HomeProphecySuddenly Cyrus Will Finish What He Began!


Suddenly Cyrus Will Finish What He Began! — 15 Comments

  1. Father God, we pray your Kingdom Come- Your WILL Be Done on Earth- as IT is in Heaven, and BE It unto us according to Your WORD! We thank You for giving us eyes to see and ears to hear what Holy Spirit is saying to YOUR Church that Jesus spoke of in Matthew 16:18, where the Gates of Hell would not Prevail Against IT!  We pray for Donald Trump, and ALL those in Authority, as your word as called us to do-and we pray that YOU will have Your way in their Lives, and our lives as well. Lord please give us Your Godly Wisdom,. and a Discerning Heart, and Help us to be able to discern when we are being led by HOLY SPIRIT- and Lord Jesus, Please Help us ‘NOT to be led or Influenced by a Political Spirit.  A Political spirit is that which is rooted in Pride seeking to influence , motivate, dictate, and control people-leaders, governments, Churches, organization, etc.,-that we see at work here in the Earth TODAY, Like Never Before!  Lord we ask you to search our hearts, and make us as Wise as a serpent and as Harmless as a Dove- so that we may know ‘Those who labor Among us.- Matthew 24:24.  Lord You have Called us to be the Salt & Light of the Earth! We also Pray that as You bring about the ‘Reformation in the Governments here on Earth- that we will Soon see The Manifestation of YOUR Government that You speak of in Isaiah 9:6,7- “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the ‘government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of ‘HIS government and ‘peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon ‘his kingdom, to order it, and to ‘establish it with ‘judgment and with ‘justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform THIS.”☝ Peace & BLESSINGS❣️

  2. @Fabienne.
    The word heaven “shamayim” in Hebrew, the same word in the prayer “let thy Kingdom come in earth as in heaven” that Jesus teaches us to pray origins from two words shama= hearing
    and mayim = seed.

    By this Jesus refers to Gen1:1 before day one, when the only “government” that existed was God Himself and everyone, the whole creation, heard and obeyed Him.
    The Hebrew words in verse 2 describes the fallen world and the word shama” is missing and it becomes the end spoken of in Isa 46:10.

    That prayer refers therefore that we shall return with our mindset to that point, the same point where He himself operates from because He does not or say not anything unless the Father first have told Him!
    Did He not make an example with the penny that had the image of Ceasar? And said that you shall give God what belongs to God and to Ceasar to what belongs to Ceasar. Now, who’s image are you, God’s or Ceasar’s? What you chose will finally make you become the image of the same thing.

    Christians are supposed to act according to Gen1:1 by hearing and obeying in agreement with that prayer and independent of any worldly things.
    You can if course vote or pray about a government but if you are the same time pray the “in earth as in heaven” it will be in opposition to God’s will.

  3. What I’ve received from the Lord (not from they who think they are God’s children) the past ten years is that in the very last time o ly those who on individual level walks in perfect obedience to the Lord, will be saved.

    “We walk in faith (only by what we hear the Father speak to us in the Spirit) not by sight (not what is seen and going on in the world).

  4. Look at the Bible and you will see that God‘s children, God‘s messengers always spoke to, were involved with, warned, withstood unrighteous or righteous leaders and even were involved in governing, reigning, like Daniel, David, Samuel, Deborah, Joseph, the Prophets of old…In NT times Jesus admonished and warned the Pharisees, John the Baptist warned King Herod, Paul spoke to those in Authority, etc…! God wants righteous reigning and condemed those who practise unrighteousness in the position of a leader, a King or Judge.

    • @Dorothea. Yes they did, but they did it not because that they imitated something they had “read” but because they first have “heard” the Lord speak to them. That is the proper way of doing what is written in the Bible. 

      God spoke before He “wrote” wherefore the believers also must hear before they read or properly can interpret what they read.
      And is the reason why Jesus says that “those who have ears they hear”
      but not “those who have eyes they can read”.

      The lack of hearing is the reason Jesus has huge problems with the scribes who can read Scriptures and are taught from it but cannot hear the Father and as a consequence therefore do not understand or recognizes Jesus’ teaching.

      If God will these words will open up every ear that needs to hear before this age finally closes.
      With this said; with the closing of this last time there will be only one government left, and that is the one you will hear in your own spirit so it is indeed time to make the right decision

  5. To Shane.  In my humble opinion, It’s billionaires that use their money against God that can’t get through the eye of the needle, because all things are possible with God. Most are bought off before they get in office.  Not Trump.  He didn’t owe anyone when he got in office. In fact he didn’t take a salary, but gave it to charity and look at all the money he’s lost in court lately!  His inauguration was the first in years unafraid to speak the name of Jesus and I’ve heard him speak the name of Jesus himself.  I pray for God to be with him and his family just like Jo Ellen says.

