HomeChristian LivingStop Demonizing Cats! It’s Time to Think!


Stop Demonizing Cats! It’s Time to Think! — 8 Comments

  1. I am so sorry about the cat. This is a cruel thing! Here in America, babies are the victims. Unfortunately, they are treated more cruelty than the cat! Pray for our nation.

  2. I am so sorry and heartbroken over this my brother. May many read your message and take heed to their hateful and very wrong ways! God bless you and I’m sharing your article.

  3. Ja, Katzen sind großartige Wesen. Als meine Kinder noch klein waren, hatten wir ein Geschwisterkatzenpaar. Der Kater mit Namen Zoro, gehörte meiner jüngeren Tochter und Niki, die Katze gehörte meiner älteren Tochter. Da meine Tochter täglich mit dem Bus zur Schule fahren musste, wurde Sie immer von Niki begleitet. Was ich bis heute nicht verstanden habe war, dass Niki auch meine Tochter vom Bus abholte. Egal ob die Schule früher beendet war oder nicht. An einem Tag kam unser Tochter weinend von der Schule zurück und war tieftraurig das Niki nicht an der Haltestelle war. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt war Niki verschwunden. Erzählt wurde, dass Personen unterwegs waren die Tiere für Versuche einfangen würden. Das Drama war groß, da kein Hinweis über den Verbleib von Niki zubekommen war. Zoro mussten wir einschläfern lassen, weil ein Hund ihn zwischen seine Zähne bekommen hatte. Katzen waren danach keine mehr in unserem Haushalt.

    [ HKP : “Yes, cats are wonderful creatures. When my children were small, we had a pair of siblings. The tomcat, named Zoro, belonged to my younger daughter and the cat, Niki, belonged to my older daughter. Since my daughter had to take the bus to school every day, Niki always accompanied her. What I still don’t understand to this day is that Niki also picked up my daughter from the bus, regardless of whether school finished early or not. One day, our daughter came back from school crying and was very sad that Niki wasn’t at the bus stop. From that point on, Niki disappeared. It was said that people were on the move who were catching animals for experiments. It was a huge drama because there was no information about Niki’s whereabouts. We had to have Zoro put down because a dog had got him between its teeth. After that, we no longer had any cats in our household.” ]

  4. Ok- the cat as witches is new to me! Not sure what that is all about- I totally HATE cats(I’m highly allergic- they suppress my ability to breath) but I would not purposely do harm to one.  This sounds like some witchcraft stuff? I don’t think I’m America we have American pastors saying that-….

  5. I’m so sorry that this happened to you!  How terrible!  I have owned cats my whole life and had a sweet long-haired black cat
    named Raisin as a child.  Up until a year ago I had a short-haired black cat named Soupsy Jones who passed away of cancer.  He was the loveliest cat I’d ever had.  I am so glad that you are getting this message out because there is too much senseless superstition about them that should be eradicated.  Cats are very intelligent animals who are affectionate and loyal.  Soon I will probably look for another one to adopt.

  6. I’m so sorry this happened. I can’t imagine why people have no respect for the innocent and helpless. How we treat these little ones reveals our hearts, truly, whether our hearts are good or bad. Please Jesus, help the innocent and helpless and protect them

  7. I am so sorry!!!  Cats are wondrous creatures, full of playfulness, love, and loyalty to their people.  My heart aches for you.
    There are people here who will kill cats just for “fun” but most do not believe they are evil.  May your post get into the right set of eyes, to permently demolish such foolish notions.
    As I type, my black cat Phantom has jumped up on my lap and is purring.  They are magnificent beings.

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