Storm of Justice!
“Now, stand!” says the King, “as My Glory is entering in greater measure on the earth.
For forever My Victory stands, so stand in it. The Storm of Justice is upon the face of the earth, and its ferociousness is increasing.
Tell my people that I AM with them. There is no greater force than I AM, and there is no greater protection than I AM.
For I have come to dismantle the strongholds of evil formed against my people in all parts of society on the earth, in all nations and kingdoms.
For I AM the King of all kings and no one can stop what I have set forth in this hour, and no one will stop what I AM doing!
Take your places. Be ready and incline your ear to My Calling.
Never forget Who I AM and who you are in Me.
The fruit of the smallest obedience will be multiplied in these days as you never thought could be possible.
You are born for such a time as this.
Don’t be distracted by the wiles of the devil, but keep your eyes fixed on Me,” says The LORD, “and together we will make history!”
End of word.
“Of the increase of His government and peace, there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of The LORD of Hosts will perform this!” Isaiah 9:7 NKJV.
The LORD is tearing down the high places! What a great time to be alive!
Declare : “For The LORD is the great God — and the great King above all gods!” (Psalm 95:3)
~ Marietta Wilkinson
Marietta Wilkinson is a Prophetic Voice called to usher in The Fire and Glory of The LORD for such a time as this.
Find Marietta at @swordofthekingdom (Telegram) and at praying_scripture (Instagram)
HALLELUJAH & ALL GLORY TO GOD!! AMEN!!! GOD DOES NOT SLEEP NOR SLUMBER! IT’S TIME!!! THIS CONFIRMATION OF WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THIS HOUR: “For I have come to dismantle the strongholds of evil formed against my people in all parts of society on the earth, in all nations and kingdom” YES-THE STORM OF ‘JUSTICE IS MOVING THROUGHOUT THE NATION AND THE EARTH- EVEN NOW- FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! AMOS 5:24 ☝☝
Thanks Marietta, PRAISE GOD!!!
“For The LORD is the great God — and the great King above all gods!” AMEN!!!