  6. Praise God, here in the house of prayer. We have seen many things concerning President Donald Trump. as we were praying in the prayer house around 3 Years ago, I was shown President Donald Trump standing, and coming at him from all directions, were locomotives, bringing destruction to him, and all he stood for. The Lord told me every morning, and every night to declare the assignments against President Donald Trump to be derailed. And so we have stood in this vision. Proclaiming that all assignments headed towards President Donald Trump will be derailed. But in this vision, the Lord was very clear about timing. He said it is the timing of the derailment that is extremely important. And just as you said through this attack on President Donald Trump, evil is being exposed and this is what we understood. And we pray for President Trump and his whole family. we cover them in the Blood of Jesus every morning and every night, and we ask our Beautiful Father to surround him with mighty mighty angels with healing in their wings and miracles in their hands. In all that is going on God is bringing a recognition of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah.
    We are in agreement with all you have said, and we thank you for being bold to speak it, as boldness from the mighty women of God is what we need in this hour.

  7. Dear Jo Ellen –

    Thank you for confirming what so many intercessors have themselves been hearing/dreaming from the Lord: Yes, Pres. Trump is the Cyrus, the Jehu I am using to break the wicked stranglehold over nations’.

    American history shows that in WW11,had God not had a Gen.Patton, a Gen. Montgomery, a Truman, and others, America would have ceased to be; nazism and fascism would have merged with communism, the Babylonian agendas of old (imbedded into these ideologies) would have taken over the world. Freedom and liberty Would have ceased to be. America is divided now, because communism and demonic strongholds rule from the top. Trump knows their games.

    Believers often want a leader who speaks and looks ‘christian-ese’- but they forget- on the Battlefield for world dominion u need a fighter, a warrior and a leader. King Davids’ life perfectly embodies that. When you need the police in an emergency- you don’t call the traffic crossing guard with a badge.

    As goes America (militarily, socio-economically) so goes the world. God puts real leaders in place in every crucial axis of history. When people curse the one God sends to deliver them from a national crisis, they dont see they are calling ‘unholy’ what God calls Holy. Let’s UNITE to pray for all those God wants to use. They need blessing- not cursing. I won’t aid and abett the enemies of freedom, by cursing God’s endtime vessels.

  8. Bravo, Jo Ellen, I get so high and lifted up every time I read this (and the post on FB). I am shouting THANK YOU JESUS from the rooftops for God called me as an intercessor for DJT even before he announced he was running for President. I said, WHAT LORD? WHO? Is that really you God? I was a prophetic leader at Morningstar at the time and Rick Joyner was supporting Ted Cruz, etc so I knew I was not crazy but hearing clearly as the Lord instructed me daily and I have fallen in love with the Trump family and their stamina through all this. NO man could take the beating and horrible battles that DJT has been and is going through without GOD! I am so grateful for your beautiful word for our country and the strong, brave man. Blessings, Sandi Holman

  9. To those who believe Trump is too evil to be used of GOD I would remind them of GOD’s view of humanity. There is NONE righteous, no not one, the righteousness of man is as filthy rags to the Lord. Given that this is true, just who is GOD to use???? He will use who He will. Trump is an excellent choice as he is fearless and hates losing. The swamp is real and devious and most definitely wicked. It takes a Trump to have the courage to wade in to that pile of excrement and fight until victory. Thank GOD for Trump!

    • God doesn’t NEED a celebrity, a billionaire, a politician to fulfill HIS purpose, in fact we see through scripture that he uses the nobodies, the untouchables, the ones tucked away in obscurity Like David faithfully out in the fields watching over his little flock of sheep. Remember Jesus said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man yo enter the Kingsom of Heaven. HE (JESUS) EXALTS THE HUMBLE BUT ABASES THE PROUD…..Just food for thought…..

      • @Shane I agree.I do believe God has raised up a spirit which speaks to to those who put their trust in human government so He gives them an idol. What I’ve received from the Lord the past ten years is that, in the very last time, only those who on individual level walks only in perfect dependency in God alone will be saved.

        He says “cursed is the one who put his trust in flesh”.
        For this sake I found it extremely strange that God should put such interest in politics and human leadership, it is just not in agreement with Jesus’ words.

        Politics is “flesh” and there is nothing in the Word that says that any Cyrus or any other man will be a savior in the last time, but it says severely times that it will be “as with Sodom”, which means only a few -those who hear- will be saved.

        • Hmmm Maria,

          So you salivate to have all your laws written by and executed by demoniacs, with no Christians, no children of the Lord, involved?


          If Christians are called to be the salt of the earth and the light for the lost, how do they achieve that without any involvement in government, let alone at the highest levels?

          Still, you may be one who walks “in perfect dependency in God alone” and are saved by yuor own actions, despite Romans 3:10 saying of all: “There is no one righteous, not even one!” 


        • Maria, politics and its interplay with the wicked and the righteous is throughout the bible (eg. Joseph governing Egypt, David & Saul, Daniel & friends, Esther & Mordecai, Jesus’ birth, John the Baptist & King Herod). When Kings behaved badly, God raised up prophets to ‘overturn’ the situation. When God’s people were judged, He raised up prophets for repentance. We pray,”thy Kingdom come,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” knowing that “the Kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.” We must never be passive as worldly Kings enact worldly laws where the church does not intervene.

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