of control and selfishness in the world and the family of God .
I tell you truly the vision of this coming forth has been almost breathtaking as I realized He was creating a heart full of wonder in me.
He is drawing the drifters and the prodigals to return to their first love. Meanwhile, He is stirring those who have allowed division, double-mindedness and mixture to break up their firm foundation to be shaken, awakened and set back on solid ground.
Once again, He is sending out reminders that we are the branches that must continue to reach out to all the world and bring them back to the true living vine to abide. For without true abiding all will come to naught.
My prayer as an intercessor has always been that He would break my heart with the things that break His heart and as I sat still in awe of Him, I suddenly felt a deep sadness.
He spoke and said, “Daughter, it saddens My Heart when I see witchcraft being mingled into Words in the name of prophecy; jealousy finding a place in hearts where Love should abide.
Yes, jealousy and competition is eating away at true identity like a cancer inside and most of those participating in it do not even see it.
Begin to pray and intercede for the deliverance of the many who have allowed the perversion of truth and freedom along with fear and unbelief to creep in, for it is bringing deception even to the very elect,” says The LORD of all.
I immediately found myself overwhelmed this morning with His Goodness to pour out His Compassion and Mercy, morning by morning, no matter what we have let into the gateway of our hearts.
He is there to help us keep our hearts with all diligence. He has come to put our feet on the path of life one day at a time.
This is my prayer after this amazing visitation of love. I can only say thank you LORD for your divine intervention and saving grace… your goodness and mercy win every time and your blood trumps every dis-ease… even those who are at ease in Zion shall be awakened and cleansed.
May true transparency come to every heart that hungers and thirsts after righteousness and may the highway of holiness be paved by that transparency as we face the reality of all truth.
Awaken my heart today, afresh… Help me to get a firm grip on your amazing love that never fails.
Open my eyes wider and clarify this new vision I am receiving in this hour of Grace and Mercy that I may run with purpose past the foggy interference of the enemy and his lying pictures he brings to me.
Unstop my ears that I may interpret precisely The Word you are speaking to me personally, that I may present it in purity as You alone have called me to do. Oh my God, my Savior there is none like You. I am forever grateful to be chosen as a vessel to honor you.
Dear Lord, ONE is the number on Your Heart this morning that You are highlighting to me.
One. You left the 99 and went after the ONE. We are to live ONE day at a time, we are not promised tomorrow. You would have died for me if I had been the only ONE.
Each ONE of us is unique and there is not another ONE just like me. I am the only ONE. LORD, remind each of us today that ONE can make a difference and show each ONE that ONE thing.
Your gentle reminders have become a sounding trumpet some mornings when I appear hard of hearing or when I get distracted with the chaos all around me, or even when I turn a deaf ear to the discipline action you are putting in front of me.
Give me grace today to de-clutter and be wide open to the vision you are placing inside of me and the burning fire You are igniting in me to enable and equip me and allow you to change the world one person at a time through me.
Won’t you pray this with me today?
LORD, nothing else matters.
I am ready to stay on the narrow way. You are the author and the finisher. Your full access to my journey and my story is all I need.
SHOW ME THE WAY. I lay aside every besetting sin, every weight, I confess I am sick of the Jezebel controlling witchcraft in the chaos all around me, the lack of love being demonstrated and the jealousy that fires the competition in many who are hiding behind your name.
Show me my heart — if I have allowed any of these things to lodge in my heart, LORD!
Let the hammer of your Word pound in my heart, LORD.
I pray that you would take the selfish motives of our hearts and the need to be noticed and important fall away as we embrace our true identity.
I hear The LORD saying once again, “What I have placed in your heart is what My Will is. I will accomplish it through you as My Intercessor — for you are set apart.”
I pray that purity would come to every prophetic stream and remove the pride of our hearts that deceive us when we make a mockery out of who you are.
Cause us to let the purity of Your Light. Dispel any darkness as the refining fires of Your Love enables each one to answer with these words, “Here I am LORD, send me!”
Last night, I asked You to walk through my dreams with me and answer me quickly. I am undone, my Father with your very quick answer.
All I can say today is, “Take anything and everything — but please don’t take me out of your presence.”
i can identify with David today. I say, ”You are all there is.”
Renew a right spirit in me as I take my place and desire to ascend daily to the holy hill with clean hands and a pure heart.
Thank you for that privilege that your blood makes possible.
~ Sandi Holman
Sandi Holman of Matters of the Heart website was called to the nations as an End-Time Handmaiden in 1984 with Gwen Shaw and served with YWAM Singapore and YWAM Charlotte in missions. Sword of The LORD Ministries came from a divine encounter with The LORD when He came into her prayer room and said, “I have come to put a sword in your hand and was given special instructions on how and when to use it.” She is an author, Prophetic Intercessor and Seer, Chaplain, Teacher, Speaker and Equipper, and Blogger who has also served as a Pastor Online with Beyond the Veil Ministries.
Yes! Amen
Amen Sandi! May I also submit that the number 1 is represented in the Hebrew Aleph-Bet by the very first letter ALEPH. Looking at Hebrew for Christians, you will see how ALEPH represents The Abba, Father, and Aluph, Master and Lord. To know Him is Eternal Life Jn 17:3; Php 3:8-14.