Strange Miracles Will Occur
1 Timothy 2:3 lets us know that God has the ability to be pleased by people.
It says, “This is good, and pleases God our Savior”
Today, Jesus is very pleased with His People.
Sometimes His people lie, steal, hurt others, and do many other sinful acts, yet Jesus is still pleased with His people.
Why? Because Jesus does not desire for people to be perfect. Although He wants His people to sin less, He does not tell them they have to be perfect. No where in the Bible is that found.
Jesus is very pleased with His followers today.
Jesus also wants His people to try and please Him, for you are able to do it easily.
You please God every time you make an effort to go to Him.
This is done through singing to Him or simply having a thought about Him. And of course, there are a million other things you can do to draw near to Him and all of them please Him.
Again, Jesus isn’t looking for you to worship Him perfectly, but to come to Him who is Perfect.
Since Jesus is so pleased with His people, we will be seeing “strange” miracles take place.
Supernatural healings are coming soon and they will increase more as push further into these end times.
These miracles will be a blessing for His followers.
The Holy Spirit adds:
“My Sons and Daughters. Be with Me for I AM very well pleased with you. I care very much for you and I Love you with all of My Heart.
A time is coming and coming soon when you will see My Miracles on television.
Shortly, you will see a strange miracle in The News, and you will know that it came from Me. The Media will cover it.
Watch, for it will happen soon.
You will see people ‘freak out’ at what they will see. Others will brush it off, but all will have a comment about it.
Just as the enemy is flexing their muscles, so am I.
I AM doing big things and you will see it soon.
Big healings are coming My people. I told you this so watch for it.
You will hear many people talk about Christians when this occurs.
A great and glorious time will occur when this is shown all over the world.
Now My People, come to Me for I Love you very much. I AM so well pleased with you My Sons and My Daughters.”
~ Travis Coffey
Travis Coffey was called by Christ to be a prophet. His desire is to help people get informed about who Jesus is, and what is He is doing during these end times.
You may also find Travis at TC Prophecy on YouTube and on Facebook.
This prophet states:
Although He wants His people to sin less, He does not tell them they have to be perfect. No where in the Bible is that found.
But what about Matthew 5:48
You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect
A direct contradiction.
Of course our perfection can never come from our own efforts, only by the work of the Holy Spirit in us. But this prophet has made a statement about Scripture that is simply not true.
1) The Matthew 5 verse says perfection – that’s correct. However, if you look at it in Greek – it talks about being “full of” or complete. So the verse is talking about being full of love – especially when you look at the context of the verse.
2) trying to obtain perfection is legalism.
3) Jesus views us as perfect because of his blood
4) striving to be perfect will cause people to be sin-conscious not Holy Spirit conscious.
5) the Bible says in Ephesians 4:15 that we are “to grow up into him”. It’s about growing with him – not being perfect for him. Our righteousness is like filthy rags – says Romans. Jesus isn’t worried about us being perfect. But he wants us to grow up in him and in love.
Hi. Bible translators do use the word “PERFECT”. The definitions of the original words, translated “perfect”, also include “perfect”. How do you define ***”PERFECT”?
Gen 17:1
Lk 6:40
Jn 5:48
Jn 17:23
Online Etymology
***perfect (adj.)
early 15c. classical correction of Middle English parfit “flawless, ideal” (c. 1300), also “complete, full, finished, lacking in no way” (late 14c.), from Old French parfit “finished, completed, ready” (11c.), from Latin perfectus “completed, excellent, accomplished, exquisite,” past participle of perficere “accomplish, finish, complete,” from per “completely” (see per) + combining form of facere “to make, to do” (from PIE root *dhe- “to set, put”).
because of the blood, Jesus looks at his people as perfect or blameless.
Also, as people live, they should not try hard to live sin-free. This causes their mind to be sin-conscious instead of Holy Spirit conscious.