Stuck in a Place Called Rejection
We were created for His pleasure and intimacy.
It is much like a bride and groom in marriage, as we become one with him when we receive Jesus.
Just take a few moments and imagine that. The God of the whole universe wants to have a personal intimate relationship with us!
The LORD is very real and closer to us than any person could be. Jesus longs to have a deep close relationship with us and wants to be our lover, friend, and confidant.
Jesus isn’t a taskmaster who we cannot please. That is not the character or nature of our God towards us.
He wants us to be free to obey, free to love, free to live, free to serve and free to just be. We must learn The LORD’s nature and character.
The enemy wants us to continually focus on our deficiencies instead of rejoicing over our freedom in Christ who has made us free by His own sacrifice for all sin!
The enemy’s plot and schemes are to stop you any way he can! Once you received Jesus as your sacrifice and payment for all sin, the devil lost you!
But now since he could not stop you, his next plan is to keep you stunted in your growth and you will feel the waves of rejection! Beloved, these feelings are NOT the measurement for what God is doing in your life! Don’t fall by the wayside giving up with feelings of inferiority that are contrary to God’s nature and character.
Feelings are fleeting and are not an accurate measurement for your experiences with The LORD.
The WORD of God is the only measurement we must live by and within the Word is everything we need to know. We must measure ourselves like a plumb line against the Word of God.
When we live by our feelings instead of faith we will shipwreck. Feelings are not trustworthy because in life we encounter storms, bad relationships, deception, error, and extreme teaching, etc.
Be not deceived nor believe the lies that you’re not good enough. Satan hates you and wants to snuff your light out!
So many haven’t known the nature and character of Christ and fall often into rejection, abandonment, orphan, self-pity, etc.
They say why try, or I’m not good enough, or God must hate me, etc.! Some of you hear this of late that God hates you and that he has given you a reprobate mind.
If God gave you a reprobate mind you wouldn’t be reading this! God goes searching out for his sheep and brings them back among the sheepfold.
Satan uses the scripture and twists it along with his rendition of flooding us with feelings that seem real, but aren’t! But you say, it felt like it!
We are to base our lives on the Word alone and stand on it! We must stop putting our trust in man, feelings, and seek God with all our heart mind and soul!
Child of God The LORD has so much more He wants to teach you! Tell that rejection to go In Jesus’ name! Beloved, Christ has made you good enough! Tell the devil to go!
Tell him that rejection isn’t in your vocabulary anymore and that Christ paid for all rejection, past, present, and future!
We don’t pay for rejection for we have been made righteous! God wants you to have love, joy, peace, and freedom in Christ!
Revelation time! NO ONE IS GOOD ENOUGH!
As long as we live in these flesh bodies, our flesh can never measure up to perfection. That is why Jesus came, he is the only one that perfects that which concerns us.
There are so many who have misplaced love that depends on works to make themselves perfect. Jesus had to come to be born of a virgin, lived, and had to die to be the perfect sacrifice, the lamb of God who takes the sin of the world!
You would be so shocked at the number of people who are stuck in this place with rejection. These also sit in meetings, but sit silent and feeling worthless.
And also, there are many are online in outlying regions who suffer in silence because they are afraid to reach out to us! Rejection is a spirit to be rebuked and cast out!
To love The LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and mind and to love your neighbor AS you love yourself isn’t an option! There are many in the body who cannot help anyone, especially themselves because they cannot love themselves nor forgive themselves.
There are many who self-hate, self-condemn, self-blame, self-mutilate which are only a few of the self-sins. We think we are not good enough, so in essence, we beat ourselves up.
Satan works our feelings through our communication ports on our bodies. When we are totally set free from the lies of Satan we will no longer feel condemnation or guilt.
Why are we bound to such negative thoughts that invade our minds? Why is it that we cannot hear the gentle, loving voice, of our LORD? Why? It’s because we forget who we are in Christ!
Life is a struggle at times. Times of tribulation and testing can be a long and tedious path of distractions and hindrances. We must study to show ourselves approved of God rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
When we are going through tribulation and testing it feels like everyone has left us and you can sense and feel the heaviness and negativity.
We must learn to know the nature and character of Christ and giving The LORD plenty of time and place to work. Remember, we cannot trust feelings.
There is much concerning our concentration in the gospel. Things that are positive build you up and not tear you down. Jesus wants us to concentrate on souls, freedom, and discipleship.
There is so much negativity in the body. We need to turn our face towards God and stay away from those who attack other parts of the body.
God is glorified in diversity, various cultures, and styles. May we have an open border to those who are believers in Christ but different than us!
We pray if this message helped you please let us know and I bless you who read this and may it bring freedom to your soul, ministry, and situations.
Now be free and concentrate on your part of this massive campaign to be what The LORD tells you to be!
Can I get a witness?
“One thing have I desired of The LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of The LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of The LORD, and to enquire in his temple.
For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto The LORD,” Psalm 27:4-6 KJV.
In HIS Grace and Mercy,
~ Sherry Edwards Mackey
Sherry Edwards Mackey
Please Note: Publications and or prophecy taken from this may be used to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ. The articles taken must be used according to it’s entirety with credits. Thank you kindly!
So accurate. This word is just for me.I have just been feeling kind of rejected and unworthy. Thank You Heavenly Father for your words of encouragement. Thank You Anointed woman of God. God bless.
PS 120, IS 14.9-29
Yes, this message is so accurate. How often I have thought God hated me; my step father said he did. The life long rejection sometimes, inexplicable, sometimes because of my own low opinion of myself has been devastating for me and a hindrance for my family. Thank you. I truly needed this word at this moment.